AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen

  • 26 Replies
Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2012, 07:48:32 AM »
Yesterday's actual play report: link.

Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2012, 01:06:26 PM »
Great AP! One note I'd give on your feedback about Lucius being frustrated by not being able to do things like kick down doors because he doesn't have Bend Bars, Lift Gates: remember that while fiction flows from the moves, the moves also flow from the fiction.

Not having BBLG doesn't mean that somehow every bar and gate is mystically impervious to Lucius' attempts bend or lift them, it just means that he doesn't get to use that particular move to do it. Probably it's down to the GM's choice (keeping in mind your principles, of course), but maybe if it's really urgent it's a Str-based Defy Danger. On a 10+, yeah, the gate's open... but he doesn't get to pick whether it draws little attention or whether it can easily be put back or what have you. On a 7-9, sure, the gate's lifted, but... well, I'm sure you can come up with hard bargains and ugly choices for that.

Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2012, 06:37:49 PM »
That's what he is seeing too, but still he feels restricted.

BTW, what I forgot to mention: how can I handle PCs selling stuff? Is that just a "reverse" supply move where the PC is offering an item and expecting money in return?



  • 777
Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2012, 04:33:50 AM »
That sounds like a cool way to implement selling stuff.
Why are the players wanting to sell stuff? To generate funds? If there is no agenda or you can't think of a good 7-9 complication, just say yes and get on with the good stuff. But perhaps  if it feels like there is some danger in this transaction, perhaps you could identify the risk (danger) and use Defy Danger as a move?

The simplest interpretation being that the danger is they get fleeced, or perhaps someone notices them fencing for large sums of gold and picks them as a target, or perhaps someone says sure, they'll buy that junk off you (as a favour) but only if you help them with a little something something in return, or maybe word gets out that you have raided the temple of the spider god and the culties come searching.

Or maybe you just announce a grim portent? There's game in that little scenario for sure.

Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2012, 08:29:13 AM »
Thanks for the hints, noofy.

Considering all that, the transaction was rather mundane. The dwarven fighter just wanted to sell his old and used scale mail, because he had gotten fancy plate mail. Maybe instead of rolling, I just should have given him half-price and be done with it.

Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2012, 09:08:17 PM »
The next to last installment in the BDQ Series is online: link



  • 25
Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2012, 11:39:45 PM »
Great review. I just sell things at half price and move on. But I like the idea of doing a Defy Danger when it makes sense to avoid the cultists noticing that their temple was raided or to get a respectable deal from the shifty eyed merchant.

I struggle with the 7-9 on Defy Danger. I'll have to try the recommendations on this thread. That may help. In combat things are moving so quickly and fast (that's good) that to slow it down with DD and drum my fingers and think, what can I do, what can I do, isn't good. I'd like to see Defy Danger 7-9 have an optional rule that provides more ideas for the GM. I'll also try asking players when I'm out of ideas.

I enjoyed reading the play report. Keep it up.

Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2012, 05:00:55 AM »
Whatever happened to my post with the link to the actual play report? Was it considered spam?

Yesterday we played the third session in the module series. This is the link to the play report: In the Service of the Black King

Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2012, 05:44:06 AM »
Murder-of-crows, your posts today aren't appearing for me! I can see that you last posted at 7 today but I can't see that post.

Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2012, 05:45:54 AM »
Actually I can see your post when I'm writing a reply in the topic summary.

Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2012, 06:33:49 AM »
Murder-of-crows, your posts today aren't appearing for me! I can see that you last posted at 7 today but I can't see that post.

Already wrote skinnyghost about that. I can't see my posts either. Maybe I am considered spam...

Re: AP: The Barrow of the Dwarven Queen
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2012, 11:49:58 AM »
The spam filters have been overreacting particularly the last few days.  I'll have Vx take a look for us.