My concern is what happens if he wants to kill the guys (seize the street) but without leaving cover. Even on a 10+ he can expect to get hit...
Awesome, I'll play.
Harm as established.Fido: "I duck behind these parked cars and start shooting anything that tries to enter the street."
MC: "Well, Millions and Jackabacka are out in the open. Your bullets zinging all around. Millions takes a shot to the leg and Jackabacka turns to help her get up. It's quite a struggle on account of how small Jackabacka is. You can see Balls up in that second story window with his SMG swinging around towards you. What do you do?"
Acting Under Fire.Fido: "Well, they're still out in the open so I'm going to put a hole in them both."
MC: "Well, they still are out in the open, but Balls is pelting you with SMG fire. You're definitely Acting Under Fire here, make a roll.
Balls: "I got a 7. I guess I flinch."
MC: "Okay, you bring your rifle up but then the car hood in front of you is just riddled with bullets. They're plinging off in all directions. You pull back to protect you're head and Millions and Jackaback lurch into an open doorway, slamming the door shut behind them. What do you do?"
Going AgroBalls: "Okay, I turn my rifle on Balls and scream 'That's the last time you get in my way! I open fire."
MC: "So, do you want to shoot Balls or would you be satisfied if he just left you alone to deal with Millions and Jackabacka?"
Balls: "I guess I'd save my ammo, if he'd stop shooting at me."
MC: "Roll to Go Aggro."
Balls: "Another 7. Sheesh."
MC: "Okay, Balls ducks back into the house. Everything's quiet on the street. What do you do?"
You can't answer these Seize by Force questions with vague hypothetical situations. You need fictional details.