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Messages - Ernesto Pavan

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6]
You have an e-mail ^^

Cuz those are, like, the only two playbooks I am missing. ;_; I have all the others, including the Grotesque (, and are willing to trade them for those two. Thanks. ^_^

Apocalypse World / Changing character type
« on: November 07, 2011, 07:26:00 AM »
Under the "changing character type" option for advanced, uh, advancement, you read:

[The character]gGets everything belonging to her new life. Her new moves, as
she chooses them; her new gear and other new crap.

Does it mean, for example, that switching from any to Gunglugger allows me to choose three Gunlugger moves?

Apocalypse World / A couple questions about the Battlebabe
« on: August 04, 2011, 09:17:04 AM »
Hi everyone! Last Monday I made up my Battlebabe, but something about the gear doesn't sound right to me:

1) Why is the rifle inferior to the shotgun? It does 1 less harm and is loud instead of messy (a limitation).
2) Why is "semiautomatic" the only way to get rid of Reload? Did bolt-actions meet the same end of second names in the Apocalypse World?
3) Why is the rifle's range "far" and not "close/far"? Is there any reason for which a rifle shouldn't be effective when you can see someone's eyes? And why is "3-round burst" the only way to add "close"?

This should be everything for now.

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