Clearwater - Hopes, needs and a distant Utopia

  • 2 Replies
Clearwater - Hopes, needs and a distant Utopia
« on: December 02, 2013, 03:55:23 PM »
So I finally got a game going - which is starting to roll. Four players, all less experienced than my 10ish games. One has unfortunately missed two of three sessions.

While I finally think I get fronts, I realize that I need help with threaths.

The PCs:

Vision - The Hocus of a sex-less salvation by holy fire (atom bombs, they cleanse the lost with regular witchburning flame). In game two they embrace sex and sexuality (and parties!) (We are all confused when she's a she.)

Trench - The Faceless, A lumberjack? ...with hopes of having someone to protect, but her morbid antiques alienates her from the rather decent folks of Clearwater

Marlon - The Driver - a rather old hermaphrodite who've forever searched for Utopia, but the first session Hx-reset gives us the secret that s/he's really lost the belief in Utopia

Storm - The Skinner - makes totem-poles, is the glue of Clearwater but maybe also it's curse? Manipulates others for hir own needs. Ambigious gender, blantanty sexual.

Clearwater is in a Valley. Cheyenne is a youngish leader chosen by popular demand. The populace is hard working, clean and lives in families, with children. The Cult is off course argumentative, shuns cleanliness and is totally sexless, i.e. until their new direction emerges.

THE FRONTS (please comment/help)

Front 1: HUNGER - "Hungry Eyes spell danger"

Dark future: Clearwater is devoured by those of larger hunger than themselves or by hunger generated by unfortunate events.

Threath 1: Deep Dark Forest - Landscape, prison

Impulse: To Contain, Deny Egress

"The people fear the forest, and never venture them at night. Dark, strong and dangerous creatures live there in the Darkness. Trench has  felt one's presence."

Custom moves:

- when you patrol the outskirts of the forests at night roll+sharp. On a hit you avoid the ambush and on a 10+ you learn something, on a miss you'd better pray you just get ambushed!

- when you're lost in the forest and try to keep it's voices out, roll+weird. On a miss, the MC will give you a new move. On a hit you'll be able to contain yourself, and on a 10+ you'll remember parts of a conversation (if you want you can read "person")

possible moves:

When you bring others into the forest, gain XP - when you miss an oppourtunity to do so take 1-harm
When you can't see the forest, act under fire to keep calm when doing anything important, gain XP when you shed blood near the forest


HUNGER - condition
Impulse: To expose people to danger

When Manitou's raiders Marlon burns down the granary (in the night)

Threath 3: Salacious Sybarites - Brutes - consume recources

"Mostly partying Cultists" - Bundy, Shipman, Costanza, Denke, Bathory, Milat, Toppane, Edina & Gain(dead)

Countdown - every time they party the need for rationing increases (cumulatively):

03:00 - everyone take -1 forward
18:00 - everyne take -1 ongoing
21:00 - everyone acts under fire
after that people will start dying

Threath 4: The Masked Cannibals

Grotesques - Crave Satiety (by eating children), oh ... and they wears masks!
They follow the edicts of their long-lost leader, waiting for her/his return, allying themselves to whatever warlord provides...

[to be continued]
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 04:43:36 PM by Maleficum »

Re: Clearwater - Hopes, needs and a distant Utopia
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2013, 04:24:59 PM »

Front 2: "The Walls of Pride is high & wide (can't see to the other side)" AMBITION

Agenda: "If you want peace, prepare for war!" Envious Cibalo of Darkwater with his mercenary army, Crazy-ass prophet Manitou and her need to denounce, destroy and overthrow and Bannock, the dark-clad (goth dress wear) mindfucker's ambitions all threathen Clearwater.

-Who will kill Bannock?
-Will anyone join Cibalo?
- Will Bannock steal Comanche? (03:00 - proximity, 18:00 sex, 21:00 a promise, maybe other way around?)
- Will anyone try for Cheyenne's position?

THREATH 1: Manitou's raiders - Warlord - Prophet

Cast: Manitou, Jackal, Dawg, Hellhound

Countdown: 03:00 Greentwitch raided, 18:00 another attack, 21:00 spearhead spies/killed farmers or lumberers

THREATH 2: Bannock - grotesque mindfucker

Impulse: Craves Mastery

Custom moves:

*when you try to resist Bannocks command, roll+weird
*first time you lie to Bannock roll+weird, on a miss you act under fire to tell you allies the thruth about important stuff and you gain XP if they end up hurt by your lies, on a 7-9 you know she knows, on a 10+ she might not know, but you also learn a secret
*when you try to attack Bannock (openly), roll+weird (on a 10+ take 1-harm and act under fire to kill/or whatever her, 7-9 take 1-harm and the pain keeps you from attacking, on a miss take 1-harm and another two unless you kill whomever Bannock wills you too

THREATH 3: Cibalo's 7 Cities

Warlord - Dictator
Impulse: To Control

Cast: Shawnee, Blackfoot, Mohawk, Kickapoo (leaders)

Countdown: Cibalo makes a show of force/dicipline (check),

Re: Clearwater - Hopes, needs and a distant Utopia
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2013, 04:41:02 PM »
FRONT 3: "Fear rears it's ugly head" - FEAR

Dark future: Faced with outside threaths the populace of Clearwater turns on it's prominent members. Meanwhile, the emotional stress takes it's toll on the leaders.

- Will Cheyenne Break down/kill herself?
Countdown: Before 21:00 - on of: Comanche (her son), Marlon (current lover) or Storm (her lover, maybe already leaving)

- Will Trench get run out of town?
Coundown: 03:00 Trench puts a scare into the populace and show she's different (check), 18:00 She kills someone (check), She alienates herself totally (not happened, yet)

- Will Marlon leave (run scared)?

THREATH 1: "Iroquais' goons"

Brutes - enforcers
Impulse: Victimize anyone who stands out

Iroqais, Crow, Delaware, Moser, Gain(dead)



Monsters of the forest grotesques - pain addicts

Impulse - feed forest themselves and fuel forest

Creatures of Indian/D&D myths. Bird/Predator-mammal in vaguely human shape.

Claws/beak/massive strength, 3-harm, 1-armor hand, messy

Helbent on destruction - when you're attacked by a Monster of the Forests, you act under fire