New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast

  • 36 Replies
New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« on: August 26, 2010, 06:32:11 PM »
I got an urge to have some powered armour in my post-apocalypse, and the idea wouldn't let go, so I wrote it up (partly just to try out writing up a new class).

Any and all thoughts and comments are welcomed. I'm not in love with the name, in particular.

The Metal Beast

You and the machine, you are one. When you climb inside you become its brain. You are untouchable and indestructible. Nobody can stand against you.
Outside the machine, you’re just a chump like the rest of them.

Creating a Metal Beast

Choose your name, look, stats, moves, armour, gear and Hx.


Heavy, Wolf, Gunhead, Chomp, Squaddie, Hardware, UNPC, Mark IV, Teeth.
Chuck, Sarge, Jane, Ace, Snafu, Bill, Lucky, Terri, Lois, Maverick, Sam.


Man, woman, concealed, ambiguous.
Utility bodysuit, hi-tech bodysuit, military bodysuit, scrounged bodysuit.
Pale face, tough face, pudgy face, thin face.
Haunted eyes, sharp eyes, moving eyes, remote eyes.
Small body, thin body, wasted body, wiry body.


Choose one set:
Cool=0, Hard +1, Hot -1, Sharp +2, Weird+1
Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot+1, Sharp +2, Weird-1
Cool-1, Hard=0, Hot-1, Sharp +2, Weird+2
Cool+1, Hard +1, Hot=0, Sharp +2, Weird-1

Basic moves

You get all the basic moves

Metal Beast Moves

You get this one:
Beast Of War: When you are piloting your armour, you always count as a gang in combat (small, 3 armour, harm based on your suit’s weapons). You also get +1 on rolls to open your brain, go aggro or seize by force.

Then pick one of these:
I Am Iron Man: gain +1 Hard (max +3).

Heavy Suit: take an extra strength and another serious weapon for your armour.

Armory: you get a workshop to look after your armour, and maybe one or two crew to help (Sparks and Pulp, maybe). You can work on armour and weapons here like you were a savvyhead in a workshop.

Innerspace: When you are wearing your armour, you can use augury.

Recon Drones: You have a few small hi-tech machines that you control from within your suit. You can see and hear everything they see and hear. If your suit has night vision, so do these guys. If you make them fight, they’re a small gang 2 harm 1 armour. They can track someone or something without your active control, but they won’t react to anything that changes.

War Drone: You have a big hi-tech drone that is built to help you fight. You control it directly from within your suit. It has one serious gun, and 2 armour. Make a harm countdown for it, which tracks how much repair it’s gonna need when it gets shot up. You can order it to guard an area or a person or a thing, but it’s not too good at identifying friend or foe without you.


Your armour is a powered combat exoskeleton that is driven by direct neural connection. Most importantly, it has 3 armour and a weapon mount (or two).

This armour does not count as a vehicle for the A no shit driver move.

Pick your armour's look:
Hi-tech, Military, Biomechanical, Jury-rigged, Chunky, Construction, Delicate, Fluid.

Pick a strength:
Efficient, Strong, Stealth, Camo, Unstoppable, Reliable, Fast, Night-vision.

Pick a weakness:
Breakdowns, Guzzler, Rare parts, Loud, Unwieldy, Slow, Exotic fuel.

Pick it's armament, either one crazy big weapon or two serious weapons:

Crazy big weapons:
Railgun: 3-harm hi-tech far
MG: 3-harm close/far area messy
Grenade launcher: 4-harm close area messy
Rocket launcher: 4-harm far area messy loud

Serious weapons:
rifle: 2-harm far loud
shotgun: 3-harm close messy
smg: 2-harm close area loud
flamethrower: 3-harm    close area fire
power fist: 4-harm hand messy


In addition to your armour, you have:
Enough fuel to last yourself a month or so
Oddments worth 2 barter
Clothing suited to your look (maybe a jacket to go over the bodysuit)
A small handy weapon

Small handy weapons (choose 1):
• .38 revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
• 9mm (2-harm close loud)
• big knife (2-harm hand)

Special Move

When you and another character have sex, you can choose to have a recon drone track them at all times (regardless of whether you have the Recon Drones move).


If you’re charging someone wealthy for your services, 1-barter is the going rate for: one message or valuable delivered; one convoy led through hostile territory; one week’s employment as bodyguard, leading a gang into a serious battle, one month’s employment as a tank on hand.

1-barter will cover a month’s living expenses, if your tastes aren’t too grand.

As a one-time expenditure, and very subject to availability, 1-barter might count for: restoration of a damaged suit to working order, a month’s maintenance of your suit well-used but not damaged; a night in high luxury & company; any weapon, gear or fashion not valuable or hitech; repair of a piece of hi-tech gear by a savvyhead; a year’s tribute to a warlord; bribes, fees and gifts sufficient to get you into almost anyone’s presence.

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 07:04:43 PM »
So, power armor is awesome, just wanted to make sure you know I'm on the same page there :)

That being said, right now, this playbook seems like it might be trying to do too much at once, like you kept having ideas that would be cool and added them. Many of them also seem to "step on the toes" of the other playbooks (you get a workspace, or you get augury, or you're better at fighting than a gunlugger). Sure every playbook has moves like that, but you get one of them to start with here, rather than as an advancement. To be fair, you do say "pick one", so I'm probably off base.

Also, the driver has a lower than average stat line to compensate for the "+1 to all basic moves behind the wheel", whereas this guy gets +1 to all the 'aggressive' basic moves, but has a normal stat line (nice touch not making hard the +2 stat, though. Why sharp? Cos he has to be smart to make this shit work?).

As has been remarked before, though, there's not really such a thing as a "too powerful" AW character, and this guy definitely has a distinct character and would introduce new complications and capabilities into the story. It *does* dictate some stuff about the level of technology in the world, but I imagine it's the kind of playbook that you everybody would just kind of know about going in if that's what they're into.

Oh, and HX choices?

Good stuff, though, are you gonna give it a try anytime soon?

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 07:11:35 PM »
Yeah, I'm trying to make the choice between being a hard core fighting dude and a weirdo half connected to the psychic maelstrom dude.

It may be trying a little much - that's the reason the armory only works on suit and guns, for example. It's also why the moves that get +1 are more limited than the driver - the suit is only useful for certain classes of problem.

Oh, I totally forgot about Hx choices. And advances. I guess I know what I add next.

Not sure if I'll get to try it soon - I might make the option known to players in the game I'm MCing, in case someone wants to change playbook to it or make a new character. Nobody has quite enough advances for those choices yet, though.



  • 342
Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2010, 07:17:58 PM »
Looks cool. Yeah, I would just go with the armory as an improvement, like the driver. Fixing it would be cool, but it's not integral to the character, so it would also be cool to have to work for a holder so someone could fix this finicky damn thing.
A player of mine playing a gunlugger - "So now that I took infinite knives, I'm setting up a knife store." Me - "....what?" Him - "Yeah, I figure with no overhead, I'm gonna make a pretty nice profit." Me - "......"

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2010, 07:26:45 PM »
Chris, definitely the sort of thing I had in mind.

Here's some Hx (lucky its a slow day at work):

Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook. Take your turn. List the other characters’ names.

Go around again for Hx. On your turn, choose 1:
  • You like to drink and party when you’re not in your suit, everyone gets Hx+1.
  • You don’t make a thing about being friendly, everyone gets Hx=0.

On the others’ turns, pick 1, 2 or all 3:
  • One of them helped you out when your suit was broken down or out of fuel. Whatever number they tell you, add +1 and write it down.
  • One of them once fought beside you. Whatever number they tell you, add +1 and write it down.
  • One of them once found you vulnerable and away from your suit when things had gone south. Whatever number they tell you, subtract 1 and write it down.

And Improvements:

Each time you improve, choose one of the following. Check it off; you can’t choose it again.
__ get +1sharp (max sharp+3)
__ get +1cool (max cool+2)
__ get +1hard (max hard+3)
__ get +1weird (max weird+3)
__ get a new metal beast move
__ get a new metal beast move
__ get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlighting
__ get a gang (detail) and leadership
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get a move from another playbook
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 07:32:45 PM by Mike Sands »



  • 157
Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2010, 07:40:32 PM »
You should call the playbook the Metalhead, because, like, they are totally metal.  

I would play one of these guys in a minute because they bring out a really cool duality/alienation: tough metal killing suit vs. dorky guy in a unitard inside who really needs a buddy.  Plus, deadly killing claws!

If feedback is welcome, I had a few thoughts:

Maybe drones should be another form of crap that you get at chargen, like Brainer gear.  I'd like to have more clever utility drones to pick from and less killing power: make them choose between neat things.  

I also feel that the weaknesses are kind of soft -- exotic fuel is good, but loud isn't that meaningful.  



  • 285
Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2010, 07:48:33 PM »
I love this and want a power armor playbook like bad.

Consider this sex move:
When you sleep with another character, they carry +1 armor the next time they get hurt. You carry -1 forward the next time you make a move in your suit.

Beast of War is quite a lot. I mean, it's way more than I would give the playbook starting off. 3-armor is badass, as are the mess of guns that you get. Maybe instead of the +1 to violence and weirdness, give a +1 to Act Under Fire to accomplish things because what do you need to be worried about getting hurt for, and also because with that much armor and weaponry, I don't know if you need the help with +hard moves.

Heavy suit I like, though I'd recommend also adding another weakness when you take it to represent the more heaviness. Okay, so now I got more guns but this thing makes a loud whirring and clonking noise whenever I got ANYWHERE.

The drones I am iffy on. They are a gang without the troublemaking that goes with gangs, and you are already a small gang on your own as it is.

I agree with making Armoury just a possible advance to get a Workshop instead.

Move idea.
Neurosynaptic Fleshhooks - No one but you can pilot this baby.

I am trying to think of something like an alpha strike move that just chews up everything and everyone in front of it, but I don't know if it needs it honestly.
Tupacalypse World

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2010, 08:07:41 PM »
Hm.... I like "Metalhead"

That dorky guy/killing machine is the heart of what I'm going for here.

I'll think about that idea for drones - it certainly has some potential. There could still be a move and/or advancement to get extras, too. I'll need to brainstorm up some cool ones. Bret, the point about a gang without the threat is well-taken. I think making them small, easy to break and of quite varied uses is probably the best way, and say "pick two from this list of 4-6"

I'm not sure I agree about "Loud" being a soft weakness. It stops you ever sneaking up on anyone, for instance, and would mess with people near you who are trying to be heard. Maybe I should make it "Deafening", to make that really clear.

Maybe Beast of War just needs to be that you count as a small gang, nothing extra.

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2010, 08:31:52 PM »
I would play one of these guys in a minute because they bring out a really cool duality/alienation: tough metal killing suit vs. dorky guy in a unitard inside who really needs a buddy.  Plus, deadly killing claws!

Yeah, this! I think that's a good way to pursue this guy's "schtick", even more so than the Driver being less himself away from his ride.

For the default move, what about saying "roll+sharp" for go aggro/seize by force when you're in your armor? So, like, you kick ass because you know how to pilot your suit, but out of it you're not a hardass.

Also, yeah, being a gang + getting drones is pretty hard core. I think the whole "your drone sucks at distinguishing friend/foe" is the right direction to go with those, since, as Bret mentioned, you're missing out on the 'named, human NPCs'/'threats' that you get with a 'real' gang.

I'm also trying to think of a way to indicate via the playbook that this guy is, like, serious fucking hardware. Meaning, hardholders and warlords are going to court his attentions and alter their plans based on what he's doing (implied by the 'service as a personal tank' in the barter section). But maybe that's just saying "play AW" :)

Oh yeah, and about "loud" as a weakness (or the others) I think it should really come across "you're a fucking man-tank". You can't just waltz into the bar in your Starship Troopers gear, and if you walk into the bustling market wearing it, people will assume shit is going down and get out of the way.

BTW, sorry if I came off sounding overly negative or what have you, this is cool stuff

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2010, 08:54:04 PM »
Jeff, you certainly didn't come off as harsh. This is all really useful stuff, and making the class cooler each time.

Does anyone have good suggestions for drones? I have a few, but they're not really enough.

Drones. You control these from within your suit. They can’t do any more than maintain a holding pattern without your direct attention. (Choose 2, you can choose the same one twice):
  • Spyfly: hi-tech flying quiet. This is a little flying thing with a camera so you can spy on people.
  • Sentry gun: hi-tech stationary 2-harm. A gun on a tripod that can aim and fire. If you aren’t controlling it directly it, you can have it just shoot whatever is right in front of it or do nothing.
  • Glitterbug: hi-tech flying distracting loud. A flying thing that makes a lot of noise and light to cause chaos in battle. While controlling it you can aim it at one person to automatically get the help/hinder bonus.
  • Neural Pattern Tracker: hi-tech weird biomechanical. You sic it on a person, this will find them through the psychic maelstrom and report back how to get to them. The directions are usually pretty out there.

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2010, 09:05:11 PM »
I think it's overpowered. Not that it is too awesome, but that it overshadows other characters.

1. I think the stat line is too high. As Jeff mentioned, the Driver's stat lines add up to +2 so that he actually is weaker than everybody else when he's not inside his car, and still more awesome when he's in it. I'd suggest sticking with the +1 stat bonus as an optional move you can take instead of +3 stat lines, which essentially costs a move, it's just built-in (like the Battlebabe, for example).

2. Having a suit that gives you +1 is worth a move, and having 3-armor is worth another move. Being a gang might be worth one too, although with just a +1 bonus, I could see it included with the sit move. Still, with the stat line, that's your three move limit right there. I'd also make that 3-armor into an optional move.

3. I wouldn't give this guy a gang as an advance. I think he's too busy paying attention to his suit to lead guys. He's a pilot, not a commander. Also, his drones are already a gang, so he doesn't need humans.

4. The optional moves are all about having stuff with tags. It might be nice to have an ability in here too, maybe "when you set your recon drones to track somebody, roll+weird" or something.

Maybe try thinking more about what you actually do with them, and less about what their mechanical attributes are? That might help.

5. The suit's tags could use a bit of work, but it's a good start. I wouldn't worry about whether they are hard or soft. They are just cues, so they're only difficult if the MC nails you for 'em.

6. Take fuel off the list of gear. No other playbook mentions it.

__ get +1sharp (max sharp+3)
__ get +1cool (max cool+2)
__ get +1hard (max hard+3)
__ get +1weird (max weird+3)

This, though, is straight-up, unadulterated munchkinism. Pick one stat to get +3, not three of them. Also, I'd put less emphasis on the hard stat and more emphasis on the suit's bonuses, myself. Actually, I like Jeff's idea of roll+sharp in your suit...

All told, a bit high-tech for AW proper, but still a nice idea.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 09:19:06 PM by Johnstone »

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2010, 09:43:44 PM »
Johnstone, good points. I'm not sure about whether to knock back the stat lines to +2 like the driver, at the moment I'm toning down the other stuff.

Here's what the moves list looks like now:

You get this one:
Beast Of War: When you are piloting your armour, roll +Sharp instead of +Hard to seize by force or go aggro.

Then pick one of these:
Heavy Suit: Take an extra strength for your armour.

Innerspace: When you are wearing your armour in battle, you can use augury.

Neural Antenna: When you are wearing your armour in battle, and open your brain to the psychic maelstrom, roll +Sharp instead of +Weird.

Threat Detection: In your suit, outnumbered, you take one less harm when you suffer harm. So, against a small gang you take +0 harm, against a medium gang only +1 and against a large gang only +2.

Spyfly: You have a little flying drone that you can use to recon things remotely. You need to be in your suit, paying attention to control it (otherwise it just hovers).

Walk Through Walls: You suit has the attachments, or pure strength, to smash through walls, fortifications or other structures. When you try to smash through something, roll +Hard. On a 10+ you batter your way through okay, on a 7-9 choose one: you collapse it onto yourself and are briefly trapped; it’s too strong to knock down; it’s going to take some time.

And here's the advances (that wasn't munchkinism, I just hadn't looked closely enough at all the other playbooks):

__ get +1sharp (max sharp+3)
__ get +1cool (max cool+2)
__ get +1hard (max hard+2)
__ get +1weird (max weird+2)
__ get a new metal beast move
__ get a new metal beast move
__ choose a new strength or serious weapon for your suit
__ get an armory (workspace, detail) and crew
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get a move from another playbook

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2010, 10:33:38 PM »
Note: as of this version, all the other drones are gone. I like the recon drone, but the others weren't adding as much to the whole concept.

I've also got a new special move:

When you have sex with another character, if they are a PC then they get +1 Hx with you. PC or NPC, they take 1 hold over you, because you have to work through what it means to you and all. They can spend the hold to give you +1 or -1 on a roll you make when you are not in your armour.

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2010, 10:41:18 PM »
(I wasn't accusing YOU of being a munchkin, just the playbook. You're cool.)

You might have toned down too much.

Heavy Suit: A strength is just a cue, you should get more for an advance, like +1armor and a strength (and you start at 2-armor).

Innerspace: Using augury in the suit anytime is fine, or maybe out of battle, when you have time. Augury in battle seems really unwieldy, although maybe with that adrenaline rush...

Threat Detection: Too fiddly. Just let him fight as a gang, and he'll have some protection against ap attacks.

Walk Through Walls is pretty cool. I had a similar thought that went "when you break stuff, roll+hard..." I like it.

Re: New playbook (draft): The Metal Beast
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2010, 10:48:09 PM »
Johnstone, thanks - those are good ideas.

I'm going to keep Innerspace as it is, though. I like that it's going to be a fast, chaotic augury, rather than the more ritualistic/considered ones that a hocus or savvyhead can do. That's really just colour, so maybe it should just be anytime in the suit.