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Apocalypse World / Re: What's the deal with venues? Burned Over
« Last post by Timkiller888 on November 19, 2021, 02:19:28 PM »
Anybody got any idea? And for that matter, what's with "repair" on certain playbooks for weapons? Hoping to get an answer before the pornborgs hijack the topic with promises of carnal excess.
Apocalypse World / What's the deal with venues? Burned Over
« Last post by Timkiller888 on November 18, 2021, 12:26:02 AM »
I've been tearing apart the MC stuff for Burned Over, and while mentioned, there's no writeups about them in the hack book that I can find.

To my eyes, it appears to be a rename of the Maestro D's establishment. Is that the case, or is there a doc/post somewhere with the relevant info?
Apocalypse World / Re: Wolves of the Maelstrom as PCs
« Last post by Himalayan Salt on November 03, 2021, 11:12:39 PM »
I haven't run for or played a Child-Thing, so I can just help you with just the last two questions.

The PC might not be a human, but they can still have humanity. Keep in mind even NPC Wolfs are Grotesques, which are explicitly described as incredibly fucked up people - but still people and subject to the "Make everyone human" Principal.

The PC Wolf doesn't have to be going after the Child-Thing. The NPC Wolves are, but you can ask the Wolf PC "So why aren't you interested in hunting the Child-Thing?" Hell, there's nothing saying they can't be allies to the Child-Thing if that's the route the players go.
Apocalypse World / Wolves of the Maelstrom as PCs
« Last post by Ranx on November 03, 2021, 06:45:12 AM »
   I'm going to be starting a new AW2e campaign soon an one of my players has expressed interest in the Child-Thing. This raises the possibility that somewhere between one and all of my other players will be Wolves of the Maelstrom.

I specifically included the child-thing playbook as an option because of the WotM, and especially a PC WotM, but now that it might be a reality I find myself a bit unsure how to handle it.

Does anyone have experience running a game for PC wolves? How did you do it? What insights did you give them into the nature and secrets of the Maelstrom? How do you play your characters as though they were real people when they aren't actually people? How do you have the characters know each other and work together when a PC wolf is hunting the child-thing?
Apocalypse World / Re: new threat type: Horrors
« Last post by Munin on October 19, 2021, 10:43:05 AM »
This fits in very nicely with the other threats. I have run a couple of games using ghosts or demons or unnatural creatures, and what you've outlined here describes how I ended up running them pretty well.
Apocalypse World / new threat type: Horrors
« Last post by nerdwerds on October 17, 2021, 02:38:28 PM »
A horror is an unnatural creature - something inherently inhuman or inhumane. It either exists on the periphery of reality, barely understood, or its presence suggests profane and aberrant mutation, and more horrors to come.
- Beast (impulse: to hunt and feed)
- Progenitor (impulse: to breed)
- Butcher (impulse: to slaughter)
- Mockery (impulse: to sow turmoil/bedlam)
- Magpie (impulse: to steal and hoard valuables)
- Flood (impulse: to spread and claim territory)

Threat moves for horrors:
- push opening your brain
- display evidence of its inhuman nature
- attack suddenly, during a moment of calm or rest
- attack silently and/or without emotion
- leave behind evidence of brutality/savagery
- defy someone?s expectations
- snatch someone into it?s clutches
- seize space/something/someone and hold it
- maim or cripple someone
- destroy someone, transforming their nature

A horror threat should always be foreshadowed. Foreshadowing should be simple and easy to follow, but doesn't have to be believable.
I wrote this because I have often wanted to include monsters in some of my games. We played a campaign that included a zombie apocalypse and the regular threat types in the rulebook didn't always seem appropriate for what we were doing. I'll probably expand upon this more later.
Monster of the Week / Re: A few custom playbooks
« Last post by CaiusRomanus on October 14, 2021, 11:24:18 AM »
Hey Mantaray, I totally missed your comment. I posted my playbooks on reddit after getting no news here, and I just remembered this thread...
Anyway, I'm glad you liked what I wrote ! If you have any feedback (feelings from the player, balance issue or just some story which came in play, I'm all ears (well, "eyes", but you get my point).

Just so you know, I added a fifth playbook (something inspired by the Dark souls series) and some small tweaks to the existing ones. It's updated in the dropbox folder.
I like it, it really taps into the post-apocalypse misunderstanding of the pre-apocalypse. Tempted to make a culture-interpretation move for any piece of Golden Age stuff.
Apocalypse World / Re: Advance Manipulation - too many allies
« Last post by Skrig on September 18, 2021, 12:23:38 PM »
This feels like the intended consequence. You've reached the Ungiven Future, you're able to change the face of the Apocalypse World one ally at a time. By being so Hot, you're creating a world where everyone isn't a threat.

This doesn't mean they aren't complicated, that they can't cause you problems, but it shifts the tone of the Apocalypse World.
This is conceptually interesting. Thinking back to some of my own games, this could have applied to some of them, but wouldn't have been at all appropriate to others. Much will depend on the nature of you game's psychic maelstrom, but that is largely impossible to know going in because it gets defined increasingly during play (unless everyone agrees to something specific in Session 0, which we've also had happen).

I feel you on the narrative interest part, it can be hard to some up with a set of choices that feel fundamentally equal without having something that is either an auto-take or super situational. I find it's easier with consequences/complications than it is with any kind of buff or boon, but that might just be my MC reflexes being more consistently tuned for coming up with engaging consequences.
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