Amber: Objects, Locations, and Shadows

  • 1 Replies
Amber: Objects, Locations, and Shadows
« on: October 22, 2012, 11:24:34 PM »
When introducing an object of your desire, choose its purpose, its function, and its form and materials. Also, choose any advantageous features granted by moves and advances. The possible advantageous features are as follows:
the object has something of the Real about it;
the object can reshape nearby shadow according to its purpose, function and environs;
the object can reshape itself according to its purpose, function and environs;
the object has a personality and the ability to act independently, despite not normally having such attributes;
the object's intentions and motives, literal or metaphorical, are as you desire;
the object can traverse shadow in accord with its purpose and function;
the object has 5 uses;
the object, if it has 5 uses, instead has 7 uses;
the object, if it has 7 uses, instead has 9 uses;
the object has the potential to be supernal;
the object, if it has the potential to be supernal, instead is supernal;
the object is attuned to a particular power;
the object, if attuned to a particular power, is an item or individual of power;
the object, if not supernal, is indefinitely innocuous;
the object is multiple;
the object, if multiple, instead is numerous;
the object, if numerous, instead is plentiful;
the object, if plentiful, instead is multitudinous;
the object, if multitudinous, instead is numberless;
the object is replenishing;
the object, if replenishing, instead is inexhaustible;
the object is size +1;
the object, if size +1, is instead size +2;
the object, if size +2, is instead size +3;
the object, if size +3, is instead size +4.

An object may have any combination of the following uses, once or twice over.

If an object has a use once over, then, when rolling +that rating with a move that uses the object, that object offers an advantage for that move. If the object has a use twice over, then additionally, when rolling +that rating with a move that uses the object, that object counts as a superiority for that move.

Desire can never include any particulars of personality. Specifically, an object with a personality that already exists cannot turn up as an object of desire, nor can any particular type of personality be specified at all.
When introducing a location of your desire, choose any advantageous features granted by moves and advances. The possible advantageous features of a location are as follows:
a fortuitous event is about to begin;
a fortuitous event about to begin instead begins in the future;
a present or future fortuitous event about to happen or happening in the future may also or instead happen away from the location in shadow;
the location's nature and contents are as you desire - in harmony with its region;
the location, if its nature and contents are as you desire – in harmony with its region, then its nature and contents are as you desire;
the location is inimical to whichever powers you desire;
a new shadow that contains the location is part of the Golden Circle or the Black Circle;
a new shadow that contains the location, if under Chaos' influence, is malleable;
a new shadow that contains the location, if in Chaos' vicinity, is not malleable;
a new full shadow that contains the location comprises something of the Real;
the location is a place of power;
the location has 5 tributes;
the location, if it has 5 tributes, instead has 7 tributes.

When introducing a shadow of your desire, choose any advantageous features granted by moves and advances. The possible advantageous features are as follows:
the shadow comprises something of the Real;
the shadow is part of the Golden Circle or Black Circle, and has at least way either to the center of Order or to the center of Chaos respectively;
the shadow's nature and overall contents are as you desire;
the shadow is inimical to whichever powers you desire;
the shadow is malleable, if under Chaos' influence;
the shadow is not malleable, if in Chaos' vicinity;
the shadow has ways to other shadows;
the shadow, if it has ways to other shadows, can potentially have a way opened to most any shadow within its reach;
the shadow, if it can potentially have a way opened to most any shadow within its reach, instead has a single specific type of way to most any shadow within its reach;
the shadow, if it has ways to other shadows, has a reach of one region of shadow;
the shadow contains a place of power, even if no such location is currently known;
the shadow has 5 tributes;
the shadow, if it has 5 tributes, instead has 7 tributes;
the shadow, if it has 7 tributes, instead has 9 tributes.
A location or shadow can yield any of the following tributes to its controller, once or twice over:

A location will generally have 3 tributes plus any extras from advances, moves, and schemes. A full shadow will have 3 tributes plus extras. Any one location can be additive with its shadow, if the location is involved in yielding the tribute; no such tribute can count more than twice over. If the shadow's location and contents are as you desire, you choose the tributes as you introduce the shadow; otherwise, the MC chooses.

An object, a location, or a shadow of desire can generally be what you want, how you want it. If you exert yourself, an object or a fortuitous event can be when and where you want it. Why you want it is your own business. Who you want is not attainable by any power of desire.

Re: Amber: Objects, Locations, and Shadows
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2012, 06:29:40 PM »
Here are moves an object can make if it is capable of acting on its own.

An object with uses(end) can endure hardship or duress., if there is hardship or duress to be endured. It can endure the hardship or duress without being harmed, or it can take the way through and take 1 appropriate level of harm. An object with uses (end end) can, additionally, impose -1 forward on the next move a PC makes, if that move continues to inflict the hardship or duress just endured.

An object with uses(for) can trust to its luck. It can gain a short respite for itself, or it can can find a way in or out or past or through that it might exploit, or it can come up with a likely object with 1 advantageous feature. An object with uses(for for) can choose 2 of these options rather than merely 1. An object can make this move up to twice per scene or conflict.

An object with uses(pow) can work against a PC's efforts by using its power, if it is able to bring an appropriate power to bear. If the PC makes a move opposed by this one, he takes -1 to the roll. An object with uses(pow pow) makes a PC take -2 instead of -1. An object can make this move up to twice per scene or conflict.

An object with uses(pre) may seduce or otherwise manipulate. The object declares what it wants the PC to do, and chooses whether: the PC checks experience for doing it; or the PC is discomfited for not doing it. An object with uses(pre pre) can impose both conditions. An object can make this move up to twice per scene or conflict.

An object with uses(psy) may engage in a psychic struggle, if the object has opportunity to do so. This forces the PC to oppose it by engaging in a psychic struggle, or else conceding the struggle. An object with uses(psy psy) additionally imposes -1 to the PC's roll.

An object with uses (sta) may oppose a PC's attempt to outperform it physically. If the PC attempts to outperform it physically, the PC takes -1 to the roll. An object with uses (sta sta) makes a PC take -2 instead of -1. An object can make this move up to twice per scene or conflict.

An object with uses(str) may engage in a physical struggle, if the object can act thusly and if the opponent is within the object's reach. This forces the PC to oppose it by engaging in a physical struggle, or else conceding the struggle. An object with uses(str str) additionally imposes -1 to the PC's roll.

An object with uses(war) may maneuver for advantage. It can gain a short respite for itself, or it can negate one of the PC's advantages, or it cancel all of 1 type of a PC's hold. An object with uses(war war) can choose 2 of these options rather than merely 1. An object can make this move up to twice per scene or conflict.

If a rating is desired from an object or a location or a shadow, pick an appropriate type of use or tribute. If the thing has no such uses or tributes, the rating is -1. If the thing has one, the rating is 1. If the thing has two, the rating is 2.