So, I was reaching some old episodes of Black Lagoon, and it occurred to me that Roanapur is about as close as you're likely to get to Apocalypse World in a story set in the modern world. The naming schemes are even similar. Character-wise: Revy is a straight up gunlugger (complete with Battle Hardened, Boodcrazed and Not To Be Fucked With); Dutch is an Operator; Benny is a (boat) Driver; Roberta is a Battlebabe; Balalaika is an ex Gunnluger who changed her playbook to Hardholder; Chan is a Battlebabe who took a gang and Leadership; Eda is the fan made Turncoat playbook. Rock is tough to pin down to an existing playbook; He's definitely a social character, but he's not really a Skinner -- his thing is talking people down, not turning people on. If I had to, I'd probably peg him as a custom playbook with a move letting him roll Sharp instead of Hot when he's being the voice of reason in an otherwise unstable situation.