Great AP! One note I'd give on your feedback about Lucius being frustrated by not being able to do things like kick down doors because he doesn't have Bend Bars, Lift Gates: remember that while fiction flows from the moves, the moves also flow from the fiction.
Not having BBLG doesn't mean that somehow every bar and gate is mystically impervious to Lucius' attempts bend or lift them, it just means that he doesn't get to use that particular move to do it. Probably it's down to the GM's choice (keeping in mind your principles, of course), but maybe if it's really urgent it's a Str-based Defy Danger. On a 10+, yeah, the gate's open... but he doesn't get to pick whether it draws little attention or whether it can easily be put back or what have you. On a 7-9, sure, the gate's lifted, but... well, I'm sure you can come up with hard bargains and ugly choices for that.