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Messages - Shreyas

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brainstorming & development / Form Factor for Hacks?
« on: July 08, 2010, 08:05:21 AM »
I like the playbook-from-a-single-sheet implementation V uses, 'cause it's sexy and portable and entertaining, but I wonder about its use for hacks. It presents an additional assembly problem for the end-user. (I say this as someone who's made more than enough playbooks to know.)

What do you think? What have you guys done about your form factor?

Set Apart / Re: Character in Progress: The Hierophant
« on: July 05, 2010, 03:34:51 PM »
Right, understood!

I'm not sure that the H. should be ritualling every session, so I think upping the cost to 1-harm and the MC's opportunity to fuck with you is the thing to do.

Here's the special:

When you and another character have sex, you advise them on some matter of their concern. Choose 1:
- they mark experience when they act as you direct
- they take 1-harm (ap) from the misadventures that ensue from not doing as you direct

Set Apart / Re: Character in Progress: The Hierophant
« on: July 04, 2010, 08:09:15 AM »
Maybe the risk needs to be bigger!

I think there's a practical limit to how often you can perform miracles, because they should take some hours to do...but I don't know how to put that in the text, and I feel weird saying, 'once per session'...maybe 'on your holy day'?

Set Apart / Re: Character in Progress: The Hierophant
« on: July 03, 2010, 11:29:07 PM »
Elizabeth came up with it. It's awesome^_^

Some things I know for sure:

- The Hierophant has a retinue.
- He's probably kinda rich, barterwise.
- Has Hot, but I don't know what moves to associate with it...

Some ideas I'm tossing around:

- Frenzy similar to Hocus
- Augury?

Work Miracles? Maybe this replaces Largesse for Hierophants...(owes a lot to benhimself's War Magics)

When you perform the sacred rites with your retinue, choose a miracle first and then roll+hot. By default, the miracles are:

- 1-size intimate 1-heal; +1-heal debility
- 2-size, affected get hot+1 forward
- 2-size, -suffering: hunger, weakness, disease, fear, or lust
- 1-size 2-harm messy close
...and loud or not, at your option.

On a hit, your miracles are a little better. On 10+, choose 2. On 7-9, choose one. On a miss, take s-harm and maybe the MC will give your retinue suffering, but the miracle happens anyway.

- +1 size
- +1 heal or harm
- -messy or -close
- +1 barter
- The miracle moves unseen.
- +intimate, effects ongoing until your performance ceases

Set Apart / Re: Influence!
« on: July 03, 2010, 09:53:48 AM »
Hm, maybe?

I think that if I were to add something like that, it'd have to have a number of options, because a group of cultists that don't like you are going to do a lot worse and weirder things than a group of academics or courtesans who similarly don't like you.

Alternatively, put some GM guidance about negative rep in, so such groups maybe act against you, but not in the random unpatterned fashion of terrorists.

Set Apart / Character in Progress: The Hierophant
« on: July 01, 2010, 08:08:02 AM »
The Hierophant's about spiritual hierarchy.

The first, most important move he has is:

Miraculous Host: Members of your retinue are able to perform your Hierophant moves in your absence. They use your stats.

blood & guts / Re: Sex Moves
« on: June 30, 2010, 08:26:03 PM »
I personally think Keys are pretty dumb! Experience mechanics are broadly unified in, like, better games, so the characters don't tediously diverge.

Rather, think about Specials as moves. Everyone can open their brain; similarly everyone can have sex. Different folks get different things out of it! The thing you get from the Specials system is that it highlights how everyone's life experience is different. Skinners are followed around by drooly girls that have crushes on them; Brainers cruelly violate the privacy of those closest to them, etc.

So, I dunno, answer the question, "What makes this character's life experience different?" and choose a way to express that. You could make a move for sharing meals, or for, I dunno, taking a walk around town, or what have you.

blood & guts / Re: the basis for all the moves
« on: June 30, 2010, 08:16:31 PM »
You aren't getting it because your thinking is backwards.

See, all kinds of terrible stuff happens to people when they have sex. They have uncontrollable urges to give away presents, or they can't resist talking deeply about their feelings, or they get brainfucked so all their secrets seep out of them, or they just get the smell of you caught in their mind and it's all they can think about for days.

That shit doesn't happen to the battlebabe. If you're a battlebabe and you want it, you swing your hips and smile and you've got it. No strings attached.

When you're a battlebabe, the mechanics don't put you at risk of awful things happening when you bang someone! Back in the day when you could use the toothy version of seduce on PCs, it made it much cheaper to do so.

Set Apart / Re: Influence!
« on: June 30, 2010, 07:33:08 AM »
Awesome! Especially what happens when a faction peels off and attaches itself to you. What's your starting "ix" with the "traitor" group?

I like Reputation. Let's run with that.

As far as your rep with the new groups, the rule in my head is that you've got rep+1 with it, but you also own it like a new retinue under your command, and so you can do retinue moves on it. (Retinues can get Leadership, Largesse, and Emissaries, which I'll detail later, but they are structurally similar to AW moves we know.)

Jeff, right, the idea is that the splinter group is composed of the people that really like you. The benefit is that you can boss them around like a retinue instead of having to ask favors of them as an independent faction, and their rep stat is only there because they're unreliable until you have somehow cemented your hold on them. Maybe when you get rep+3 with a group you own, that makes their rep stat go away and they become loyal to you as a whole, so if someone else steals them they get a splinter group rather than the whole thing.

Ben, I gotta think about -rep...

Set Apart / Influence!
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:19:04 PM »
Just tossing out an idea here -


Influence with a group varies from -1 to +3. Your default Influence is +0. (You can lose/gain Influence as the result of the Impress/Show Up move.)

At the end of a session, you do a kinda Hx thing with Influence - did you do something that endears you most to a group? Then you get Ix+1 with them. (I don't love the *x thing, but let's use it until I find good parlance for SA.) Did you lose standing with a group? Then you get Ix-1.

When you ask a favor of a group, roll+Ix. On a 10+, choose two. On 7-9, choose one:
- they do it
- it doesn't cost you

"Cost you" can mean -Ix, favors promised, material goods, harm, etc etc.

If you hit Ix+4 with a group, it resets to +1 as usual, but instead of marking experience, a faction peels off and attaches itself to you. You can only reliably retain traitor factions by maintaining +Ix with them, though.

Set Apart / Re: New Basic Moves & Healing
« on: June 29, 2010, 10:47:55 PM »
Still thinking about impress. Elizabeth says: "Well, when we first came up with it, it was a move for just one splat, and does it really cover new ground?" I think maybe it doesn't necessarily, so it might just go away. Seduce/manipulate is pretty good.

Set Apart / Re: New Basic Moves & Healing
« on: June 28, 2010, 08:20:17 PM »
Jeff, I'll have to think about that for a while!

I think that there might be a difference between the PC and NPC mechanics in the end, but I'm not sure how - eventually I'll have to decide which action is outward-turning and which is inward-turning, I think, so that one affects how people see the target and one directs the target to action.

Set Apart / New Basic Moves & Healing
« on: June 28, 2010, 08:14:51 AM »
The following comes from the working text!

To give context, SA is basically an exploration of swords-and-sorcery fantasy as post-apocalyptic fiction. The world has had longer to recover than in AW, but there is still a very important sub-stratum, culturally and materially, of a prior age of greater learning and plenty.


The following basic moves from AW are used in Set Apart: act under fire, go aggro on someone, sieze something by force, seduce or manipulate someone, read a charged situation, read a person, help/interfere, and the session end procedure. You can also consult your preincarnations, which uses the same mechanic as opening your brain (but the MC will respond differently).

You can also do these things:

When you try to impress someone, roll+cool. On a 10+, hold 3. On 7-9, hold 1. While you’re showing off, they have to:
• do something you tell them to
• defer to you
• speak on your behalf
• give or promise you something
...until your hold’s spent.

When you try to show someone up, roll+cool. On a 10+, hold 3. On 7-9, hold 1. While you gloat, they have to:
• concede something they value
• misreact revealingly to something
• commit a social gaffe
• lose a social role to you
...until your hold’s spent.

To make plans, roll+sharp. On a 10+, hold 3. On 7-9, hold 1. You prepare so that when the shit hits the fan, you set up:
• an escape strategy
• who will and won’t be there
• where it happens
• a trap
...until your hold’s spent.

To rule a thing of power, roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On 7-9, hold 1. As you wield it, you:
• make it bow in obedience
• learn its worth
• use its power
• enlist its cooperation
• terrify someone with it
...until your hold’s spent.

Debility in SA isn’t always permanent! When someone heals you, they can try to heal your debilities, even if they’re old and unrelated to the injury at issue. That’s the radiant spirit at work!

To do so, they roll+weird, independent of other healing efforts. On a 10+, the debility is healed. 7-9, it isn’t. On a miss, you find out the debility is permanent for sure; it can’t be healed by any means.

Emperor, Chariot :: Tower --- The hard/cool Solars. They're all about rulership and being good at stuff in impressive ways.

Strength, Star :: Moon --- The cool/sharp Lunars. They're about...well...being the eye of the storm, deflecting conflict around them.

Magician, Hermit :: Wheel --- The sharp/weird Sidereals. They do magic!

High Priestess, Hierophant :: Judgement --- The weird/hot Dragonblooded. Not yet written.
Death, Temperance ::: Devil --- The hot/hard Abyssals. I haven't written these yet.

The Empress, Lovers, Justice, Hanged Man, Sun, and World are reserved for supplemental (non-characterbook) material.

Why Hanged Man rather than Temperance? (For that matter, why Temperance?)

So, I'm looking at my Tarot-fantasy-Exalted hack, and it's from way back when when there were red and white dice, and because of that there are some moves that depend on dice color to work. Can you guys help figure a way to convert them?

Fortune Smiles: When your red die rolls 6, on your next roll, don’t roll white. Get a white 6 instead.

I like how this creates streaks of luck.

Champion’s Wager: Instead of rolling+cool, you can roll a red die; the MC rolls the white die. If your die shows a higher number than his, you get a 10+. Otherwise, you miss.

This one, I'm not sure about at all, since it bypasses the whole dice system, but the all-or-nothing effect is pretty neat to me.

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