So I've been having just terrible luck getting a game of Poison'd off the ground. I've been trying for about a month. At this point, I'm ready to say "Screw it, let's play Apocalypse World instead!" (see, I feel like I want at least 4 players for Poison'd, I'm not worried about that for AW).
But I'm the kind of GM who likes to prepare or even over-prepare. Since the official Front sheet and MC sheet (or book, or whatever it's going to be... I HAVE seen and MC thing of some kind mentioned, right? I'm not imagining that, am I?) have yet to be released, I'm looking for some input:
What sorts of information should be on a Front sheet?
What kinds of references or whatnot would you put on an MC cheat sheet?
Any other really useful things to have on hand as a first time MC at the beginning of the game?