« on: March 14, 2012, 08:12:09 AM »
Three of us tried out The Regiment last night. To answer the question posed on the Mighty Atom website "Should you try this out?", we ticked two and a half of the three boxes. We had never played Apocalypse World and didn't know it well, however all of us had played Monster of the Week and two of us had played Dungeon World. We were fans of war movies and we were definitely up for playtesting a game from bare-bones components.
The game was enjoyed by all and the objective was achieved.
We played with a default platoon, the Officer moved between teams, the Sergeant and the Medic were in one team, the Soldier was in another team and the third team was NPCs only. Most of the time we were conducting PC team on NPC team firefights rather than PC on NPC, we were unsure if we should have been using the gang rules from AW or the Force Parity table or some sort of combination of the two (which was what we mostly did). We had the PC make the appropriate roll which sometimes seemed odd (the Medic making an attack the enemy move, when there's an NPC Sgt in the squad).
How is gear treated with regard to NPCs? We played it that whenever a team made a move requiring gear, a PC in the team had to pay the cost.
When a make a close assault roll is failed we figured that either a second make a close assault move had to be made or act despite danger, depending on the hard move given by the GM on the first fail. Harm was the hard move given initially, and it was decided that the players pressed the attack and made a second close combat roll which then routed the enemy. Was this done correctly?
When giving orders (from PCs to NPCs) they were generally carried out as if it was "standard infantry training". If it was counter to the "survival instincts" of the NPC then the PC would have to impose their will, there is a fine line between the two...
I really enjoyed the XP rules, as the Sergeant managed to gain an advance due to really poor rolls and taking damage, takes the sting out of poor dice rolls :)