Thanks for the discussion Scrape :)
I wasn't trying to knock your advice, simply expand it a little. What I mean is that in DW (or any AW game), that it can be limiting to refer to what the characters do (not players) by only using move methodology. Your mulltiple reactions and move possibilities were awesome examples!
I just thought that it might help Sarim's 'initiative order focused' group to just have a conversation, focus on the fiction for a while. That way folks have a turn talking, instead of 'taking their turn'; the story rolls naturally around the group.
If it feels like they need to roll, then check for a move trigger; if its applicable, say how you make the move and do it! This in turn feeds the snowball, but its important to keep leading with the fiction instead of just exchanging 'moves'. More often than not the situation you present as a question in reply you'll say as a DM move, but you never speak its name, yeah? Then on with the story :)