This is a bit of a tangent, but the armor moves are one of my favorite moves in the 'books. Both of them have purely fictional fiddly bits (as opposed to mechanical/rollable fiddly bits)...
Impossible reflexes, unlike any made-of-stuff armor you could get, allows you to decrease damage from acrobatic stunts, falling (jumping!) off a roof and the like. And you have to be wearing less stuff to make use of it. Neat!
Divine protection, unlike anything short of a savvyhead, allows you to decrease damage gotten from the maelstorm, brainer-types, or even ingested poisons. Also neat!
Oh, and Impossible reflexes plus Divine protection is actually 3-armor if you're walking around naked or near enough. The only other place I saw a possible 3-armor was a Driver's Tank option, so I dunno. Only character I can imagine that that wouldn't be incredibly silly on is a Touchstone that's a tad touched.