Needlessly complicated flowchart for violence in AW

  • 17 Replies
Re: Needlessly complicated flowchart for violence in AW
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2012, 05:28:01 PM »
Late to the party, but I love this. I think one thing it really helps remind people (read: me) about Go Aggro is that the person you're about to do violence against usually can't or won't reciprocate the violence and that if go aggro gets a 10+ then "giving" or "sucking it up" can both mean getting shot.

Re: Needlessly complicated flowchart for violence in AW
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2013, 10:44:27 AM »
My friend here was working on a translation, and asked about the meaning of "blur" in "is this not happening in a blur"
I don't remember such term in AW, though

Re: Needlessly complicated flowchart for violence in AW
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2013, 01:38:18 PM »
I think it means that if the trading of bullets is methodical and non-chaotic it shouldn't be Sieze by Force. Imagine two forces both entrenched and neither attempt to storm the other. Both forces are equal sized gangs with 3-harm and 2 armor thanks to their armor and sand bags.

MC: So do you roll out any battle plan?
PC: Nah, I'll just let the days go by.
MC: Are you present, like, taking part in taking potshots and keeping watch?
PC: Yeah of course.
MC: Alright. A few days go by. The most exciting thing that happens is your Baka managed to shoot some assholes hand off when he was giving you the finger. Day 2 a stray bullet passes through your helmet when you're keeping watch, that's 1-harm and roll to see if it bit off more than part of your ear. A few other people get similar boboos, Jake-Jake gets her nose blown off so now she looks even more like a grinning skull.