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Freebooting Venus / Rebooting this game
« Last post by Paul T. on July 01, 2021, 12:05:55 AM »

I am posting here mostly to see if any interest in this game still exists. I'm running a campaign for some friends, with great success so far (despite some odds spots here and there). We're thinking about modifying or extending the game.

I'd love to hear if anyone is still reading, playing, or curious to chat about the game! Let's do so.
the nerve core / Re: Vincents intentions regarding queer concept
« Last post by nomadzophiel on June 30, 2021, 12:33:24 PM »
I know this thread is ancient but something in my real life brought it to my attention again.
Every year, I go to Wasteland Weekend, a post-apocalypse themed festival in California. I run a small operation there and for the last ten years or so, this paragraph has always been in the back of my head when I sit down to design an experience that will be welcoming of the people that usually get passed over by the standard Mad-Max hyper-testosterone aesthetic. I've quoted it to people for years and someone inspired me to finally find the original again so I could share it.

It's our post-apocalypse. What are we going to make of it?

I read a really interesting piece on post-apocalypses and feminism I wish that I could find again. It had looked at a variety of post-apocalypses. In each, had power-based interpersonal hierarchies come to dominate, or had they broken down? And for each, which portion of the audience found it "grim" and "depressing"? The conclusion the piece reported was that straight white dudes tended to find post-apocalypses where power-based interpersonal hierarchies had broken down grim, where, y'know, women and people of color and queer people tended to find the same post-apocalypses optimistic, and considered the post-apocalypses where a dude with a gun or a "pure" vision took control and led with an iron fist to be the grim ones.

Apocalypse World / Re: Rules clarification
« Last post by Munin on June 14, 2021, 04:10:58 PM »
To expand a little bit on the last response, the "rules" in Apocalypse World may feel quite a bit different from the rules in traditional RPGs because they concern themselves with different things. I find I almost never need to "bend the rules" in AW because they are sufficiently flexible that it's never really an issue.

The bulk of the MC's principles in AW are about coming up with interesting consequences to the PCs' actions, and in that regard the story is very much the most important bit. Just beware that you're not imposing "plot" on them, as one of your most important principles is "play to find out."
Apocalypse World / Re: Rules clarification
« Last post by bonkydog on June 10, 2021, 02:44:58 AM »
Yes, in fact you are encouraged to change everything, creating new games.
Apocalypse World / Rules clarification
« Last post by s4ff0 on May 31, 2021, 09:09:31 PM »
Dunno if this question was already replied or not (i use the search and didn't find it xd but maybe i m not good at it :P) ;

Would like to know if the system is strictly rules based or  story tellings is the priority; just to know;
And how you play it; In many games sometimes in the past as master i had skipped rules or bend to the benefit of the story / pleasure of the game ;
Would like to go a bit deeper on this aspect and if you play this one strictly following the rules or you bend them and in what situations;  I would like to know what  D. Baker s think about this aspect if possibile ;
My vision is that story (player s one) have priority over rules;  Just want to know if its just my pov and what thinks others and what is the official position of whom created the system :)

i would like to add some more info, in nearly all gdr games there is the base rule, "change stuff as you like" In this system stuff could be changed on the run for a better and funnier story?

thanks in advance for every contribution :)
the nerve core / Re: New Here wanted to say hello
« Last post by bonkydog on May 10, 2021, 11:45:33 PM »
Hi! Welcome to here!
brainstorming & development / Re: Surveys and Playtesting Questions
« Last post by Shostakofish on April 04, 2021, 02:02:01 AM »
I actually use Microsoft forms to gather feedback from my players when I DM, they allow for anonymous responses, essay answers, multiple choice (with fill in the blank options), or scaled answers.

If I were receiving playtesting responses, I would do a pattern of multiple choice questions followed by optional essay areas. That way if people were feeling a bit lazy you could still get some semblance of a response from the multiple choice with room followed for elaboration.

Topics that would I would consider useful for playtesting would be:

Perceived genre
Presence of tension (or lack therof)
Grammar and spelling
Vocabulary choices

There are a lot more that I'm missing too, but those are off the top of my head.
Monster of the Week / Re: A few custom playbooks
« Last post by mantaray on March 17, 2021, 08:58:15 AM »
These are so so rad! I'm trying to adapt the system to some sci-fi stuff and The Parasite was just what one of my players needed, thank you so much! Or should I say... merci? Either way these are very cool thanks again.
Apocalypse World / Re: Chopper Move - Fucking Thieves
« Last post by G_Sier on March 08, 2021, 05:16:01 PM »
That clears it for me, thanks for the help Munin!
Apocalypse World / Re: Chopper Move - Fucking Thieves
« Last post by Munin on March 08, 2021, 04:13:48 PM »
Yes, it's supposed to be kind of like "fingers in every pie" for stuff that it is reasonable that one of your gang members could have found/liberated/requisitioned/stolen/extorted. It's more limited in scope but also more immediate in its application - if you get a hit you have the thing right now, you don't have to wait for it to show up.
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