The skinner in the game I'm MCing is perfume-based. He does displays of head-twisting fragrances that influence people's minds. Until now we modeled that with his Artful & gracious move, but he decided he'd like a more extensive workshop to work on special stuff. How would you do it ?
So far, I'm going for : "sure, no problem, but first you need to..." and choose a handfull option in the workshop list. Since the group's going for some loot in the ruins next session, he should get what he need pretty fast (not easily, though). But I envisaged to simply make him spend one advance on a move from another playbook, and make him take the angel's laboratory move with a few tweaks.
BtW, what would be the "anatomy" of his workshop? "When you're creating new substances or figuring out some chemist shit..." maybe ?
Those are the obvious choices. Any creative idea ?