Follow The Thread: A Worldbuilding Guide

By Meguey Baker This article was made possible by the generous support of our patrons. Please consider joining them by supporting us on Patreon Meguey is a museum curator and material historian specializing in textiles. Part 3: Technology, Agricultural Impact, & Transport Technology Something to make a hole and something to pull through it. Before there is woven […]

Follow The Thread: A Worldbuilding Guide

By Meguey Baker This article was made possible by the generous support of our patrons. Please consider joining them by supporting us on Patreon Meguey is a museum curator and material historian specializing in textiles. Part 2: Babies, Washing, & Staying Healthy Babies Why is there a section about babies and fertility in an article about thread? Because […]

Follow The Thread: A Worldbuilding Guide

By Meguey Baker This article was made possible by the generous support of our patrons. Please consider joining them by supporting us on Patreon Meguey is a museum curator and material historian specializing in textiles. Part 1: Thread & Clothing When you are setting out to invent the universe, follow the thread. Literally. Thread is one of the […]

Apocalypse World: Custom Advancement

This article was made possible by the generous support of our patrons. Please consider joining them by supporting us on Patreon. The Question & My Answer Is there any solution that let players play the same playbook potentially forever? Andrea Ricciardi on Discord There absolutely 100% is, yes! It’ll take a little bit of work on your part, […]

Ritual In Game Design

This article was made possible by the generous support of our patrons. Please consider joining them by supporting us on Patreon. Background: I have been creating ritual spaces and experiences for groups from two to 20+ for about 35 years. I was for a dozen years a professional facilitator and ritual designer for a local non-profit specifically designed […]

A Theory Point: RPG Essentialism & RPG Exceptionalism

This article was made possible by the generous support of my patrons. Please consider joining them by supporting me on Patreon. There are, I think, two twin ideas that underpin a lot of rpg theory, to its detriment. Let’s call them rpg essentialism and rpg exceptionalism. RPG essentialism is the idea that deep down, all rpgs are the […]