I got an urge to have some powered armour in my post-apocalypse, and the idea wouldn't let go, so I wrote it up (partly just to try out writing up a new class).
Any and all thoughts and comments are welcomed. I'm not in love with the name, in particular.
The Metal Beast
You and the machine, you are one. When you climb inside you become its brain. You are untouchable and indestructible. Nobody can stand against you.
Outside the machine, you’re just a chump like the rest of them.
Creating a Metal Beast
Choose your name, look, stats, moves, armour, gear and Hx.
Heavy, Wolf, Gunhead, Chomp, Squaddie, Hardware, UNPC, Mark IV, Teeth.
Chuck, Sarge, Jane, Ace, Snafu, Bill, Lucky, Terri, Lois, Maverick, Sam.
Man, woman, concealed, ambiguous.
Utility bodysuit, hi-tech bodysuit, military bodysuit, scrounged bodysuit.
Pale face, tough face, pudgy face, thin face.
Haunted eyes, sharp eyes, moving eyes, remote eyes.
Small body, thin body, wasted body, wiry body.
Choose one set:
Cool=0, Hard +1, Hot -1, Sharp +2, Weird+1
Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot+1, Sharp +2, Weird-1
Cool-1, Hard=0, Hot-1, Sharp +2, Weird+2
Cool+1, Hard +1, Hot=0, Sharp +2, Weird-1
Basic moves
You get all the basic moves
Metal Beast Moves
You get this one:
Beast Of War: When you are piloting your armour, you always count as a gang in combat (small, 3 armour, harm based on your suit’s weapons). You also get +1 on rolls to open your brain, go aggro or seize by force.
Then pick one of these:
I Am Iron Man: gain +1 Hard (max +3).
Heavy Suit: take an extra strength and another serious weapon for your armour.
Armory: you get a workshop to look after your armour, and maybe one or two crew to help (Sparks and Pulp, maybe). You can work on armour and weapons here like you were a savvyhead in a workshop.
Innerspace: When you are wearing your armour, you can use augury.
Recon Drones: You have a few small hi-tech machines that you control from within your suit. You can see and hear everything they see and hear. If your suit has night vision, so do these guys. If you make them fight, they’re a small gang 2 harm 1 armour. They can track someone or something without your active control, but they won’t react to anything that changes.
War Drone: You have a big hi-tech drone that is built to help you fight. You control it directly from within your suit. It has one serious gun, and 2 armour. Make a harm countdown for it, which tracks how much repair it’s gonna need when it gets shot up. You can order it to guard an area or a person or a thing, but it’s not too good at identifying friend or foe without you.
Your armour is a powered combat exoskeleton that is driven by direct neural connection. Most importantly, it has 3 armour and a weapon mount (or two).
This armour does not count as a vehicle for the A no shit driver move.
Pick your armour's look:
Hi-tech, Military, Biomechanical, Jury-rigged, Chunky, Construction, Delicate, Fluid.
Pick a strength:
Efficient, Strong, Stealth, Camo, Unstoppable, Reliable, Fast, Night-vision.
Pick a weakness:
Breakdowns, Guzzler, Rare parts, Loud, Unwieldy, Slow, Exotic fuel.
Pick it's armament, either one crazy big weapon or two serious weapons:
Crazy big weapons:
Railgun: 3-harm hi-tech far
MG: 3-harm close/far area messy
Grenade launcher: 4-harm close area messy
Rocket launcher: 4-harm far area messy loud
Serious weapons:
rifle: 2-harm far loud
shotgun: 3-harm close messy
smg: 2-harm close area loud
flamethrower: 3-harm close area fire
power fist: 4-harm hand messy
In addition to your armour, you have:
Enough fuel to last yourself a month or so
Oddments worth 2 barter
Clothing suited to your look (maybe a jacket to go over the bodysuit)
A small handy weapon
Small handy weapons (choose 1):
• .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
• 9mm (2-harm close loud)
• big knife (2-harm hand)
Special Move
When you and another character have sex, you can choose to have a recon drone track them at all times (regardless of whether you have the Recon Drones move).
If you’re charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the going rate for: one message or valuable delivered; one convoy led through hostile territory; one week’s employment as bodyguard, leading a gang into a serious battle, one month’s employment as a tank on hand.
1-barter will cover a month’s living expenses, if your tastes aren’t too grand.
As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter might count for: restoration of a damaged suit to working order, a month’s maintenance of your suit well-used but not damaged; a night in high luxury & company; any weapon, gear or fashion not valuable or hitech; repair of a piece of hi-tech gear by a savvyhead; a year’s tribute to a warlord; bribes, fees and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone’s presence.