Fighting, interrupting, GM rolls

  • 4 Replies
Fighting, interrupting, GM rolls
« on: October 30, 2015, 12:19:37 PM »
You knew this was coming:

1) Can you fight another PC? The text reads like you can.

2) Does the GM roll too? If so, does the GM have access to all the moves, or just fighting? If not, who rolls when your enemy is an NPC?

3) How does this interact with interrupting someone?
On 10+, they just stop your attack?
On 7-9, you have to back down or fight back (ie, you're still fighting them) -- in which case you both roll fight with someone now?

[edited my pronouns]
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 12:44:58 PM by ColdLogic »



  • 1293
Re: Fighting, interrupting, GM rolls
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2015, 12:37:37 PM »
1. Yes.

2. Yes. In principle, NPCs and monsters have access to all the moves, but in practice, you'll rarely want or need any of them but fighting.

3. Yes.


Re: Fighting, interrupting, GM rolls
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2015, 02:42:21 PM »
I foresee some discussion, at my table at least, about how someone might interrupt an attack in a way that isn't just fighting. Like, locking swords or kicking them in the shins or something would seem to be fighting, in my book. I guess getting out of the way or something... Have you seen people interrupt each others' attacks in a non-fighting way in your internal playtest? If so, what did they do, just so I can get a general idea when explaining this to my group?



  • 1293
Re: Fighting, interrupting, GM rolls
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2015, 03:15:19 PM »
You've got it exactly. Don't bother interrupting an attack unless you're trying to run away or something. Anything else is fighting!


Re: Fighting, interrupting, GM rolls
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2015, 07:06:55 PM »
Admittedly without having read too much of the rules, I am now imagining fights going like in the computer adventures Monkey Island (and the sequel)... also known as Insult Sword Fighting ... with the insults interrupting the fight (if they succeed).

*fight fight fight*
"I once owned a dog that was smarter than you." -- "He must have taught you everything you know."