« on: August 10, 2012, 11:26:16 AM »
Happy Friday everyone!
I've made up a few custom moves for an upcoming Demo (and future demo's)
want to get some feed back>
I'm looking to introduce custom moves, and keep it generic to allow players to have options to use a different stat based on their Strengths OR what they'd like to do...
1st one is to set up future moves for that scene, added option to use a X Basic Move so the player has more choice.
2nd one is a generic - get some $ or something interesting.
3rd is travel.
here they are:
When you want something and go into a Holdings bustling Market place, or enter an establishment…
Roll +Sharp if you’re looking to Wheel & Deal
Roll +Hard if you’re looking to Throw Down
Roll +Cool if you’re looking to Get in or out of Trouble
Roll +Hot if you’re looking to bring your Sexy-Back
Roll +Weird if you’re looking to get Fucked-Up
On a 10+ Pick 2, On a 7-9 pick 1 with strings attached, I’ll tell you what.
*The person you wanted to see is there, Name them, or let Mc Detail, you choose.
*You get down to business: Name them, or Mc details, you choose. +1 Forward to a Sharp, basic move with them.
*You catch them vulnerable: Name them, or Mc details, you choose. +1 Forward to a Hard basic move with them.
*You put your best moves on: Name them, or Mc details, you Choose. +1 Forward to a Hot basic move with them this scene.
*You see a golden opportunity to do it: Name your plan, +1 forward to a Cool basic move for this scene.
*You get your Fix (describe) and you’re Blissed out, +1 forward to a Weird basic move.
On a Miss your Mc will make a move. Enjoy!
Love & Kisses, your MC.
When you GO 4TH Looking To $CORE,
Tell me who’s going, and to where, then,
If you Bust down the door, Guns a Blaz’in, Roll +Hard.
If you Sneak in and NINJA that Shit, Roll +Cool.
If you LOVE IT when a PLAN comes together, Roll +Sharp.
If you got an IDEA so CRAZY, it’ll work, Roll +Weird.
If you Fuck ‘em, then Fuck ‘em Over, Roll +Hot.
On a 10+ pick 3. On a 7-9, Pick 1 & but something went wrong.
*You find something or someone of value (pick one); they, or it embodies; Hard, Cool, Sharp, Hot, or Weird (pick one).
*Gain +Barter from Raiding, Scavenging, Stealing, Deal making (honest or dishonest), fucking, or honest work (pick one).
*You or your people didn’t make any enemies.
*You or your people didn’t get hurt.
On a Miss, it’s not going to be Pretty…I get to make a move. Enjoy!
Love & Kisses, your MC.
When you travel though the WASTELAND,
If you go HARD and FAST, Roll +Hard.
If you PROCEED with CAUTION, Roll +Cool.
If you make a PLAN and FOLLOW IT THROUGH, Roll +Sharp.
If you FOLLOW your BRAIN, Roll +Weird (you Fucking wack-job).
If you SHOW SOME LEG and GET A FREE RIDE, Roll +Hot.
On a 10+ You get all 3.
On a 7-9 Pick 1 & there’s a hitch… I’ll tell you what:
*You get there!
*You didn’t get into any trouble!
*You didn’t make any enemies!
On a Miss... I make a move... Enjoy!
Love & Kisses, your MC.
---------Thanks in Advance, HankleVonCrankle