[Draft] New Class: The Noble

  • 34 Replies
Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2012, 12:51:53 PM »
I've updated this with some changes based on various feedback; I've also added look, bonds, and alignment. Hopefully the formatting on this doesn't mess up too bad!

Thanks, everyone!
- AD

They say you'll be no use in a dungeon. You're sure you're not afraid to get your hands dirty. Prove it, noble.

   cunning eyes, innocent eyes, grim eyes, hopeful eyes
   fat body, diseased body, handsome body, athletic body
   fine clothes, unless you're slumming or in disguise (in which case, pauper's clothes)
   a staff of office, heirloom sword, illuminated book of legends, or pet bird or dog
   4+constitution HP
   d6 damage

   You begin play with 50 gold, any mundane gear you desire.
   Ask each other player in turn to define a hireling that works for you (cost, skill, and name).

   ____ served under my father, and I was cruel to them
   ____ served under my father, and I was kind to them
   ____ is an uncultured savage, but I will teach them of the finer things
   ____ amazes me with their skill and talent; I hope to learn from them
   Evil: Murder someone to advance your ambition
   Good: Use your connections and influence to help others
   Lawful: Take action to uphold the current political system
   Chaotic: Subvert the system to your own ends

   Dwarf: You were trained in the ways of the merchant-princes of the deep mountain holds. Add the following to your esoteric training: stonework, smithing, and fine craftsmanship

   Elven: You've learned to be wary of hidden dangers and stalking assassins. When you'd suffer damage from a source you were unaware of, reduce that damage by 2.

   Human: You've learned to twist the dagger after the thrust; whenever you successfully manipulate, blackmail, intimidate, or command someone, take +1-forward against them.

   Connections: When you need access to something or someone, spread the word and roll+cha. On a 10+, someone has what you need for a reasonable price. On a 7-9, choose one.
      - it's exorbitantly expensive, even for you
      - it's dangerous to obtain
      - it'll cost you in non-monetary ways, like favors or tasks

   Esoteric Training: You grew up in a lavish and luxurious manner; no cost was spared in your pleasure or education. Pick two subjects from the following; when they apply to a roll you make, take +1.
      - dueling
      - horsemanship
      - ancient history
      - courtship and seduction
      - warfare and strategy
     - games of skill and chance
      - geography and politics
      - languages and cultures
      - sailing

   Hired Assistant: You've got a hired assistant of above-average skill and capability. Choose a class not occupied by another one of the players; your assistant has one move from that class (for the purposes of this move, preparing and casting spells counts as a single move) that they will use on your behalf and appropriate gear. They may also use any of the basic moves on your behalf. Choose a name, look, and alignment from that class.
   The assistant has hit points and damage as per that class, but uses your stats for rolls. When the assistant fails a roll on your behalf, they mark XP instead of you. In addition, the assistant marks XP at the end of the session based on alignment and question-answering. They level up when they reach the required amount and choose a new move, but they never increase stats and can't go above 5th level.
   Your hired assistant desires one of the following and will serve you as long as you provide it.
      - riches
      - justice
      - thrills
      - love
      - reknown

   Person of Lordly Caliber: When you aid or interfere with another PC, increase the bonus or penalty by 1. When you order hirelings, take +1.

Adv Moves
   Above the Law: When you return to a civilized place in which you've caused trouble before, roll+cha. On a hit, all the right people feel that your ill deeds are of little consequence. On a 7–9, that, and, the GM chooses a complication:
      - but only if you seek a pardon personally
      - but only if you make a show of good faith
      - but only if you have something to offer

   Bargain: When you go to buy something, reduce the price in coins by your charisma (if this drops the price to 0 coins, they give it to you in good will or a token of admiration or something).

   Goad: When you insult and threaten an intelligent creature, roll+cha. On a hit, they're angry at you and all their focus is on you. On a 10+, take +1-ongoing against them as long as they're mad.

   Gold Magnet: Whenever you enter a steading and spend a little time there, roll+cha. On a hit, gain 1d6*10 coin. On a 7-9, also choose one.
      - someone takes an unsavory interest in your wealth
     - there are some strings attached
     - you'll need to pay it back at some point
     - it comes from less than reputable sources
   Either way, the GM'll probably ask how you got it. On a miss, you find you've been robbed!

   Gossip: When you go out in a steading and spread rumors about a person, place, or thing, roll+cha. On a hit, some people in the steading believe you, but not everyone. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+, choose two.
      - most everyone in the steading believes you
      - it travels to nearby steadings as fast as is reasonable
      - nobody can trace the rumors to you

   Hardened: You've been hardened by your nights on the road and days deep underground. Gain +2 hit points.
   Jocky: When you take this move, ask how many people stand between you and the throne, if it isn't clear already. He'll list a bunch (5, maybe, 10) of obvious suspects - people who are higher in rank, more influential, closer to the current ruler. He'll also list some less obvious folks - people who aren't maybe in line to rule themselves, but who'd block you from moving forward. Whenever you take action that might allow you to surpass the next person in line, roll+cha. On a 10+, you've managed to advance your cause. On a 7-9, the GM chooses one:
      - you've moved them out of the way or placated them, but someone else steps in to fill the void
     - you've moved them out of the way or placated them, but someone higher up is now suspicious and wary
     - you've not surpassed them, yet, but you're close the GM will tell you how you can do it

   Life of the Party: When you carouse, on a 12+ choose as many options as you'd like. Everyone had a blast and people will talk about this for years to come; you're a minor celebrity in this steading now.

   Lucky: When you make camp or visit a steading, hold 3 luck. Whenever you roll a miss, spend 1 luck and re-roll. On a hit, explain how you succeed by sheer fortune and good luck. When you spend your last luck, well, your luck has run out... take -1-forward until you gain more.

   Student: You've learned well from your companions. Whoever you have the most bonds with, choose and learn one of their class moves.

   Talented Assistant: Your assistant has all the starting moves of his class.

   Word of Command: When you give an NPC or collected group of NPCs an order, roll+cha. On a 10+, select two and the GM will pick one. On a 7-9, the GM picks one.
      - they angrily attack
      - they back of slowly
      - they grovel and beg
      - they do it
      - they offer you something else they think you want

   Worldly: You pick up new skills easily; choose a playbook not currently in use by another player and gain a move from it.

   Jack of All Trades (Requires: Worldly): You pick up new skills easily; choose a playbook not currently in use by another player and gain a move from it.

   Keen Learner (Requires: Student): You've learned well from your companions. Whoever you have the most bonds with, choose and learn one of their class moves.

   Master Assistant (Requires: Talented Assistant): Your assistant can reach up to level 10.

   Supremely Lucky (Requires: Lucky): You may also spend your luck to:
      - avoid all damage from a single attack
      - find or have on hand a single mundane item you need
      - run into someone helpful to you right now



  • 53
Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2012, 01:30:11 PM »
Man, it's very good!

Your class is very evocative =)

Other class I'd love to see is the Warlord (maybe mixing something for the fighter, the paladin and the noble).

Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2012, 03:34:06 PM »
Since this has proved so popular, I've posted two new compendium classes that a noble might take, over in my "Little Things" thread.


The Spymaster collects secrets like dragons hoard gold, using them for the power they bring. The Warlord is a keen and able commander of soldiers and allies. Both of them are suitable for a number of classes, but may be fun for nobles. :)

- Alex



  • 134
Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2012, 10:30:14 PM »
The Chaotic alignment key seems a little... evil?

A chaotic, adventuring noble seems (to me) to be more about experiencing the rush and excitement of life on the edge.  I'm not happy with any of these, but something like:
-Take an unnecessary risk just for the thrill of it
-Do or feel something you've never done or felt before
or maybe
-Cause trouble for your allies or servants

Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2012, 01:13:14 PM »
Hm! I'm not convinced it's evil, but I'm curious. I'd like to hear more opinions on the chaotic alignment! :)
- Alex

Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2012, 01:31:57 PM »
I think the word subvert is the weak link in the chaotic alignment.  It suggests getting something unintended out of the system, like a tax dodge or voiding military surplus to feed the poor.  I think you want a word that implies changing the system, not using it to do something unintended.  A lawful person would get in line and uphold the system, right or wrong.  A good person or an evil person would subvert it to further their goals.  A chaotic person might say that the system is broken or should not exist at all and try to dismantle it.  Maybe dismantle would work better?

Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2012, 01:51:36 PM »
Oh, man, that's totally strange to me! I see subversion of the system as a very chaotic thing, but not necessarily evil (maybe good, maybe evil, maybe just chaotic).

Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2012, 02:23:32 PM »
Right but you are subverting the system to do something (good or bad).  You're still working within and using the system.  For example, corporations subvert "the system" all the time, are they chaotic? [crap, I don't have a good answer to that question] What is left when you cut away good, bad, and lawful?  Is there a clearer example of being chaotic? [no good answer for that either]

Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2012, 05:13:31 PM »
Hmm.  Interesting.  Though, I'd say that "The Noble" is much more appropriate as a Compendium Class.  That said, don't listen to me!



  • 134
Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2012, 06:05:36 PM »
I think the word subvert is the weak link in the chaotic alignment.  It suggests getting something unintended out of the system, like a tax dodge or voiding military surplus to feed the poor.  I think you want a word that implies changing the system, not using it to do something unintended.  A lawful person would get in line and uphold the system, right or wrong.  A good person or an evil person would subvert it to further their goals.  A chaotic person might say that the system is broken or should not exist at all and try to dismantle it.  Maybe dismantle would work better?

Oh, man, that's totally strange to me! I see subversion of the system as a very chaotic thing, but not necessarily evil (maybe good, maybe evil, maybe just chaotic).

We get into the realms of moral philosophy pretty quickly here, but I'd take it a step further than Mease (Marshal?) does.  If I'm intentionally subverting a system, it's either for personal gain (or fun) or for (what I perceive as) the greater good.  If I'm accidentally subverting a system then, or just don't care if do... well, that's not something that should be a core motivator to my character.

I'd try to tie the aligments to speicific observable things, but in a way that demonstrates the Noble's motivation to go adventuring.  Show, don't tell.  Like, maybe these?

-Evil: Your status or influence lets you get away with something sordid
-Good: You sacrifice your comfort or safety to the benefit of your lessers
-Lawful: You invoke your authority to uphold the law
-Chaotic: You experience a thrill you'd never have gotten in courtly life



  • 134
Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2012, 06:07:46 PM »
Hmm.  Interesting.  Though, I'd say that "The Noble" is much more appropriate as a Compendium Class.  That said, don't listen to me!

Making it a Compendium Class would imply that you start as an adventurer and become a Noble.  What's cool about this class (to me) is the transition from soft Noble to hardened adventurer.

Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2012, 06:08:58 PM »
What about:
Lawful: When you use authority or appeal to tradition to get your way
Chaotic: When you buck authority or defy tradition to get your way

Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2012, 07:53:21 PM »

Making it a Compendium Class would imply that you start as an adventurer and become a Noble.  What's cool about this class (to me) is the transition from soft Noble to hardened adventurer.

It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine a compendium class, or set of classes, that apply at first level.  The Peasant, The Craftsman, the Noble.  All pre-classes you could apply as part of a campaign setup.



  • 777
Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2012, 08:53:44 PM »
Yeah, remember that Adam and Sage are working with folks who backed at the compendium level to create some cool classes....
The noble or something like it may just be one of them!

That said, I think Alex's work on the Noble is inspired, well done chap! I particularly like the advanced social moves :)

On the chaotic front? Perhaps have two 'tag' word options (or more) under chaotic - that implies the fickle, self-serving nature of their demeanor and the ability to choose how the character percieves their own actions.

Re: [Draft] New Class: The Noble
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2012, 09:34:58 PM »
Adam, Jeremy's spot-on on why this is a base class! But the idea of 1st level compendiums is kinda interesting, too! :)

I'd also like to see another form of noble that represents moving into the title / gaining land as opposed to being born in - that'd definitely be an awesome compendium class.

I just had a discussion with a friend about how it's hard to make classes in DW as many things just work better as CCs... :)

Finally, a few of the alignment ideas here have got me thinking. Thanks, guys!

- Alex