Brainer starting barter: rationale?

  • 3 Replies
Brainer starting barter: rationale?
« on: July 16, 2012, 09:47:51 AM »
The more I review the starting playbooks, the more this bothers me, and I was wondering if lumpley could shed some light on things for me.  Why does the Brainer start with such an unusually high amount of ready barter, relative to all the other standard playbooks?  They already start with some incredibly exotic gear, which is remarkable, but it's not clear why they in particular should be loaded compared to everybody else, given that every PC in Apocalypse World is special, remarkable, and the sort of person who'd pretty readily be commanding good resources in exchange for their services.  Thanks for any insight that you can give.

Re: Brainer starting barter: rationale?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2012, 10:53:40 AM »
Brainers are good at convincing people to just hand stuff over.

Brainers are good at convincing people to forget something and leave it behind.

In the settings I've played, just about anybody can shoot somebody else, but not many people can dig into your brain.  So muscle is cheap and plentiful, but pet psychics are not.



  • 1293
Re: Brainer starting barter: rationale?
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2012, 03:56:41 PM »
Without looking it up myself, I think that if you compare the barter text sections in the various playbooks, you'll see that brainers ARE better-paid than their compatriots.


Re: Brainer starting barter: rationale?
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2012, 11:52:34 PM »

Yeah I think the assumption is that you are working as a Brainer. If the concept for the character is that their psychic powers are somehow unknown or at least un-fiscally-exploited, I guess you would have to come up with some other fictional explanation, but as suggested there are a lot of other ways a Brainer could have ended up with a windfall like that, even if they aren't working for somebody as a portable mind-reading device.