I've seen this doc getting updated over the weeks but it's been a while since I looked at it. Again I'm struck by the awesomeness of it. Very cool and good in many ways.
A couple of comments, of mixed nature...
- The appearance options are so very cool. (I'm in love with manly face for women!)
- Re last names, like -(s)son I think it should be -(s)dóttir. All my icelandic friends (and their friends on facebook) have it that way. Kristinsdóttir, Johannsdóttir. Could be a modern thing, but I wouldn't assume it.
- You are, in several places, quite careful to point out that what the character has isn't too much, especially when it comes to people around them. A small ship with a few men, two slaves, a warchief defaulting to one or two loyal warriors. Is this an important part of how you want it? To me it feels much more exciting to let the warchief be a warchief, with a medium gang as default, or thereabouts.
- The viking gets a karve ship, but that's not mentioned in the world description later. Why not just give them a longship, of which the karve is a variant, as I understand it?
- At the moment Gestur, Beer-giver, Cunning and Homeless give me the hots the most. But then again, that changes every time I look at the text! And nothing gives me the meh.