"The Enemy Makes An Attack Against You"

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Re: "The Enemy Makes An Attack Against You"
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2012, 10:35:35 PM »
Hamish, that's some awesome advice about being aware of getting to that 'hard damage move' trigger position. Should be in the GM's guide for sure.

Glitch, so true! I was thinking that defy danger was an obvious alternative too. Perhaps the thief needed to just pin down what they were doing first. Its all to easy to shape the fiction to the 'fight' moves of Hack and slash, when really, we should always be saying what we are doing and then seeing if it triggers a move. Melee isn't always about Hack and slash and dealing damage.

In terms of monsters static damage and player rolled damage, maybe we can still make it seem fairer (especially if the fighter has just rolled a couple of ones or twos in a row), whilst still abiding by the rules, by offering them an opportunity with or without a cost?
'Hey you hit? Awesome, instead of rolling for damage, how bout you give me a wickedly detailed description of you dealing damage? If you do, you can deal half the possible maximum damage you could achieve (instead of rolling).'   I'm a fan of the characters, yes?

Re: "The Enemy Makes An Attack Against You"
« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2012, 02:13:54 AM »
Although this breaks the Cardinal Commandment of *W games ("The GM shalt not roll dice")...

I rolled a die during my Living Dungeon World Finale last weekend and everyone just looked at me, accusingly.

But in all* seriousness, the GM can have the players roll the monster damage so the prime directive stays intact.

*Well... most.

Re: "The Enemy Makes An Attack Against You"
« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2012, 09:26:53 AM »
This is only the first step down the path of evil my friend ...

I'm dying to know what you rolled for :)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 10:13:38 AM by Glitch »

Re: "The Enemy Makes An Attack Against You"
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2012, 11:47:34 AM »
That's the worst thing... I can't remember.

It's like I opened my mind to the psychic dice-storm, rolled a 7-9, and everything seemed to go smoothly... but I know it's out there... waiting...

Re: "The Enemy Makes An Attack Against You"
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2012, 12:45:18 PM »
That's the worst thing... I can't remember.
And we couldn't figure it out. It was a single d6, and you rolled it three times. Honestly, I think it may have been to determine how many death knights were going to be in the scene, but I couldn't say for sure.

Re: "The Enemy Makes An Attack Against You"
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2012, 04:50:32 PM »
Oh, that's right! The Death Knights were in linked master-slave pairs and when the master Knight died, the slave Knight died too. So, I was working out which of the Knights had taken damage (there were three pairs at that point and one of each pair had been hit). The dice told me that you'd wounded the master of each pair, and because you each focused your attacks (or annihilated both with Fireballs...), the master-slave relationship never came up except in the colour of their attacks.

It was a callback to the Flame of Orcus' rigid command structure and foreshadowing of the link between the Flame/Avatar and Orcus himself.