fighter signature weapon

  • 6 Replies
fighter signature weapon
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:02:16 AM »
one thing I've noticed about the fighter signature weapon:

the attributes that can be selected seem a bit imbalanced. mainly the single + 2 damage entry and the two +1 pierce entries. for balance sake it seems like it should be the other way around, one +2 piece and two +1 damage as the +2 damage does everything that the two +1 pierces do and more for a single choice instead of both of them.
also, are there any plans on expanding the choices given to the signature weapon? just curious, but maybe a +1 armor entry (a +1 to hack and slash seems a bit OP). i bring this up mainly because we have two fighters in our game and we both were going to have the exact same weapon, but the other guy changed his to a +1 pierce instead of +2 damage for the sole purpose of being different.

any ideas/comments/thoughts?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 11:21:13 AM by evilben »



  • 549
Re: fighter signature weapon
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 02:13:24 PM »
That's a good point about the imbalance there. Those should definitely be the other way around.

As far as more options, that's something I've thought about, but I need to think of some good ones. I don't think there's too many more straight mechanical things we'll add, Armor is already too high most of the time, but there's potential for other bonuses.

Re: fighter signature weapon
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 12:33:51 PM »
Just to clarify.

When the fighter chooses the signature weapon, he can add the tag of the base item, right? Like if he chooses the sword he get also +1dmg listed in the equipment part, plus any other two enhancement, right?

Re: fighter signature weapon
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 09:16:19 AM »
i would say no. the type of weapon it is is only for color. with the two tags the fighter weapon is better than anything out there already.



  • 549
Re: fighter signature weapon
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2011, 05:33:29 PM »
The base just describes the general appearance of the weapon, the tags narrow that down. It's all fictionally relevant, but only the tags have direct mechanical representations.

I just updated signature weapon for our last playtest, to work more clearly with the current state of weapons. We had a fighter in our game, and it worked pretty well - he had a spear with a smaller blade on the butt, letting him strike at two ranges. It came in handy when the whip-wielding demons showed up.

Re: fighter signature weapon
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2011, 04:37:07 PM »
We are currently working out a low speed pbf Dungeon World and, until now, we are using the signature weapon with stacking both base tag (of the base weapon, like +1dmg) and improv tag of fighter.
We would like to keep the things this way and let you know how it is. This could help?



  • 549
Re: fighter signature weapon
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2011, 04:48:25 PM »
Sure! We'd love to hear it.