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Messages - skinnyghost

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 29
Dungeon World / Re: So what happens if someone cant do something?
« on: November 25, 2012, 05:43:35 PM »
Sometimes it's just "No, but if you could change X, Y or Z then maybe?"

Dungeon World / Re: A few questions about Ranger companions.
« on: November 24, 2012, 08:23:46 PM »
Many of the tags are just like Messy or Forceful - like you say, narrative tags to help you narrate your GM moves?  Ranger have a Savage pet?  Have him go all Nymeria on that noble that's being an ass to the party.

Dungeon World / Re: Translation to German
« on: November 22, 2012, 01:47:17 PM »
So I forked DW on github and will start a translation into German. I basically want to ask if that is OK. It will be probably just a unnoticed project for my own benefit, to use on Cons etc.

I was thinking on asking what alternative to Indesign you propose, but while waiting for the admin to let me on the boards I have already written a little Ruby script that transforms the xml into html for me.

Thank you for making this project open and putting it on github. If I can figure out how I can get $10 to America without a credit card, I'll buy the pdf.

The text of the game is 100% CCBY licensed.  Which means, without any lawyer-talk, that you can;

  • hack it
  • remix it
  • print it
  • translate it
  • sell it
  • etc etc etc

So long as you properly attribute it to us (Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel) you're good to go!  You have our blessing, too.  A German translation would be awesome, and would join the French, Portuguese and Russian versions all in progress, too.

Dungeon World / Re: Dangers, Impending Dooms, and Grim Portents
« on: November 22, 2012, 01:58:09 AM »
I see. In that case, grim portents could apply to either a danger or an overall front. The key relationship, then, is between grim portents and impending dooms. Grim portents can be, but don't have to be, sequential, and they are the pieces that fall into place to bring about the dooms.

Now you've got it!  That's exactly right.

Dungeon World / Re: Newbie questions about custom moves
« on: November 21, 2012, 08:56:51 PM »
This situation can be handled in so many different ways.  On the one hand, you could literally just say what your prep demands.  If you drink from pool number one, this happens.  It's just like describing the contents of a room, etc. 

On the other, the pools could have random effects.  That's where a custom move might come in.  It gives an advantage to the wise or the tough to drink from a pool and gives everyone a chance to spin the wheel, so to speak.  It also says something about the pools themselves.

Try to think about how other moves (particularly Spout Lore and Discern Realities) might interface.  If someone Discerns "what here is useful to me" or w/e how will that effect the randomness of the pools?

Dungeon World / Re: How long do your fights usually take?
« on: November 21, 2012, 07:18:14 PM »
When you lead your friends into battle with the gnoll pack, ROLL + CHA.
On a 10+ choose one, on a 7-9 choose two;

- nobody has to take their last breath
- none of your gear is damaged irreparably
- none of the gnoll pack survives and gets away

On a miss, you're at the mercy of the pack.

Dungeon World / Re: Dangers, Impending Dooms, and Grim Portents
« on: November 21, 2012, 07:16:24 PM »
Depending on how complex you want to be, your whole Front may or may not have an impending doom.  Like so;






Dungeon World / Re: AW report, fights too long, and a miserable player
« on: November 21, 2012, 01:40:11 PM »
One thing to remember, on a 7-9, you're basically getting what you were after.  The GM needs to narrate a 7-9 as a success, albeit a complicated one.  You have to make a choice, sometimes, whether success is worth it or not, or sometimes it's not exactly 100% what you were after, but it's still a win.

Dungeon World / Re: doubling on moves?
« on: November 21, 2012, 01:38:58 PM »
One trap to avoid is calling for Defy Danger any time someone makes there move sound cool. If its always Defy Danger to duck and roll and then Hack and Slash to hit, your players will soon be trained not to do any ducking and rolling. And then you'll be left with just rolling to hit.

Instead, unless there's some other threat present to defy (he's going to be tackling the Orc threat in the Hack and Slash move anyway), why not use the duck and roll as an opportunity for you to Be a Fan of the Characters and Give Every Monster Life.

Yes!  Take the trigger for Defy Danger very seriously. 

Are you ignoring a present danger to do something else?  Defy it.  Did something really bad just happen to you?  Defy it.  Otherwise, just let the moves happen.

Dungeon World / Re: How long do your fights usually take?
« on: November 21, 2012, 01:38:02 PM »
It really depends. I think that most fights last between one roll and an hour, give-or-take.  Some "fights" are actually complex scenes with lots of other stuff going on.  Most of the time, the PCs or the people they're fighting figure out who has the upper hand pretty quickly and someone will break and run if need be.

Dungeon World / Re: World of Dungeons
« on: November 20, 2012, 06:40:21 PM »
One would have to find and harass John Harper to learn the answer to that!

Dungeon World / Re: doubling on moves?
« on: November 20, 2012, 02:46:27 PM »
Often, Defy Danger comes into play when you are ignoring some clear and present threat to accomplish something else instead.  In that case, definitely okay to "double up" because the fiction is calling for it.  If you want to engage your enemy in melee, first you have to deal with the advantage he has over you.  Defy Danger is a gate that you have to pass through first.

Dungeon World / Re: Some Questions
« on: November 19, 2012, 06:37:11 PM »
If you want to, a custom move or two can be useful.  Like Johnstone's sneaky sneak move from AW.

When you infiltrate a place by stealth, roll+cool. On a 10+,
both. On a 7–9, choose 1:
• you get in
• you go unnoticed
On a miss, neither.

Replace Cool with DEX and you're good to go.

Dungeon World / Re: PDF For Sale
« on: November 19, 2012, 06:22:00 PM »
No one has mentioned the Golden Geek Best RPG Award yet. Congrats on that!

Hurrah!  Thanks, Scrape.  We are super proud.

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