I'm just coming off a long gaming hiatus and I was wondering about this. What I mean by "Detective/Gossip" is a character who stays somewhat independent, pokes their noses into a lot of other character's business, and gets themselves in trouble. This could be serious business and trouble, like a Nancy Drew detective, or it could be personal drama and secrets, or both.
Example characters from YA literature and video:
Nancy Drew
Veronica Mars
Luna Lovegood (mostly, but not entirely, a silly take on the concept)
Brendan, the noirish protagonist of Brick
The eponymous, anonymous blogger of Gossip Girl
Younger age than Monsterhearts, but totally in-concept: Harriet from Harriet the Spy.
Somebody who's good at finding things out, good at getting people really mad at them and then surviving the fallout. Tends to be better at taking a punch than throwing one. Gets captured or menaced and then gets away.
The character could be like the Queen either mundane or supernatural, either a mundane snoop or someone with psychic visions or hunches. I'd worked on this before drawing somewhat on the Snoop playbook for Monster of the Week and the Marmot for Apocalypse World, but I'm really hoping someone else did something similar so I won't have to!