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Messages - Tore V

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Monsterhearts / Re: New Skin: The Chrysalis
« on: June 22, 2012, 06:29:05 AM »
I'll just do this in short form comments. Hope that's alright.

Backstory: I'd change this from "Agree with someone" to "You consider someone to be your bff. Give them two strings." After all, it's more interesting if they may not consider you THEIR best friend. Much more open to a broken heart and interesting play.

Moves: Social Network is way overpowered as written. Using that move alone could keep xp flowing like water. Sure, lots of people will have strings on you if you go for the xp, but it gets  far too easy to get the xp.

Sex move: Maybe it's just me, but I feel it's rather bland, and it doesn't fit the fiction well. Let's say the Chrysalis boinks the captain of the Lacrosse team. Why would this prevent the character from becoming a vampire?

Darkest self: The way you describe becoming your darkest self is a bit strange to me. Basically it indicates that the entire skin is temporary, since you ditch everything except your name and strings as soon as you become your darkest self.

In general, I can see the attraction in being able to become anything you want, a being of pure potential, and I can see the basic idea of the skin being temporary. The big question, to me, is whether spending time to create a Chrysalis is really worth it, since you won't be playing it for, probably, more than a couple of hours until you become your darkest self.

Personally, I can see The Hollow filling the niche already.

Monsterhearts / Drained
« on: June 22, 2012, 03:34:04 AM »
Hey everyone.

I have a question regarding the condition "Drained". The thing is, English isn't my first language, not that that's usually a problem, so maybe I simply don't have the right understanding of the condition. Am I right in assuming it means tired/busted/weary/numb/fatigued?

Thank you in advance.

P.S, would someone PLEASE comment on the gargantuan actual play I posted on storygames???

Monsterhearts / Re: Meet the Succubus
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:56:54 AM »
Looks good!
I'll put it on the table for my second group this saturday. If one of the players select it, I will, of course, give you feedback.

One thing, though. I might want to change the compulsory move so it befits a player who might want to play the skin as a non-supernatural. A simple rename should work for that purpose. I'm thinking "Gifts of lust" or something like it.

Oh, and I LOVE the Darkest Self!

Monsterhearts / Re: Advancement Options, XP, and Manipulate
« on: June 19, 2012, 07:33:24 AM »
That actually sounds like a great idea, Hyvemynd. I think I'll do just that, though in our case I just may have to quadruple the number of xp needed to advance. Last campaign ran for 79 bi-weekly sessions :-)

Monsterhearts / Re: Advancement Options, XP, and Manipulate
« on: June 19, 2012, 03:33:04 AM »
Maybe it's just that I'm used to campaigns running for years. The people I usually play with get extremely attached to their characters, and if there's an endpoint in character development, and they reach it, it's pretty much "game over" for them, so they prefer not to advance at all, or extremely slowly. If a player loses a character, unless it's by choice, they'll most likely leave the group altogether.

Monsterhearts / Re: Advancement Options, XP, and Manipulate
« on: June 18, 2012, 03:09:55 PM »
To me, and, fortunately, my players as well, advancements don't really matter so long as you're happy playing your character. My players routinely "forget" to jot down xp, regardless of the game. True, this is likely because if they feel their character isn't properly fleshed out, I just let them take whatever skill/spell/item/whatever is appropriate to the system we play.
They're by no means powergamers as you can probably deduce. Most often in our old Gurps campaign, they'd spend a hellish amount of points on utterly useless skills. One, for instance bought ten useless spells because he felt the character needed a servant, and the prerequisites for that spell were rather ridiculous.

What I'm trying to say is, if people are happy with the characters they have, why force change?

Monsterhearts / MC-less?
« on: June 18, 2012, 04:25:05 AM »
I'm looking for a bit of advice.
You see, my players are extremely inventive and active. They're used to setting scenes, they know the rules of the game, they know the intent of the game, and they don't really need me, as MC, to be honest.
I was wondering if others had any experince running MonsterHearts sans MC? My idea was to borrow a page from Primetime Adventures and let players take turns setting scenes and let "out-of-scene" players handle the NPC's. I, myself, would play a character and npc's like the rest of them and simply act as rules arbitrator should that be needed (informed player, I believe the term is). I doubt it will be needed. My players are the sort who forget about xp, who find limitations fun, feel responsible for making things interesting, and will often back their opponent if they feel losing would be more fun (we usually play PtA).

Oh, by the way, they fired me as GM in Primetime Adventures. They said I was wasting my time playing bank, and would rather see me have fun as well.

Monsterhearts / Re: Consentual
« on: June 18, 2012, 03:51:36 AM »
The way I see it, it's all up for interpretation. My read on the move is intimacy and trust, and may include actual sex. While some define sex as only intercourse and others, again, may define it as anything involving physical contact with genitalia, I'd leave the exact definition to the player playing the character, so long as it's not abused.
As for abuse, I know that the people I play with would find zero interest in abusing the system. Hell, they usually can't even be bothered to note down xp because they're happy with the character as (s)he is.

Monsterhearts / Re: AP: Sweetwater Saga
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:33:12 PM »
Ooooh, sweeeeeeet....

Monsterhearts / Re: AP: The Mirkshires
« on: June 15, 2012, 06:24:24 PM »
Oh, I already have two steady groups running... You can read my VERY long and somewhat confused write-up (hard to focus when you have an 18 month old who wants her daddy all the time) over on storygames.

Monsterhearts / Re: AP: The Mirkshires
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:07:08 PM »
Ooooh, tell me you're going to Fastaval next year, Evan. I'd love to play Monsterhearts in the indie block, and if nobody else wants to run it it means I'll have to!

Monsterhearts / Re: Consentual
« on: June 14, 2012, 02:57:44 PM »
Reading the rules, it says "when you have sex..". Remember, you don't have sex with someone if you rape them, rape is something you do to someone, therefore sex is consetual. Rape is never mentioned.
I think the player (or you) mixed the sex move with the "turn someone on" move. You can turn anyone you want on (if you roll the dice right). That just means they get turned on, it doesn't imply that they must have sex with you, just that something you did turned them on.
You can't control what turns you on. You can't control your hormones, something that goes double for teens (and pregnant women, if my wife was anything to go by). What you do control is how you choose to react to being turned on.
Look at real life. I pass pretty girl with a nice smile, or a cute butt, or a nice chest, or sparkling eyes in the street, hell yes I can get turned on (and I'm 35 years old, far from a teen). Doesn't mean I jump their bones right then and there, or later for that matter. It just meant I got turned on.

As for the fey sex move, "when you like naked with another", as I interpret it, doesn't necessarily mean having sex, although it's certainly possible that that's what happened. The way I read it is "when you're physically intimate". After all, when you lie naked with someone, it's not necessarily sexual, you can have sex without it being intimate, but when you lie naked with someone, you're vulnerable and close to them. You bare yourself open to them.

Hope you found my musings useful.

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