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Messages - stras

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Dungeon World / Re: Dwarven fighters?
« on: July 03, 2012, 11:54:41 PM »
In our house games we refer to that ability as 'Dwarfing it off'. 

As in: "What are ya? A wee elfie? Dwarf it off lad!"

Dungeon World / Re: Dwarven fighters?
« on: July 03, 2012, 07:35:53 PM »
We're having some problems with the elven one.  A girl tried making an elven fighter, but fightery things often require strength even if it's not your primary (including your base moves).

Dungeon World / Re: Two Weapon Fighting
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:10:54 AM »
If you still absolutely want mechanical bonuses for a traditionally problematic fighting style AND you don't play a class that can multiclass the rangers Twin Viper style - talk to your GM (who is a fan of your character) and come up with a sweet Compendium Class that totally lets you do the things you're aiming for.

Dungeon World / Re: Two Weapon Fighting
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:05:04 AM »

Damage is by class and by weapon.  The simple answer is +1 because that's what's striking.  

Describing a second weapon striking is no different than saying "I fill the sky with arrows" (one of the volley 7-9 moves) and hit the enemy with 10 arrows.  Do I roll 10 damage? No. You're applying D&D logic to a simpler system that doesn't bother with detailed weapon sims.  Why do you do 1d10 and not 2d10 damage? Because damage is by class and your skill at using your weapons.  Do you want to fight with a single sword? Groovy.  Two handed bastard sword? Groovy.  Want to describe yourself wielding a flail? That's cool.  How about TWO flails?  Also cool.  When you start trying to cobble together mechanical bonuses into this is where things start falling apart (but what if I have extra longsword blades on my elbows and knees and describe twirling to slice the enemy up with them?)

+1 or -1 on your to-hit rolls is both boring and very harsh.  We're not talking a casual bonus.  This is a huge swing in hits, and a more radical shift in full successes.

If you simply can't live without the 1 extra damage, I say go for it.  You are after all giving up a shield.  But then wonder, what bonus that 2Her gives someone? (Are you going to have to defy danger every time you try to attack someone with a reach weapon?) On the other hand when a sword gets disarmed, broken, melted by dragonsbreath, eaten by a rust monster (take away stuff) you have a spare sword ... so maybe that's a fine deal after all by default.

I say keep it simple.  Take your class damage, and take whatever the dominant weapon bonus is.  Leave everything else to fictional positioning, and describe yourself fighting however is 'cool' in your mind.

Dungeon World / Re: (not so) New Races & New Race Moves
« on: June 28, 2012, 09:07:12 PM »
Another character (an elven Wizard) wrote a Bond about him, something like "Hawke bears the sorrow of an Elf with the bravery of a man.  He is truly a hero."

Inspiring stuff, right?

I love this game >_< great story.

Dungeon World / Re: (not so) New Races & New Race Moves
« on: June 28, 2012, 09:51:40 AM »
@ (not that) adam : I like the cut of your orcs ser. ALOT.

Also.  Now I have to write me some awesome dwarfs (well played @skinnyghost)!

Dungeon World / Re: AP: First time running the game
« on: June 27, 2012, 02:08:33 PM »
Well played (other) adam :)

I guess I read that as more an indictment of the player ignoring the threat, but I see what you meant (same as me: in fights mutual stabbification frequently occurs). Correct me if I'm wrong.

Dungeon World / Re: AP: First time running the game
« on: June 27, 2012, 01:55:34 PM »
Attention please: Hack & Slash DOES NOT make a monster deal damage to a player on a 7-9 roll. Check again the description. It says: "the enemy makes an attack against you". If the monster attack would have success it's totally another matter.

7-9 result on hack and slash:
GM: «you injure the goblin king in the shoulder with your sword; but he recovers fast and charges you with his spear. What do you do?»

Unless I feel a more appropriate monster move is there, I frequently deal damage on a 7-9.  If two people are locked in combat (again everything is mitigated by fictional positioning) it's established that they're swinging at each other: both taking wounds makes perfect sense to me.  Even Conan battling someone would usually come out with cuts and scrapes.  It also seems kind of mathematically off to make someone do an additional roll every middling hit (first you hit them, then they threaten to hit you, then you have to roll to dodge where if you get a 9 or less you probably are just taking the damage anyway) where 6- will hurt you badly.  On a 7-9 you get a bit of what you want (you hit them) and they get a bit of what they want (they hit you, they hold onto the idol, they grab your coinpurse, they speak words that make your ears bleed and claw at the edges of your mind...).

Doing it the other way leaves you with narrative flow problems:  "The wolf charges" I swing my sword! 8! "You hit it... ... it recovers and... charges... ... " I counter it's lunge by shoving a sword in it! 8! "You hit it! And it's snapping at you..." I smack it's face away with my pommel, trying to break it's jaw! 8! ...

Because to me that sounds like the player getting everything they want (not getting hit, and getting a hit off) which is a 10+ no?

My point however was that dealing damage is quick and simple (even as other options are available) so I just used it here because it's a simple 3 line example that was meant to illustrate the narrative shift to a different character >_>

Dungeon World / Re: Please to make blank playbook in format I can use
« on: June 27, 2012, 01:32:41 PM »
Really well actually.  Took me a bit to get used to the new setup (plus life has been busy recently).  I'm hoping to post a more comprehensive update this weekend. :) Look forward to it!

Dungeon World / Re: AP: First time running the game
« on: June 27, 2012, 10:19:05 AM »
This question of GM narration seems to crop up a number of times.  Check out:
He seemed to encounter a similar problem in his AP.

One trick for offscreen cameras is to describe a narrative focus shift.  Let me provide an example:

P1: I slice the wolf open!
GM: That sounds like a hack and slash - roll + STR!
P1: 9!
GM: The wolf latches on your arm, and while you strike it with your sword (whisper: roll damage) it clenches it's teeth, and paws at you (you take d6 damage).
Marlow (P2)! You hear the chewing of jaws on arm-bones while sidling into the shadows, and the sharp yelp of your friend as wolf-teeth hit bone.  What do you do?

Also keep in mind that the concept of a skulking thief isn't necessarily inherent (stealth is a great way to surprise someone, but it's tough to stealth in a 10/10 room).  Avoiding combat extends your life expectancy (significantly), but you can fight alongside someone who opens up an enemy to attack (such as with a defend shield slam) which is how you can slip a backstab in.

Hope that helps!

Dungeon World / Re: Number Appearing playtest and suggestions
« on: June 26, 2012, 10:34:54 AM »
Wight.  I heart were-things of all breeds alot.  Where can I take a gander at a playtest type thingy?  I don't know if I can help, but maybe my random ramblings can shed inspiration.

Dungeon World / Re: Number Appearing playtest and suggestions
« on: June 23, 2012, 11:48:42 PM »
I'd have them always use a plural pronoun and refer to themselves as 'The Swarm' or 'Children of the Rat God'.  Maybe 'Vermin'.

Dungeon World / Re: One shot Con games
« on: June 23, 2012, 11:45:47 PM »
Everything suggested above is brilliant.  I would add two small tidbits from my own experience:

I do the end-of-session move when they camp for the night.  I find it works out pretty well (we get 2 or so in per game).

One trick that I find invaluable at a con is to always start in the middle of action.  Seriously, nothing gets the blood pumping like a good fight, and make sure to let the players have input.  If you start with exposition about a cave, or an entrance, the players tend to be timid.  This is a new game, they're exploring bonds, figuring out what they can say and what they can't, trying to decide on moves etc.

If you start with someone putting their weapon up to a hilt in something, having a weapon arcing down onto a shield that's protecting a party member, you get camraderie, the establishment of 'party', and folks having some rapport and familiarity with the rules very quickly.

Saying "there's a cave passage ahead of you, what do you do?" usually gets countered with "What can I see, what's around me? Where else can I go? Are there any tracks or traces? What have I heard about this cave?" and so on.

When you say "You see the war-club arcing towards your head whistling through the air ... WHAT DO YOU DO?" folks usually get into the scene much quicker off the bat I find.

Dungeon World / Re: Pre-Planning Sessions
« on: June 21, 2012, 02:51:18 PM »

Questions (even leading questions) are your best friend.

Don't be hard on yourself.  DW is dressed like the games with Dragons in the name we all know and have played forever.  Learning to throw 2d6 is far less of a challenge than learning how to do the back-and-forth discussion, break your players of checking their sheets to use a move to start fiction, and teaching yourself to let go of the preconceptions of what an adventure is and how to structure it.

Start the game in-media rez.  Have someone cut through something, then ask what they're cutting through.  Ask someone else what they're most worried about here.  Ask the cleric what ancient relic of their religion is hidden here.  Ask the thief what treasure they heard was here, and offer them an XP if they find it.

Then look up the monsters, write down the stats for the item the first time you take a bathroom break, and hold on for the wild ride :)

Dungeon World / Re: Please to make blank playbook in format I can use
« on: June 19, 2012, 07:12:56 PM »
Ok ok ok... *cracks knuckles* Django and Python you say?

Stand back, there might be explosions. *digs up laptop*

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