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Messages - Gavinwulf

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Updated my post above

After a long hiatus I'm back into working on my Conan hack. Tell me if I can do this and what problems you may foresee:

Light Armor 1-armor
Heavy Armor 2-armor
Shield +1-armor

Grappling 1-harm
Knives, Daggers, Arrows 2-harm
Swords, Axes, Spears 3-harm
Two-handed weapons 4-harm

(will have tags for different weapons and armor of course)

When you Wade into Battle, roll+ Wrath. On a hit, exchange harm. On a 7-9, choose 1. On a 10+, you get all 3.
- Break their defense (deal +1 harm)
- Parry and evade (Enemy deals -1 harm)
- Seize something important (their position, weapon, courage, etc.)

(exchange harm: PC's do not subtract their armor from NPC's harm. However they do subtract NPC's armor from PC harm. A Gang's Armor does not increase with size difference).

When you Suffer Harm roll+ Armor (0 to +3). On a 10+ your armor, or luck, negates all harm and saves you. On a 7-9, your armor negates 1 harm and the MC chooses 1:
-You miss something important
-You drop something important (weapon, shield, piece of armor)
-You stumble, fall, or became dazed
-Your fatigued, take -1 ongoing until you can recover

I was thinking of giving characters Harm Wheels (countdown clocks) of four 'pie slices' instead of 6. Gangs still have 6 levels to their Harm Wheels, but their armor does not increase with each size difference. Combined with these new moves I think it will make combat results more granular than vanilla AW.

Perhaps my new 'Seize' move should only grant a 'pick 2' on a 10+ instead of getting all 3?

The potential wrinkle that comes to my mind is gangs. If PCs aren't subtracting their armor from a gang's harm, that could be messy. But 10+ for my Suffer Harm move negates all harm inflicted. Still, maybe I shouldn't do this or do something different with Gangs.

I imagine unarmed combat being more of a series of defying danger, seizing limbs, or seizing throats then seizing breath. Or seizing a body and slamming it into something (+harm).

Anyways, I really prefer a player-facing 'roll+armor' move. I saw another poster's roll+armor move but they cut out damage ratings entirely and it was a little too abstract for me.

Apocalypse World / Re: Newbie creating her first fronts - help!
« on: August 27, 2012, 05:52:56 AM »
To me, Scarcity is the type of conflict your players are interested in and hinting at without knowing it.
I just started a new AW campaign recently as well so I'll tell you what I did.

Character Creation offers a lot of info, especially the Hx phase. It's not enough to say "my character doesn't trust you". Demand why and/or what happened. (The Battlebabe decides the driver is a perv that wants to get in her pants). Even during chargen I'm furiously scribbling notes and filling in the 1st Session Worksheet. The Driver says he lives in a junkyard with a mechanic/tinkerer of sorts- boom, written down, npc gets a name, etc. Chargen is collaborative effort with the whole group playing pretend. So for my group, chargen is already the beginning of the "1st Session".

During the 1st session our group describes their Apocalypse World with a holding that detoxes water from a toxic lake and trades with trader caravans from all over the wasteland. I get they are probably not interested in Hunger or Thirst. But they talk about how the holding is begrudgingly governed by two brothers...Hmmm, Ambition fits the bill. They want slavers and raiders and cannibals, so I list them under Hunger. One of the player's says his character wishes he could go to this 'high-class' whorehouse at the top of a cliff where the Battlebabe used to work- Envy. The Gunlugger says he found the blasted ruins of a military base in the wastes where he gets his ap ammo (you think nobody else is going to find it!?)
That Battlebabe says she does odd, shady jobs for the Hardholders (npcs) and trading caravans (Thirsty caravaners). The Gunlugger says he used to do security jobs but is tired of it. The driver says he is like the postman and delivers packages and visitors to another hardhold.

So... after 1st Session I'm making a Front. I look at the worksheet and ask myself, "Whose Envy threatens the PCs?" For each Scarcity. I rephrase the questions to get me to think differently, "How does _______'s Hunger threaten the pcs?"..."How might the Players' Scarcities draw threats?"
I definitely see an opportunity with the dual governing of the Hardhold. And I have written the most notes under Ambition, the players must be interested in conflicts of Ambition. They even said the Hardholders are brothers that grudgingly share leadership. I decide one of them is going to make a move and write him down as a threat.

Threat: Brother Mercer        Warlord/Collector (Impulse: to control)
He's got a gang and a compound

What else have I written down that could have a strong Ambition, even if I listed it under a different Scarcity? Well there's the Maelstrom, the players were really interested in that. How could I make (express) the Maelstrom's ambition? I decide, based on the players' description of the Psychic Maelstrom, that it wants to possess people...even things... The player's suggested during the 1st session that it could be the souls of all those who perished during the Apocalypse....

Threat: Outwalkers             Brutes/Cult  (Impulse: Victimize & Incorporate People)

Custom Move: Spectral Torment
Outwalkers manifest spectrally or physically through a claimed/possessed individual during freak lightning storms (A storm just sort of happened during our 1st Session when the Driver failed at Opening his brain. Then a passenger went nuts and ran into the darkness. These storms are dubbed "Darkstorms"). In a Darkstorm, outwalkers manifest as spectres and most moves against them will use Weird.

Now I read where the group wanted slavers/raiders but I put them under Hunger. Could they have an Ambition? Then I get a brilliant idea as I think back to the Hardholder, what if he tried to hire some raiders! But that can't happen yet, I gotta let a story unfold, so this idea goes under the "I wonder..." section. Then it comes to me! How about a whole army of new raiders just moved into the territory and they want to claim it!

Threat: Keeler's Army                  Brutes/Hunting Pack (Impulse: Victimize anyone)

2 or 3 harm gangs/ 1 armor     Bike Gangs (the players got attacked by a bike gang                                                         in the 1st Session)

Drugged up Suicide Slaves (5-harm area loud messy) no armor   

Why is Keeler so powerful? Maybe he has a fucking tank!

Well that is three threats that revolve around Ambition, I call it a Front. But it doesn't seem like enough threats since one kind of just happens infrequently  (Darkstorms). I remember the group wanted mutated animals and that traveling was supposed to be dangerous so I write up the Home Front to include:

Salt Water Infection (since the setting is the Salt Lake area...the lake is toxic and disease ridden in AW)

Custom Move: Roll+Cool when you ingest the water. On a 10+ you're okay. On a 7-9 you look and feel like shit but you'll get over it (-1 Ongoing). On a miss, you're fucked and will need an Angel (1 harm and -1 Ongoing).     

Water Cats (semi-amphibious mutated cats)
Group of them count as (2-harm/1-armor)
They also transmit the water infection with their claws and teeth.

Rattle Snake (Fucking Huge!)
 Bite kills almost instantly (Hard Move for a complete miss. Player must take a disability to survive)
Constriction 2-harm ap/ 2 armor       

I write down appropriate countdown clocks for the Threats in my Front. This is done by asking yourself, "What's the worst that can happen if this threat is allowed to totally run free?" This becomes your 12 o'clock entry on the countdown clock. For your 1-3 o'clock entry ask yourself, "How does it start?"  Then go to 12 o'clock and work backwards from there, "What has to happen before that?....What has to happen before that?"

For example with the Psychic Maelstrom's Outwalkers I decide that at 12 o'clock, "Storms and Madness across the land".
How does it start? (1-3 o'clock), I fill in, "Hauntings".
6 o'clock becomes 'possessed machinery and vehicles'.
9 o'clock, 'Surge of Mutant Crazies'.
10 o'clock, 'communities incorporated'.
11, 'Becomes Entrenched'.

After I write the countdown clocks for each threat in this Ambitious Front. I tie all the 12 o'clock outcomes together for the Agenda/Dark Future of the Front, "Psychotic Cannibal Badlands".

Does all this help?

brainstorming & development / Re: Combat with ancient weapons
« on: August 20, 2012, 04:27:38 AM »
Thanks for the reply. I have read the move that you described and I like what you are going for but it seemed a little complex. Upon re-reading it however, it may be much less fiddly than I imagine in actual play. I will have to try it out and play with it (if you don't mind). It seems we may have a similar goal.

'The +1 here and -1 there' was meant to balance the weapons and make them feel more unique (although simplifying the list of weapons in general). Consider how my (tentative) Do Battle move works when using a spear. You do the same damage as a knife, this makes sense since it's basically a knife attached to a long handle. But the +1 represents you can avoid harm (reach) or inflict ap harm (impalement) better than a knife. Those aspects work with the intended move to make them feel like more than just a harm rating. In my mind they are just like tags, only more appropriate for ancient weapons than the ones in AW are.

A1: It's not so much that AW harm is more S&S than HP. It's that HP is more D&D. I imagine HP would work with fixed dmg ratings but I just like keeping numbers small and using health levels or a countdown 'wheel'. This Battle move I'm tinkering with was inspired from DW's Hack & Slash move btw.

A2: I made a Conan hack, and I'm kind of re-doing it after I've ran a campaign using it. Slaine is another hack and slash badass from a comic book inspired by the CuChulainn legends. If you haven't heard of him, check it out. The comics with Simon Bisley art are very evocative. The world of Slaine has more fantasy elements than the world of Conan.

It may also be worth noting that I'm planning on merging the "impress/terrify your enemies" option with the Go Aggo move (10+).
I plan on renaming the move, "Show No Mercy". I see it being used as a "Finish Him!" move when npcs are down but not out.

brainstorming & development / Combat with ancient weapons
« on: August 19, 2012, 04:57:53 PM »
How would this be different? Although the combat (and peripheral combat) moves for regular AW work great for firefights, they don't satisfy me for hacks which use ancient weapons (swords, spears, bows, etc.).

As I'm currently revamping my Conan hack to be more than just a re-skin, this is important to me. Also want to make a Slaine hack as well.

Thoughts on other hacks I've seen:

Saga of the Icelanders- Not very clear rules for combat as it's not very focused on fighting but more on 'getting into a fight'. If that makes sense.

Dungeon World- I love DW, but HP and Class damage dice are not what I want for my hacks, I want my hacks to have more of a S&S or Sword & Sandal feel.

World of Algol- I am paying close attention to this!

Here is my idea thus far (using standard AW stats for clarity):

When you DO BATTLE, roll+ Hard. On a hit you exchange harm as established. On a 10+ you either avoid the enemy's harm completely, or hit your foe's vitals (+AP) but take harm as established.


Light Weapons: 2 harm (may use Cool-optional)

Ranged Weapons: 2 harm (may use Sharp-optional)

Reach Weapons: 2 harm (+1 to Do Battle)

Heavy Weapons: 3 harm

Two-Handed Weapons: 4 harm (-1 to Do Battle & Act Under Fire-physical)


Leather or Hide     1 armor (concealed-optional)
Chain or Scale      2 armor
Panoply               3 armor (-1 to Act Under Fire-physical)
Shield                +1 armor (-1 to Do Battle when used as a Heavy Weapon)

Alright folks, please comment on what you think about this or offer suggestions, they will be greatly appreciated.

brainstorming & development / Re: Sláine
« on: August 19, 2012, 03:15:53 AM »
I'd wager on a missed Warp-Spasm you give yourself harm or hurt your allies.

I am thinking about pushing on with this but I've been busy re-vamping my Hyborian Age hack. BUT, things I've been working on in that hack can apply to a Slaine one as well. Specifically, the combat system with hack and slash weaponry.

brainstorming & development / Re: Sláine
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:41:34 PM »
I know this is an ancient thread but the idea is awesome. How about adding to the list of suggested archetypes a 'Dragonrider' or 'Dragonmaster' or something describing someone who has spent many years training a war dragon.
What about an "El-Blooded" playbook?

I was thinking Warp-Spasm would be, On a 10+ you warp out and get the effects of a (3harm/2armor) medium gang. On a 7-9, you are the equivalent of a small gang.

Maybe have a sidebar with the different tribes and their geasas for most playbooks, the way Dungeon World has their Alignment section, to check XP when a geas applies.

brainstorming & development / Re: Hyborian Saga (Gavinwulf's Conan Hack)
« on: August 07, 2012, 01:01:28 AM »
As my group and I are currently playing straight-up Apocalypse World. I'm looking to re-vamp my Conan Hack.
The one posted is basically a reskin of AW with some ideas nabbed from Simon Carryer's World of Conan (used with permission).

My goal is to make it more original. Right now I'm looking for ideas on how to make the combat system more visceral feeling. I like Dungeon World's Hack n Slash move. I'm thinking of combining that with weapon tags. Making the type of weapon you use more important.

When you Wade into Battle, roll+ Fierce. On a 10+ inflict harm and activate your weapon's tag. On a 7-9, exchange harm normally.


Light weapons: 1Harm, +1 Forward on 10+
Reach and Ranged weapons: 1Harm, Avoid Harm on 10+
Heavy Weapons: 1Harm, +1Harm
Two-Handed Weapons: 1Harm, +2Harm on 10+

This makes weapons generally do less harm. So I'm thinking of making the Harm 'Wheel' have four sections instead of 6.
This brings us to Armor...

tossing around the ideas of Armor either adding to your 'Suffer Harm' roll with rolling high being good; not using harm to modify the roll. Or peices of armor adding 'spokes' to your harm wheel. ????

What do you think?

Apocalypse World / Re: Passive moves
« on: July 29, 2012, 04:44:25 PM »
Would have been Act Under Fire, IMO.
I had a similar situation when I was running my Conan hack using "The Tower of the Elephant" story as inspiration.
A lion ambushes a PC. How did I do this?
"The hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You suddenly feel the threat of imminent doom at your back and you hear the slightest of rustling. -Roll to Act Under Fire."
On a hit they react in time to avoid Harm. Either way the realize a lion is attacking them.

In your case with the sniper I would have told the PC, "You are traipsing along and get the hideous sensation that you are being watched, in that moment you feel the threat of imminent doom as a large-caliber rifle fires in the distance.  -Roll to Act Under Fire."
On a hit they drop prone, 10+ they take no Harm, 7-9, they might take some harm. On a miss you make your hard move. Either way they now realize a sniper is firing at them.

Anyway, that's how I would do it. I use Act Under Fire for reacting to a threat, ambush, or trap. I have them roll it "as it's happening". It's happening RIGHT NOW. If there is reason for them to Read a Sitch first and they do so, that's cool. Like if they know they are walking into a mine field. But if they don't, I use Act Under Fire as a kind of 'saving throw' to save as much skin as they can.

brainstorming & development / Werewolf Hack
« on: July 06, 2012, 06:09:03 PM »
Hey guys, I'm mulling over ideas to make a loose Werewolf the Forsaken Hack. I've been inspired by Dungeon World's Druid move for Shape-shifting and got this idea:

Roll+Urge. On a 10+ hold 3. 7-9, hold 2. On a success you take on one of the five forms and get natural bonuses from that form as well as a moves. Spend your holds to use a Form's move. When you spend all your holds you revert to your natural form. In all forms except Gauru, you can opt to "drop" your holds to revert to your natural form.  In Gauru, you have to spend your holds.

Dalu (Near-Man): no bonuses. Move: +1 Fierce

Gauru (Wolf-Man): 3Harm/2Armor. Move: +1 Fierce

Urshul (Near-Wolf): 2Harm/1Armor. Howl (long-distance communication)
Moves: +1 Fierce, or +1 Grace

Urhan (Wolf): 2Harm. Howl (long-distance communication)
Moves: +1 Wits, or +1 Grace, or Cover Ground (long-distance travel)

This is just the start of my brainstorming, simple bonuses to Stats seem a little boring though for Form Moves.

I was also thinking of how to do the Stat Block, maybe something like this?

New Moon: +1 Grace                          Blood Talons: +1 Fierce
Crescent Moon: +1 Wits                      Bone Shadows: +1 Wits
Half Moon:+1 Urge                             Hunters in Darkness: +1 Grace
Gibbous Moon: +1 Allure                      Iron Masters: +1 Allure
Full Moon: +1 Fierce                           Storm Lords: +1 Urge

Then place a free +1 to any of your choosing, if it makes one stat +3, you must subtract one from another stat. Or something like that.

Maybe that's not a good idea...To make Playbooks I would either base them on Moon Auspice or Tribe, then have the other add certain bonuses or something like how Dungeon World's Alignment or Race does to their Class Playbooks.

Whattya Think? Playbooks based on Auspice or Tribe? I'm kind of thinking Tribe. Then Auspice and the pack's Totem could add something a little special the way Alignment and Race do in Dungeon World.

Different Playbooks would add some Gift-like Moves, bonuses to certain Forms, extra holds to certain forms, or the like.

Glad this is getting a little attention at least :)

A King or Slaver would fall under the Ruler playbook. A Pirate would either be a Sellsword or Rogue with a boat.

One of the reasons I made my own hack instead of using Simon Carrier's "World of Conan" is because I preferred less specific archetypes. His hack has a Pirate, Tyrant, Thief, and Slave playbook. If that is what you prefer, check it out. It's a great hack.

Awesome! I'll be interested in hearing how it goes for your group!

Sagas of the Icelanders / Re: Yeah?
« on: March 24, 2012, 03:01:07 AM »
Gregor, how is combat handled? I don't see it in the new docs. Is it still the old "When you fight with your weapons and armor" move? All I see is the Huscarl's Berserker move.

brainstorming & development / Re: Hyborian Saga (Gavinwulf's Conan Hack)
« on: January 30, 2012, 10:47:55 AM »
Thanks Warzen, I'm sure there are plenty of typos. I'll have to take the time to edit the doc. Please, point them out for me. :)
(Also, I realize that everywhere there is a 'z' it's lower case cause there was no capital Z in the original document's font. An the Augury moves are different in the Cultists's playbook, The Sage's is the right one). Still a work in progress I guess.

I just changed the Autofire tag to "Cleave" and I probably missed some.

I started an AP thread entitled "AP: Hyborian Saga! Awesome!" in the Apocalypse World forum, pg 8 I believe. But I didn't report beyond the 1st session (6 session campaign). Still, it's the last game I ran about a couple months ago, so I'm sure I can answer any questions you had about how the game went.

brainstorming & development / Re: Hyborian Saga (Gavinwulf's Conan Hack)
« on: January 27, 2012, 03:33:24 PM »
Thanks, I used foxit pdf editor. It's nothin fancy like Adobe's Creative Elements thing but it's simply and easy to use for an amateur like me.

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