Ok, so I understand that sieze by force is not supposed to be the catch-all combat move, despite what the book says, (Siezing their meat, p 157) but rather a move to sieze and/or hold an object or a position. Right?
So, a character that just had had enough of Toyota and his crossbike cronies and decides to wipe them out does not necessarily go in with Sieze by force, but a combination of Sieze by force, Acting under fire and Go aggro and just dealing harm according to fiction. Right?
The problem being that to inflict terrible harm or dismay, impress and frighten, you need to sieze by force, which makes it the most sensible move for that character, regardless. Right?
Tell me if I'm right so far.
So, maybe the move should read like this:
Sieze by force
When you try to seize something by force, or to secure your hold on something, roll+hard. On a hit, your opposition yields it to you, or they persist. If they persist, the MC chooses 2 on a 7-9 and 3 on a 10+.
• you advance / they are pushed back
• they suffer terrible harm
• they inflict little harm
• they are impressed, dismayed or frightened
It is more like going aggro in that you state "I want this", and your opposition has to choice of letting you have it or make sacrifices to hold it. (Suffer terrible harm, for instance)