« on: October 05, 2010, 02:16:28 PM »
A worldship fired into space centuries ago. People eventually emerged from cryostasis to find that they were far off course from their destination, with no back-up plan. The best they could do was plot a course that would last several millennia without sending them into any asteroid belts or suns.
A couple generations later, and no one remembers how to work most of the tech. The eco sectors have been allowed to flourish untamed and are hunted in for meat and wild fruit. The agriculture sectors are fought for and grow a variety of foods in regulated environments.
There are a variety of holds throughout the ship with their members swearing allegiance to and fighting blood feuds over old separations that no longer hold the same meaning they did - Research, Engineering, and those sick fuckers Security.
Sometimes power flickers. Sometimes the whole ship shakes. No one really remembers they're on a space ship anymore, or even knows what that means. It's the whole world now.