Take a Sex Move from another Playbook

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Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« on: September 29, 2010, 10:58:41 AM »
Does that include sex moves?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 11:03:43 AM by Bret »
Tupacalypse World

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 11:58:28 AM »
I'd say no, as they aren't technically moves. They are written down as specials, as in "Brainer Special" and "Operator Special". There's nothing about moves there.



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Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2010, 01:28:48 PM »
They are referred to as sex moves multiple times in the rules. And WITHIN those Specials.


If you and another character have sex, nullify the other character's sex move. Whatever it is, it just doesn't happen.

So yes, there is something about moves in there.
Tupacalypse World

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2010, 02:01:57 PM »
If you did allow a character to take another sex move, what would happen?  Would it supersede the old one?  Would they both happen?

I would say you shouldn't, as the sex move really speaks to the core of a character type.  I can't see the "canonical" AW Driver playing "hit it and quit it" like the Battlebabe, for example.  Outside of his car, he's just not cool enough.  (Then again, what if he was having sex inside his car... hmm.)

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2010, 07:28:43 PM »
Combining Angel & Chopper sex moves gives you this:

They set their Hx at +3. You set your Hx at +3.
They get +1 Hx with you. You get +1 or -1 Hx with them, at their choice.

Both of you mark experience.



  • 285
Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2010, 08:03:55 PM »
All that time the Angel and Chopper spent fucking looks to me like an opportunity for a hard move on a golden platter.
Tupacalypse World



  • 25
Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2010, 08:36:12 PM »
Are you taking my maelstrom baby advice to heart, Bret

because it would be the best result for these kinds of shenanigans

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2010, 08:39:51 PM »
All that time the Angel and Chopper spent fucking looks to me like an opportunity for a hard move on a golden platter.

My idea was to double-up on the Angel & Chopper sex moves.
Then you'd have the sex move "Whenever you have sex with someone, both of you mark experience."

Then you could hook up with a Gunlugger, and both of you would become AWESOME via sex. Which, let's get real here: that's the game I really want to be playing. The one where I min/max having sex for mechanical benefit.



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Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2010, 11:34:46 PM »
The one where I min/max having sex for mechanical benefit.
I play games to escape my life, Joe, not recreate it.
Tupacalypse World

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2010, 09:38:15 AM »
TMI, man.

But for reals:  sex moves speak to the very heart of the character.  If you want a different heart, play a different playbook.



  • 285
Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2010, 10:21:32 AM »
Why can you say that about the sex move and not any of the other playbook moves though? I don't buy it. Doesn't the Angels healing abilities speak to the heart of the character? Doesn't the Brainer's psycho brainmelt abilities? You can take them.
Tupacalypse World

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2010, 11:17:40 AM »
Which, let's get real here: that's the game I really want to be playing. The one where I min/max having sex for mechanical benefit.
Do you mean "that's the game of Apocalypse World I really want to be playing"?  Because if you just mean game, in general, it already exists: I think it's called Bliss Stage.

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2010, 11:35:21 AM »
@Bret:  I really hope I didn't come off cross.  If you don't buy it, you don't buy it, and that's cool.  Nothing says this all has to mean the same thing to all of us.  But if you'll indulge me, here's the basis for my argument:

The Angel's healing moves are what he does, you know?  He picks up his angel kit and goes out bravely into the world to patch up those with the misfortune to have their guts aspilled.

His sex move, however, I think is who he is.  He cares about people, and lives; he has to, or he wouldn't do what he does.  His Hx goes to +3 with whoever he sleeps with because he genuinely cares about his partner; he doesn't have to like him/her, but he cares enough to really understand this person.  Maybe it turns out he finds something he didn't like, and he knows to stay away; still, Hx+3 means he's in better shape to do so.

The driver drives cars, and is fast, and is awesome at it.  Why?  Because he doesn't want to be tied down.  His sex move is disadvantageous for him because despite his burning desire to not be tied down, he's been captured and made vulnerable by his partner.  It's great in the moment but there's something in it that grates against his tendencies.

Anybody can take a no shit driver or healing touch, but they flesh out what the character does, not who he/she is.  Changing sex moves, since they reflect the character's fundamental philosophy, essentially rewrites his entire outlook top to bottom.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 11:37:15 AM by Jim D. »



  • 285
Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2010, 12:45:14 PM »
I dig it, but I don't see why changing a character's fundamental philosophy is a bad thing. You're opening your character to complexity and multiple complimentary or conflicting outlooks.
Tupacalypse World

Re: Take a Sex Move from another Playbook
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2010, 12:54:22 PM »
So let's roll with that.  We're starting to blur the line between this and the ungiven future, you know?  The only other choice I can think of that changes a character's outlook and drive so violently is switching playbooks.  You hang onto some (most?) of the vestiges of your old life but approach it from a new way, but it means leaving your old self behind.

That does raise another question in my mind; you hang onto your old stats and most of your old moves when you change playbooks, IIRC, but what happens to your sex move?  Do you get your new one?  Hang onto the old one?  Choose?