Hey, so, since the AW book is sort of sparse in terms of useful play aids, I thought it'd be nice to offer a place on the forum for fan-created aids, sheets, and stuff.
Rules for this thread:- Only post items for
unhacked Apocalypse World. If you have new playbooks, post them somewhere else! Your maps, post them somewhere else! We only want stuff that has wide vanilla accessibility here.
- Label your links. Don't just toss up a filename and hope that we know what you mean by it.
- Say how to use your thing!
Suggestions for play aids:- Use fonts that coordinate with the book. See Johnstone's (abridged) tips and my notes below:
The distressed fonts are VTKS Good Luck For You (S: for covers and titles) and Crust Clean (S: for text headings). Crust Clean doesn't come with punctuation, so Vincent used Dirty Ego for that. All three are available for free at dafont.com.
Consolas is the playbook body text, and Verdana Bold is used for the R Rating and the footers and numbering. Those are both standard fonts that your should have already, or you can get them from the MS website.
The body text in the rulebook is Chaparral Pro, an Adobe font. I believe it comes bundled with certain Adobe programs, but maybe somebody can suggest a free font that is at least passably similar. (S: Consolas is hella ugly and monospaced fonts are completely illegible so you should just use Chaparral for everything)
- It's considerate to use A4 or letter format (8.5in x 11in, for you Europeans) for your sheets so people don't need to buy special paper to use them. (Hey Vincent when do we get decent letter-formatted playbooks?)
- It's smart to label your sheets so it's evident what they're for even if it's not fully clear how they do it.
PLAYTEST YOUR SHEETS!I can't stress this enough. Seriously. Make sure you find a couple of people with different handwriting and don't all be architects or something and see if you have left enough space to write stuff down. See if you're forced to reference outside your sheets for things that should be on them. See what's on your sheets that you don't need or care about! Try different approaches before you post something, make sure it's real good.