I'll cut you a deal, you can mess around with Swarm however you like, if you'll proofread this move for the Skinjacker:
When you come into direct skin contact with a viable host, even for an instant, you can switch bodies. Roll+sly. On a 10+, choose 1, on a 7-9, choose 2. On a miss, you can still switch if you want. If you are really, really sure.
- Spend 1 Creep
- Your new body is stunned for a moment
- Your old host isn't stunned for a moment, and realises they've been 'jacked
- Anyone paying close attention notices the switch
Not sure if this would be a normal move, or a signature. I just feel it needs it.
Regarding the social vs. aggro, perhaps encouraging RP etc. while in the Afterlife would be more in line through mechanics would be appropriate, because every single one of these playbooks is either a killing machine, or has a significant mind control/influence shtick.
I am perfectly fine with this.
You said it yourself: B-movie horror flick. Keep repeating that to yourself, and you'll see that everything is fine. The Afterlife is backstage. While in the mortal realm, things die. Things die hard, and messy, and in various hilarious and creepily creative ways.
This is a good thing.
Addendum: Have you asked any of your players how they felt it went? Confide in them that everything went off the rails (for you at least), and perhaps whether what they did resulted in that. See what responses you get. I'd certainly be interested.