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Messages - Maleficum

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Apocalypse World / Re: Clearwater - Hopes, needs and a distant Utopia
« on: December 02, 2013, 04:24:59 PM »

Front 2: "The Walls of Pride is high & wide (can't see to the other side)" AMBITION

Agenda: "If you want peace, prepare for war!" Envious Cibalo of Darkwater with his mercenary army, Crazy-ass prophet Manitou and her need to denounce, destroy and overthrow and Bannock, the dark-clad (goth dress wear) mindfucker's ambitions all threathen Clearwater.

-Who will kill Bannock?
-Will anyone join Cibalo?
- Will Bannock steal Comanche? (03:00 - proximity, 18:00 sex, 21:00 a promise, maybe other way around?)
- Will anyone try for Cheyenne's position?

THREATH 1: Manitou's raiders - Warlord - Prophet

Cast: Manitou, Jackal, Dawg, Hellhound

Countdown: 03:00 Greentwitch raided, 18:00 another attack, 21:00 spearhead spies/killed farmers or lumberers

THREATH 2: Bannock - grotesque mindfucker

Impulse: Craves Mastery

Custom moves:

*when you try to resist Bannocks command, roll+weird
*first time you lie to Bannock roll+weird, on a miss you act under fire to tell you allies the thruth about important stuff and you gain XP if they end up hurt by your lies, on a 7-9 you know she knows, on a 10+ she might not know, but you also learn a secret
*when you try to attack Bannock (openly), roll+weird (on a 10+ take 1-harm and act under fire to kill/or whatever her, 7-9 take 1-harm and the pain keeps you from attacking, on a miss take 1-harm and another two unless you kill whomever Bannock wills you too

THREATH 3: Cibalo's 7 Cities

Warlord - Dictator
Impulse: To Control

Cast: Shawnee, Blackfoot, Mohawk, Kickapoo (leaders)

Countdown: Cibalo makes a show of force/dicipline (check),

Apocalypse World / Clearwater - Hopes, needs and a distant Utopia
« on: December 02, 2013, 03:55:23 PM »
So I finally got a game going - which is starting to roll. Four players, all less experienced than my 10ish games. One has unfortunately missed two of three sessions.

While I finally think I get fronts, I realize that I need help with threaths.

The PCs:

Vision - The Hocus of a sex-less salvation by holy fire (atom bombs, they cleanse the lost with regular witchburning flame). In game two they embrace sex and sexuality (and parties!) (We are all confused when she's a she.)

Trench - The Faceless, A lumberjack? ...with hopes of having someone to protect, but her morbid antiques alienates her from the rather decent folks of Clearwater

Marlon - The Driver - a rather old hermaphrodite who've forever searched for Utopia, but the first session Hx-reset gives us the secret that s/he's really lost the belief in Utopia

Storm - The Skinner - makes totem-poles, is the glue of Clearwater but maybe also it's curse? Manipulates others for hir own needs. Ambigious gender, blantanty sexual.

Clearwater is in a Valley. Cheyenne is a youngish leader chosen by popular demand. The populace is hard working, clean and lives in families, with children. The Cult is off course argumentative, shuns cleanliness and is totally sexless, i.e. until their new direction emerges.

THE FRONTS (please comment/help)

Front 1: HUNGER - "Hungry Eyes spell danger"

Dark future: Clearwater is devoured by those of larger hunger than themselves or by hunger generated by unfortunate events.

Threath 1: Deep Dark Forest - Landscape, prison

Impulse: To Contain, Deny Egress

"The people fear the forest, and never venture them at night. Dark, strong and dangerous creatures live there in the Darkness. Trench has  felt one's presence."

Custom moves:

- when you patrol the outskirts of the forests at night roll+sharp. On a hit you avoid the ambush and on a 10+ you learn something, on a miss you'd better pray you just get ambushed!

- when you're lost in the forest and try to keep it's voices out, roll+weird. On a miss, the MC will give you a new move. On a hit you'll be able to contain yourself, and on a 10+ you'll remember parts of a conversation (if you want you can read "person")

possible moves:

When you bring others into the forest, gain XP - when you miss an oppourtunity to do so take 1-harm
When you can't see the forest, act under fire to keep calm when doing anything important, gain XP when you shed blood near the forest


HUNGER - condition
Impulse: To expose people to danger

When Manitou's raiders Marlon burns down the granary (in the night)

Threath 3: Salacious Sybarites - Brutes - consume recources

"Mostly partying Cultists" - Bundy, Shipman, Costanza, Denke, Bathory, Milat, Toppane, Edina & Gain(dead)

Countdown - every time they party the need for rationing increases (cumulatively):

03:00 - everyone take -1 forward
18:00 - everyne take -1 ongoing
21:00 - everyone acts under fire
after that people will start dying

Threath 4: The Masked Cannibals

Grotesques - Crave Satiety (by eating children), oh ... and they wears masks!
They follow the edicts of their long-lost leader, waiting for her/his return, allying themselves to whatever warlord provides...

[to be continued]

So the war-effort is going to hell, as the snake eyes told us, so I have Mastiff enumerating what's wrong, while I snigger and mouth: "Good luck, sucker!". Then the Brainer, who's on top of his shit, asks three questions and get's the answer to "is michi really a spy?", "how come Ambergrease's men fight so thoroughly" and "upon what or whom is the psychic maelstrom so intent?" I lay it all out on the table, so to speak.

Then Grace tells me she's really well situated, and get's a few resentful glares and groans when she exclaims that "if I walk out of Hatchet City, Ambergrease's men will lead me directly to him - unharmed!" ... also Dustwich will open her doors to Grace, Brimful's keyed up and Wooden will desert the hardholder and bring her gang to Grace's defence!

We're off!

First scene is Brimful, a large old miletary-looking man who demands a meeting, worried about the war-effort. They meet in Mastiffs quarters, were Smith is oogling Pull and Grace puts on a show hypnotizing Brimful to: Want to see her alone, bring her a gift and need her services. We're also aqainted to Tip, who's a rare beaty with  a soft body and eyes like a Disney-deer calf. Mastiff wants to have Brimful swear to not sell arms to Ambergrease. Brimful won't, but says that "when if Hatchet City falls he'll need to take care of his family and make a deal. Until then, they're good, but Brimful will never again come to Mastiff's office like a vassal. Mastiff is pleased.

When Brimful leaves, he goes to Grace: "Your presence illuminates us all, know that you are always welcome in my family - on your terms! Ask anything and I will give it to you, I need to meet you! Ask anything except Tip!"

From Smiths quarters come the sound of a grammaphone-record. And in the night Grace is awoken by tip who throws herself at Grace, who gracefully declines and talks her into returning to Brimful - and promises to not divulge the nightly visit!

Next night they're awoken by a scream following a shot. (Remember, there's snipers in two bunkers across the river - firing every day, once nearly hitting Mastiff in what really just was a colour scene when we started.) Mastiff understand that he needs to do something and risks himself by seizing the hurt gang-member, failing and then acting (literally) under fire to drag him away. The ganger's body is shot once more, and so is Mastiff, but I've neglected to look at the equipment so Mastiff has 2-armor and is only a 6 p.m.

While Mastiff gets a "the men think you did good" from one of his guard, we hear the grammophone playing a little off-key. When we look inside, we see Smith ordering the enslaved gang-boss to turn the grammophone a little faster, then Smith kills Gramma who's strapped to a chair. I gestalt the gang-boss through the scene and sit motionless when I use my hand to indicate the blood-splatter which slowly drips from his face while he turns the grammophone. Smith scoops up the blood and uses it for a ritual to Open his brain and learn that there's blue tentacles in the psychic maelstrom that's reaching blindly out from Ambergrease's compound, searching for Grace. (Remember he knew this last part from the question he got to ask in the loveletter.)

Now we're getting more and more interuptions around us, as others have (coffee) breaks, and even getting finished from their own things.

As Smith and Mastiff tries to have a secret conversation, Grace listens in, but is caught and awakens with a bump in her head and several armed people fighting over her. Wooden has shown her colours and Mastiff get's a little frustrated. It's sorted that Grace will be "protected" by two men at all times.

Mastiff decides that the Bunkers need to go, and Smith agrees and they have a nice conversation were they agree to sacrifice Grace. As they shake hands, Smith's player says loudly: "You're TAGGED!" - and the whole room laughs (including Mastiff's player).

Grace, who's not aware of this, but feels that the time has come to hunt for more. (Her parrot is freaking out, saying stuff about love and consuming love/lovemaking that she never thought it - and as she opens her brain she get's a vague impression that she's wanted across the river.)

The plan is that Mastiff will get a boat and armour it's stern and glide over in the night, while Smith will take a small force to deal with a threath he's opened brain thought him. They both fail their act under fire/sneak-rolls and as Smith's crew is stopped by a guard with a machine gun in the tower, their boat drifts as they see someone walking across the bridge. Mastiff is aware of this as well, as the two men accompanying Grace is shot while she is called forward.

Then Mastiff get's the bunkers with a rockin seize-roll and Smith slinkers back. It's going to be a LONG war!

Grace get's shot when Mastiff acknowledgement of the gunluggers question about her is misinterpreted. As she barely succeeds, I'll give her a hard bargain. The gunluggers of Ambergrease will carry her to him if she agrees to "give'em a night".

"Let me die with Grace," she says weekly as the blood flows in the earth and one of the men do, as I onomatopoetiate a gunshot.

-----------------------------        -------------
I really regret not having the prescence to have a follow up scene were we see the lonely, tortured Blue-Blind (which I imagine having the body of Halle Berry), as both Grace's player and myself was looking forward to her getting there. But we play to find out!

sorry for the haphazardous posting, as last night a fire in a garage lent me not having the time alone. Next up will be lessons learned/evaluations (from the players)

So my first run was at a small indie-con. There it's freakin' easy getting brilliant players who'll never shoot something down, but to much goingon meant that we only got 3 players. Now one of the players had bought the book and actually requested a playtest on the Con, and the other two participated in the impromptu game the night before (part I). Because of a bad knee, we had to play in the common area, which did impede the session somewhat.


I did my usual: "I like to play in the northern part of the continent we today call 'America', as one of my agendas is making the world seem real and I think it's easier to fulfill it with the oppourtinuties of the 'Salad Bowl' - and all of the movies we've seen.... you know (they all do ;)) It's not like we couldn't play anywere, but also I'm a lazy disorganized busy fuck, so I'm not intending to alter the naming lists for a one-shot". I also mentioned that I liken post-apoc with deserts, but that I'm not burning for it in this regard. Then I showed the map of the ruins.

I was bummed to lose out on an Angel or a  Violent-person (Faceless?), but we got something cool here:

Mastiff the Hard-holder, leather fetish wear and looked like a Man-O-War-albumcover with Rob Halford as a special star. Brimful's family ended up as those who manufactured guns. A fucking important guy to keep happy, as the "how's the war going?"-loveletter would show us with two staring (snake)eyes! Luckily Michi didn't get the knife in him.

Smith the Brainer, Old, like well over 40. Formal wear, looks like a kind old man, who's dedicated to Hatchet City, despite catching the Damoscles-allusion. Does his job skillfully and thoroughly, but his fascination with people is of a sick sorts. Plans to murder his assistant, has enslaved the prisoner and is in love with Pull, the pretty young newest addition to Mastiffs bodyguard.
 The player really cheered when he read the playbook! The night before he played a brilliant gunlugger who kept adding to setting, but didn't really do anything - as it didn't fit him. Now he just loved the book and it's optioins!

Grace the Skinner - beautuiful face, lush body, fancy dresses (all gifts) and a parrot. Her 'art' is making animals behave not like animals. The parrot can even talk a few sentences. Everybody loves her in Hatchet City.

Both Smith and Grace have come to Hatchet through Ambergrease, and both rejected his offers.

Hx! As always a blast, and the bricklaying of brilliant play:

I say that the boss should go first, so Mastiff tells us he's a nice guy and all, and am willing to listen, but that war is war so he could be more open. Hx+0. Grace makes that +1 and the Brainer says he remembers when he fell asleep at the table in council. While it probably was just for a little while, you found me looking intently at you saying: "Iiiinteerestiiiiiing." Hx+3

The Brainer says that he's difficult to get, Hx-1 but Grace responds that he's in love with her, and the Brainer adds on it by saying he's been following her around, so that would make sense. Mastiff claims the Brainer is a nice addition to the Hold and all, but that he once stole from him. The Brainer says: "Sure, could it be a human? Like a luitenant or something?"  It seems Dustwich was "set free" by Smith. :6


Hx could be my favourite rpg-mechanic!!

So I've MCed "Blue-Blind and Hatchet City" twice, and yes - I keep juxtaposing 'blind' and 'blue'. These two threads saw something interesting: Hatchet City sells ApW    and    Blind-blue and Hatchet City playtests poorly.

So this thread is for my runs (I hope to run it a few more times), and experiences - and perhaps most of all the reponses returned from the players.

Note that I am by no means an established gamemaster (MC) or even charismatic, so I think my efforts will be very "regular joe MCs a con-scenario".

My two runs so far has been on a con, and I'm selling it as a con-scenario that's not written by my that I want to run at a Convention come june.

My internet-issues aren't all up, as I also need to paint after my moving. Hopefully I'll get this written soon enough.

Thanks all! The last bit is what I'm worried about to, and off course retrofitting is a powerful storytelling tool which really is just magic for/to attain "what I want now".

The stuff about characters doing and having stuff regardless of moves is important. But there's setting-building and wish-listbuilding. The driver can have take a move to have a tank, but the gunlugger could easily make an apocalyptic-imagery-friendly backstory of travelling in a tank. Would that be allowed?

I'm thinking about, and realizing, that there's no "line" as the line is regulated by the playgroup and the current game-aesthetics. It's an interesting and important question to ponder, though. Thanks again for all help.

So the I present the Playbooks as "this what you get, and you get what's in here". Then everyone seems to enjoy making the characters, and Hx is almost always a blast*.

*) note: I haven't made characters more than 4 times, 75% is still good

So the Angel who considered making a backstory of delivering drugs to the population was told that he couldn't (start with it established). The Battlebabe who wanted a bar had to work (unpaid) there. I'm sure you can think of other examples from your own campaigns.

THE SET-UP: So in a game, after Hx is done and a scene were the Chopper beats up the Hocus and chooses to "impress, terrify or dismay" the Player of the Hocus instigates a scene were he tries to establish that they (the brothers!) have had a regular sexual relationship. The Player of the Chopper ups-the-ante and exclaims that it's the other persons turn. If there's pity on anyone, it's the player in the middle of the sofa.

However, and here's THE QUESTIONS: Where's the line between colourful character-building and shamelessly steeling authorship outside the Playbook?  I feel like that's not only  a way to break the archetype of the playbook, but it lesses the rules.

In Burning Wheel I've learned that a "generous GM" really lesses the character-building if she just let's everyone have shoes, clothes and a sword. Should I be worried - and more strict with the "this is what you get"-speech, or should I let players walk over the Playbooks to enhance their own enjoyment (at the expence of balance/and possibly others?)

I know groups that would not have enjoyed if I insited that my character and another had (any) sexual relations, though it happing in play is cool.

Apocalypse World / Re: Questions and custom moves to - AP: Crossroads
« on: March 20, 2013, 10:47:44 AM »
Aaah, Countown Clocks are conceptual rather than mechanical. In the Burning Wheel game I'm in the Undead Army Advances-track is moved (to us players rather arbitrary;)), the clock is just so the threath isn't just a "status quo-situation". :)

Thanks for all help, I wonder if it's a language-barrier (shouldn't really be there), or if I just lack RPG Theory.

----------------------------          -------------------------------
On my "advanced" fronts:

I think the the thing is that I wouldn't have bothered much usually, knowing they'd get going, but the group want outside threaths and aren't to happy to make up setting themselves. They're rather ... traditional. I think and feel I have to "bring it" more than I have to "fascilitate it" and organize cooperation.

I think I see the Wilderness as a front of Decay/Despair, as in the Apocalyptic Wilderness is mainly toying with the pockets of "civilization".

The Uncle's compound I listed between Ambiton and Envy, as Uncle and his folks have both ambition and is envious of the rather nice living of the Crossroads waterhole.

The Poisonous Skulls front I listed as envy, but they could be hunger as wel, though I saved that for Cannibibal City.

Apocalypse World / Re: Questions and custom moves to - AP: Crossroads
« on: March 19, 2013, 10:22:16 AM »
Thank you for all help, I am really struggling with this, even though we got an extra week without playing. Not having internet at home, or even a decent place to write on the computer at home (due to moving) isn't making things better either. So far I've worked with three fronts, and have another prepped as well.

The idea behind the when you travel the roads in a vehicle, roll+SHARP..., is to build up the Driver as a though, lonesome, cowboy. There aren't really roads in the desert either, but the sands are solidifying as to become mountains again ... once again outlasting mankind, only in reverse. Something bad is going to happen, but in order for "civilization" to "blossom", we need the pony riders of Apocalypse World.

On the fundamental scarcity-thing, I really struggled - and am struggling with it. In the Inside Hatchet-City-threath from the Core Book it just says: "Corruption".

The clue is that I want the Wilderness the represent a danger - and to make those who dare enter them cool/though/hard

I've got a Front with Uncle's compound, who has "Crossroads" under it's protection - and Dustwitch as it's former luitenant! The threaths are easier (mostly human), but I am struggling with countdown-clocks and whatnot. Gaming (ApW) in two days, hopefully I can "bring it" at the table.

I'm planning a few love-letters as well, but I need to establish an outside threath for one of the players.

Thanks for all help, my life will get much easier when I got my own computer going.

Apocalypse World / Re: Questions and custom moves to - AP: Crossroads
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:18:46 PM »
Front: The Apocalyptic Wilderness

Drive: to isolate and humiliate the pockets of isolation
agenda/dark future: One day the "civilized" Apocalypse World will be consumed, until then - everytime we gaze "outside" we're reminded of our precariously positioned lives. The howls becken...

Threath: The Roads

Custom move

when you travel the roads in a vehicle, roll +SHARP and choose:
10+: choose as many as you like, 7-9: Choose 1 ... on a miss the GM will choose two or three and probably make a move

* you don't have an accident
* you don't pick up a hitcher passenger
* you aren't fired upon
* you aren't attacked by devildingoes/critters

Threath:  The Screaming Hills

when you search The Screaming Roads for something, roll +WEIRD

on a 10+: you get it if 

Apocalypse World / Re: Questions and custom moves to - AP: Crossroads
« on: March 12, 2013, 04:18:13 PM »
I'm working on some Fronts and accompanying custom moves, but due to moving I don't have regular internet-access. It's really more job than I imagined, and I really can't figure out the doomsday clocks.

I'll probably ask when I get anything concrete done. (Play has been postphoned another week or so.)

Front 1; Uncle's compound 

Uncle - Dictator, Dustwitch & gang - enforcers, Uncle's daughter: Shan,  ...

Front 2: CanBowl Ruins - maze


Front 3: Screaming Hills - mirage


Front 4: The Poisonous Skull - Alpha Wolf

motorcycle raiders, atomic/biological reactor*, disease vector - thinking it's got to do with the reactor

 (I'm tempted with a disease, as this is were the Brainer and Taavi are looking for their "treasure")

- Hoping to have much ready for next time, to pounce whenever I need to make a move, and entice the players with pregenerated stuff to explore. Note: to explore and make their own deciciouns about.

Apocalypse World / Re: Apocalypse World – Crossroads
« on: March 12, 2013, 04:03:55 PM »
There's not much to tell, Hx was't as fluent as it always is. The set-up is that, though everyone know eachother - they seem to really don't. (I've also heard something reminiscing about non-fixed-setting: "What's the appeal.")

I realize know that I'm not used to having to ask questions (like crazy), more like moderate so we get information in digestable pieces and a little from everyone. Thank you Noclue, for making me see that I should dig further.

I really wanted some input on the Big Bads in the area, but I really didn't got much.

--------           ------------
The Angel - spends most of his time in the hammock. A really cool character, but will need some outside encouragement to act, it would seem.

The Battlebabe is really invested in the bar and stuff, but she was ready to kill the Brainer and I mishandled the move Go aggro, as the Brainers would have had to "suck it up" to try and attack himself. Maybe this had something to do with the flow.

The driver really digs into the asthetics and plays and ambigiously sex role who has already made hir move - and failed miserably on the roll +Cool. He was the first to offer up supporting cast (Lemieux the drunk mechanic and Whitey, the muscular transvestite) as well.

The Brainer does what Brainers do - and revel in the build/power/freaky shit, but offered up "Dumppolis" (renamed CanBowl City/Ruins in my notes) and was maybe concerned with other things?

---------------------        -------------

Burroughs has been at Crossroads for a while, working for Uncle - and it would seem to make Tavi (the Battlebabe's older brother) find referances to some treasure (or shit, maybe an überweapon?). While there, he has been ogling Kite (in a disturbing matter, like there's not a disturbing way to ogle a teenager) and once Phoenix got startled by the mindfucker staring intently at him when he had fell asleep at the wheel.

The circumstances about the setting was so I didn't want to aggrievate the tension more - and the Driver got enough screentime as it was, to have further questions added. Phoenix was saved by Kite behind Crossroads were Rotschild and Peppering*  wanted something (barter? something delivered? information? stealing children?) - I'm thinking this is something to be answered if a mindfcker get's to business).

*) a pet-name for amphetamine in our country

Phoenix once helped Doc save a life.
Really? Whose? Someone we know? This Phoenix is one helpful Driver.[/quote]

I'm interested in finding out myself, but there were suggestions about it being someone who the Driver ran over, so I (perhaps wrongly) didn't press the issue then. Thinking of introducing a threat which it was. :P

Doc thinks Burroughs is doomed to self-distruction.


The Brainer said so, the Doc and I answered "evidently" - and trying aggrieve everyone present would suggest that there's time for it.

Apocalypse World / Questions and custom moves to - AP: Crossroads
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:05:31 AM »
Campaign: Crossroads

Answers and comments appreciated. I'll probably add some "love letters" as well, maybe even before session 2.

--------       -----------

The Drivers sex-move: It’s -1ongoing for every roll, until Phoenix can prove it’s not like she own’s hir or anything, right? I guess this means there’s encouragement to prove just that?

The Brainer-moves: Can they be secret? (the brainer in this case was more creepy than secret, but we’ve struggled a bit with In-puppet-strains, as I said it implants an imperative, but by no means overwrites your own. The player of Kite thought, quite rightly (as backed up by the player of Burroughs) that it was fuckery and wanted to kill Burroughs. We could quite easily have lost a character to PC-Vs-PC-violence, although I know there’s a few more stops inherent in the ApW-system.

---------------         ----------------
Custom moves:

When you fight a pack of Devildingos and you’ve got a gun/noisy weapon of sorts, roll +hard:

on a 10+: you’re safe, you only need to shoot a couple before they get that  you’re no prey
on a 7-9: You’re safe, but it cost you. Either let their teeth catch some equipment/gear or let them taste your flesh (1harm, after armor).
On a miss: You’re surrounded, wounded and running out of ammo. Better prey someone comes to your rescue! Better yet, call someone!

When you go into the Screaming Hils searching for something, roll +weird:

10+ You probably find it if it’s reasonable. If it’s unreasonable, you will find it!
7-9 You find someting, maybe it can help you find what you seek – or maybe this is what you really seek?
Miss: Congratulations, you’re lost in the screaming hills. Tell us what the nightmares you’ll wake from are, and remember to tell us occacionally. First though, we want to know how you propose to get home.

When you traverse the oceans of sand in a vehicle, roll +sharp.

10+ you get were you want, choose 3
7-9 you get were you want, choose 2
Miss – first of all, you don’t get were you want. Second, the MC makes a hard move.
•   you get there quickly/you don’t have to stay in a bad place
•   there’s still gas on the tank/the car’s not damaged
•   you don’t have to pick up a hitcher
•   you get to pick up a hitcher

Apocalypse World / Apocalypse World – Crossroads
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:01:34 AM »
1st Session of our new campaign:

So I read the vignette, then the blurbs on the Playbooks, answer a couple of questions and gulp a little apocalyptica, like when I toss the Playbooks up for grabs: In Apocalypse World “finder’s keeper’s” a rule to live by, (until the gunlugger’s obvious direct move makes t to die by…)

We get:

A Brainer – quite early the player started fiddling with the booklet, terrifying glee upon his visage…

A Driver – I’ve thought the driver looked bland, but somehow it’s been taken all three times I’ve played. I’m really getting to see why it’s a great playbook.

An Angel – the player caught it quite early, but by no means grabbed it. Just sat silently reading it. “I want to play an Angel named ‘Doc’, an lo-and-behold, I could.” I’ve gotten questions on whether the names are mandatory, and I change my answer up, but I really love the “To create your [playbook] choose name, etc…”

… and the last player asks for advice and get The Battlebabe. (I’ve heard referances to “Barb Wire”).

I’m getting a bit anxious, as I’m not too keen on a travelling show, as it’s my really first campaign (and I’ve not really been a conscious fan of post-apocalypse) and I think it’s easier to reincorporate and build investment in a home-based campaign. So I ask questions almost like I’m desperate:

“So, you work for a warlord or something – adding a bit of class? You’re just the right acco- the unpronounceable* word a hardholder need.)”

*)to me :$

Me, confident: "I’m sure you’ve got a base, right?”

The Angel: “Oh, you mean? Nah, I’m a battle-medic. Named ‘Doc’.”

”You’ve got a place you keep coming back to? A favourite place in between missions?”

I don’t think Apocalypse World encourages leading questions, but I know what I'm not up to. The Battlebabe help me out: “I think I own a bar or something.”

Me, grabbing the life-line: “You can’t. That’s actually it’s own playbook, maybe we’ll introduce it later. You could work there, like a violent bouncer or something?”

The B’babe: “Sure.”

Me, saying what honesty demands, as I’ve overstated the “You get what’s in your playbook, what’s in your playbook is what you get”: “Or rather, you could want to work there as a bouncer, now you just take the occasiounal bounce…erhm?...”

B’babe: “My brother runs it, I just hang.”

Me, saved: “So, this bar in the middle of the desert, were you (*looking at the driver*) usually park, and an Angel (*looking at the angel*) has hung up … and a … seedier fellow? (*looking at you-all-know-who*)… so what’s this place, this poison-selling oasis, called:

B’babe: “Crossroads.”

The Cast:

The DriverPheonix– ambigious sex, leather wear – as real and cool like the real fake skai of his back seat - collects cars which is parked at in the Garage behind Tavi’s Crossroads. Slim bodied, with a fine-boned face and cool eyes cool like a lonely desert night.

The BattlebabeKite Honeytree– the 16 year-old sweetfaced girls; evocations like “cheerleader” and “jailbait” are tossed around and approved by the player. Arresting eyes. Shotgun and spiked chain accompanying the baggy military pants, the scissored T-shirt and leather jacket.

The BrainerBurroughs– I describe him as someone the kids, if there were any here, would make rhymes about. A bogeyman with caring eyes, Hot-2. Has kept watching Kite for a while.

The Angel Doc – man, utility wear, rugged face w/clear eyes and a rangy body. Got the moves 6th Sense and Battlefield grace! A combat-medic, who off course hates combat and only does it for the jingle. Carries an Angel’s kit and a saw off, in addition the wearing armour. Stays in the hammock all day.

Tavi – the proprietor of Crossroads – Kite’s older brother (27 years), quite the business acumen, so keeps a couple of adding-business-peeps around. Taken care of Kite since their parents died a long time ago.

Last – he’s been here longer than Tavi and his sister. Always sits here, tells a couple of not-so-exiting-stories and makes everything last. Somehow he adds business and is kept around.

Lemieux the mechanic – runs a garage behind Crossroads. This is were Pheonix parks his vehicles. Lemieux creates best when drinking, just like Pheonix drives best…

Uncle – the local hardholder – claims patronage of Crossroads, Tavi knows the score and they work pretty independently, if it wasn’t for that unsavoury chap that’s been ogling Kite.

Uncle’s daughter – came in in the last scene.

Lemieux’ Masterpiece – the jukebox that plays four songs, at random each day. Achy-breaky heart, Jolene and a tune with someone loosing his house, wife, cars, but keeping his dog. Knowing the devildingoes of the desert, that’s one guy down on his luck! … oh, and Kite’s favourite: “Like a Virgin”.

Whitey – a broadshouldered dark-skinned “denis roadman in drag” (a movie-referance?), get’s angry if not referred to as “she”. Drinking buddy of Phoenix. Has not yet made an actual appearance.

Rotschild – once threatened Pheonix, got beat up with his two goonies
Peppering – Rotschild’s bodyguard?

Uncle military/enforcers:

Rum – bouncy tits, bouncy ass, M16 and a smile
Mad Dog – cartoony Mohawk – pecks like mountains but lack Dolph Lundgren’s mimicry.
Mice – a mousy gal? with a sub-machine rifle
Putrid – new, lives up to his name
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Tavi’s Crossroads – a simple roadside cafè-design, with buildings sheds cropped up around it. We’ve got a map.

Uncle’s compound – recently built, barbed wire and a sementy wall. Upon a sandy hill. I’ve described the sands of the deserts like grains of mountains merging to become mountains and outlasting mankind once again. Explains how cars drive the desert…

Dumppolis – a ruined city, with a bowl (football/baseball stadium?) and creatures living/hiding. Cannibals?

The Screaming hills - ???

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Hx – people barely know eachother, except Burroughs who knows everyone. (Pheonix once got startled by him when sleeping – and Doc quite evidently (and rightly) distrusts him. Kite really doesn’t trust Phoenix, even though she helped him out of a scrap in a deal-gone-wrong. She suspects a bad deal indeed, like … ehm, trafficking. Phoenix once helped Doc save a life. Doc thinks Burroughs is doomed to self-distruction. That’s probably only half-true, but at least Doc’s got one positive Hx after being on the road with Phoenix until they got here.

No-one has any cool start-of-game-moves; I guess some loveletters are needed. ?

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First scene is Kite listening to Last telling two of Uncle’s gunluggers about how this tiny sweetfaced girl beat up two men. The story isn’t great, but he tells it with conviction. They spot a dust-cload – and after a while Phoenix walks in the swinging saloon door. Phoenix ends up reading Last and understand that Last stays here for comfort, something bad has happened – that’s why he tells the boring stories.

Then Doc gets hit on by Rum, while lying in his hammock. Doc always keeps his distance.

Then Pheonix get’s hit on by Rum, with her two pals Mad Dog and Mice. Doc’s there – and Burroughs. When Rum gets the shivers when looking at Burroughs, he Direct-brain-whispers to her. Phoenix interferes and misses (get’s Rum’s knee in his groin and bleeds from his ear. -1forward and 1harm(ap). He aces his harm-roll, so I make him og unconscious (feeling the need to deescalate the situation a little)… as  Kite flies over the bar and goes agro on Burroughs, who backs away until Kite presses him against the wall. His caring eyes catches hers and the old man reassuringly pats her forearm while we zoom in on the calf-skin gloves with the small metallic barbs on the fingertips. In-brain-puppet-strings and Kite wants to let it be and walk behind the bar. She fights this and really just want to Seize Burrough’s life by force at the tip of her spikes. So much for de-escalation.

She roll a bit prematurely, while apologizing to the player of Burroughs who’s quite up for it. I defuse it by talking how I would handle it as a player and we agree that Kite tries to kill Burroughs and gives him a scar on his jaw, while fighting the terrible pain that Burroughs somehow inflicts on her with his brainfuckery. 1harm each, and they both learn something of eachother.

Kite offers up that Uncle has reminded Tavi of his interest in the Brainer, and a scene were Rum is posted to “watch him” is made. Rum knows the score, so goes to the bar and leaves Burroughs well alone.

Rum later get’s a ride with Phoenix who’s tounge get’s Rum were the cramped coupe can’t. Phoenix freaks out in the cramped sweaty, back-seat and drives Rum to Crossroads instead of Uncle’s holding. He does however stay* the car in the street until She’s safely out of  reach/view of Burroughs who’s pale, lanky and angular silhouette mirrors the crazy-large eye which we would have refereed to as the moon (only like 8 times bigger).

Burroughs has a scene were he demands results from Tavi, who’ve we’ve learned is “doing accounting upstairs”. Tavi says he knows were it’s buried, and holds up a warning sign in yellow and red of a skull with bones in it. I have a couple of ideas…

Doc is congratulated by Uncle, with the chin-tweak accustomary to small warlords, for saving Uncle’s daughter. He get’s some stuff (1-barter) and extra congrats from Rum, who was with the girl when the Devil-dingoes attacked.

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Apocalypse World / Apocalypse Con - The Martlands Saga - Part I & II
« on: March 09, 2013, 04:44:24 AM »
HolmCon - Apocalypse World – the Martlands Saga

Part 1:

So, at the Convention I finally got to play (MC) Apocalypse World . After our car broke down, (how we scrounged, who we met, how we survived the cold and snow and got on with an improvised machete is another story, one best told with a glass of whiskey to warm us), we missed every game so I suggested we could try Apocalypse World (I’d prepared Blue-Blind and Hatchet City for the next day) – the Host’s wife joined us so we talked a bit around Apocalyptica and Imagry, presented a few playbooks and decided to draw at random.

We got:

GunluggerRex – Man, older, meticulous, kept adding apocalyptica - the player is a builder and probably wasn’t thrilled with the simple character, but everything he did built setting and added order and in session II some real deep stuff!

Brainer Sundown Smith, “because the sun sets (for someone) when I enter the room”, clinical wear, scalpel and a violation glove (which really just was icky substance). Obsessed with hygiene and a New (clean) Order.

The Chopper - Doom, no! Domino!, who insisted he could read and who’s Doom Riders Dominoes wore matching adidas leather jackets and their T-shirts bore their motto “Just do it”. We never learned how he could read, but it was he who read the name of the ruin were he’d founded their Hardhold: Wall-Mart. To the north were BIG K-mart and their only hope of survival (or avoiding assimilation) were to bond with the other Marts, that made up: The Martlands.

Just as were were to play, we got another player: A Hocus named Spider, who quickly made himself the renowned “Spyder of the Wall”. A fat, bloated and sweaty dude.

As we played a Driver joined, after watching a little bit. He was Frankie, and he knew the terrors of the sun and the Wasteland. He also told'em: "My other car is a tank."

Hx was a blast!!

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First scene I set up a showdown on the street (really just a strip of pavement) between the brothers: The Hocus and the Boss-man Chopper. The Chopper seized and scared/impressed his brother and took definitive hold of the street. The Gunlugger walked right between them at one time, to protect the pretty Sundown and set himself up for a touch from the violation glove. I made a sticky-suckin’ sound as it stole his deepest secrets. One of them was his utter inability to save his daughter, one time – long ago!

The gunlugger built setting by loading his weapon, sitting in his shed and being on post. Sundown’s player revel in her wickedness, until the Hocus initiated a nighly visit to his brothers tent.

“Are you ready?”
“I think it’s your turn.”

Everyone heard the howls, every week, as the two brother consumate the non-competative part of their relationship.

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The Chopper – not-that-complicated – kept referring to everyone but his brother with the wrong name, even when corrected by others. It was a brilliant move by the player.

Frankie eased into it, and Sundown kept weirding out the gangbangers – basically me adding gulps and fearful glances and she revelling in it.

Frankie talked about life on the road we made another Front: “She-who-lives-in-the-mouintans-with-the-tribes” and as Frankie failed his retrospective roll+weird, we added the move:

When you interact with HER ANTENNA, roll+weird!

Everyone wanted to continue playing next night!!


I did a little preparation, refined the “when you interact…” and prepared a few scenes.  I tried to start with a verbal love letter with the gang fighting against K-marts Doberman’s gangs, and the Chopper’s well-disciplined gang handled it, though the letter should have been written!

Frankie’s player hadn’t played anything but D&D several years ago and a short indie-game just before, so I decided I’d be careful to add scenes for him – as the others aren’t really shy.

I started up with a blond Domino who’s tits pressed against the window while asking quite suggestively if he wasn’t going to ‘drive’ her anytime soon. “Nah, I only drive when paid…” and other phrases didn’t exactly endear her, and she got quite pissed when she suddenly saw Sundown in the back seat.

Shedevil then said she wanted time off, and Domino got her to back away calmly, but she skipped on her duties (to seek out Frankie, who drove Sundown to Low-Mart were she set up a trade, but the dealer Outlet (yes, I made that her name) wanted a piece of our handsome driver, who still played hard-to-get.

The Gunlugger got a visit from the Chopper, who tossed a rock at his door. Everyone knew that the gunlugger got so old by being careful and meticulous. The Hocus interacted with the Gunlugger as well, he and Frankie was actually part of the dedicated fucking-cult of Spider, though they really didn’t attend or care for the rituals. (The Gunlugger thought Spider was the smartest).

When Frankie got back, I let Shedevil make her move – and before Frankie talked to Spider (or anyone) she simply asked: “Wanna fuck?”

I made the player tell one detail and added on of bouncing blonde hair in the night myself. After a couple of scenes with others, I made a post-coital picture of her head on his chest and her blond hair really bothering him, making his nose itch. Then I made him roll+cool!

He aced it*!, brushed away her hair and thought: “It’s cool. No biggie.” ?

* The Gunlugger laughed at the mechanic and how much it said about the character!

Sundown rambled about having thoughts and plans (she wanted to connect the Martlands to stand up to the K-Marts), and while the Hocus condescendingly (feeling threathened?) patted her head earning her ire, it nearly could have come to blows, when the Chopper came to her and said: “I’ve heard you’re thinking thoughs!??!”?!”

Sundown’s answer was: “Oh, why bother!??!”

The Chopper, not-so-complicated, was pleased – as he wouldn’t have tolerated any thinking in Wall-Mart – and so was ready to deck her! ... as the player volunteered after the game, the next morning. :)

A spectator asked what was going on, since we mostly just talked and barely did that. I told him, and consequently the table, of K-mart and how everyone was doomed unless they could band together and that a godess was being born in the mountains and had two new favorites: The Hocus and the Brainer – who aced their “acting with the antenna”-rolls.

When the rain came down, it brought the dark protective (saving-us-from-the-burning-sun) heaven with it and everyone sought shelter. It birthed a two-headed plan to make love to the neighbours in Low-Mart and band together AND kill, rape and plunder the scum of Low-Mart! The Brainer got blind (with love to the godess) and there was a great fucking frenzy, with freaky details and ick that included everyone, even Frankie’s car. We ended it after answering some sex moves.

The greatest shame of Domino was that he instigated the ‘biblical’ relationship with his brother and he remembered his first kill, a kind of low-moment: the nine-year old girl, trampled and shot – which made him boss of his gang. The Gunlugger expanded on how he couldn’t even find the bastard and get revenge on him, who thread on his girl before he shot her!

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