« on: October 13, 2016, 06:44:57 AM »
Second session report! (Oops, seems I was lying when I said these would be shorter. Oh well)
We kicked off right back in the action with our captured Savvyhead, Spector. I didn't want him to just Bonefeel out of there in the first scene without squeezing a bit of drama out of it first, so starting with him made sense. Threats and questions were immediately flying at him, a woman with a sledgehammer glaring at him and wanting to know who he was travelling with ("This is Newton, she's in charge of this hold and the Wild Dogs gang. You know her by reputation; small, wiry, and angry like a chihuahua" Warlord - Slaver). When he attempted to shrug off the questions, she threatened to break his kneecaps, to which he said "Go on then." With that opportunity served to me on a silver platter, Newton did indeed smash him in the knees with her hammer, and following a bad roll on the harm move, he was gagged and blindfolded and dragged away, thrown in the back of a truck. After a series of awful rolls on the dice this session and the last, the player was afraid to make moves in case something bad happened, so I broke from play for a bit to remind him that I wasn't out to get him, and that while waiting passively meant his was less likely to have bad stuff happen to him (but not no bad stuff) it also meant less good stuff and a generally less interesting experience.
Back with the other players, Nif withdrew into the maelstrom to heal his wounds and Vega led the rest through the alley towards the holding. With three blocks of flats around them, Rhythm opened his brain while the others made a beeline towards someone standing by a dog kennel. Failing the roll, the horrible, discordant music in Rhythm's heart began to blare out across the courtyard, driving the dogs in the kennel mad. Phoenix attempted to threaten the information out of the dog-handler, but he ran away, so they followed him into the building. Finding some locals, Stomp tried to be nice to them, which somehow worked, and they found their way to Newton in the underground parking lot of the building. One unsuccessful attempt at bartering for the savvyhead later, Phoenix tried to ram Newton with a car, despite his comrades standing right next to her. On a partial success on Go Aggro, Newton got the hell out of the way and took off in the truck. Stomp tried to dodge, but was too slow, Vega didn't even attempt to get out of the way as she tried to shoot Newton in the back. I probably should have looked up the rules for vehicle damage beforehand, but with 5-harm (ap) from a direct hit, Stomp's life became untenable and Vega was at death's door.
Leaving the two others bleeding on the floor, Rhythm and Phoenix followed after Newton. Spector wriggled free of his blindfold and leapt from the back of the truck to the pursuing car, being barely caught by Rhythm. Nif popped back into existence just in time to see the two vehicles careen past, but just shrugged and went off scavenging in the nearest building. I introduced a custom move, which I've used a variation on before in another game where scavenging was important: When you try to find something in the ruins, roll +Sharp. On a hit: you find something. On a 7-9: something or someone finds you. On a miss: you don't find anything useful, but something or someone finds you. Nif hit the roll on a 7-9, so found some valuables to pay his way for another couple of sessions, but the truck - now missing its cargo - came back, and he realised it was a wolf (wolves are machines under their disguises).
Vega left the parking lot, but didn't make it far before succumbing to her wounds. Stomp woke up shortly after, and followed a guide presented by the maelstrom (Landscape - Mirage) to Vega's body. Not knowing any first aid, he asked his mask for advice, but Norman (Grotesque - Pain Addict) simply suggested to him that Vega had too many fingers. Spector used Bonefeel to get into the scene to help, but found that the "right tools for the job" in this case consisted of a tourniquet and a pair of boltcutters. Unable to stop Stomp, Spector just sat and watched as Vega woke up screaming and missing a pinkie. Stomp apologised profusely, very upset at what he'd done; weirdly, cutting off Vega's finger seems to have gotten her interested in him (relationships are strange in the Apocalypse World).
Phoenix pulled up in the car -having already rescued Nif from the wolf - and the roadtrip continued. Nif ate Vega's missing finger as a light snack. Yum.
They stopped at an old hospital to scrounge for medical supplies, and all managed to patch themselves up to varying degrees. Spector grabbed a pressurised canister of some unknown gas to take with him. At this point, the sound of bike engines and a distant "Huzzah!" reached Phoenix's ears; Lancer's Lot (Brutes - Enforcers) showed up. A biker gang based out of a history museum, wearing plate armor and wielding lances, swords, and WWI rifles. The players loved these guys and gals, so they'll definitely be appearing again. Evidently, the players were on their territory; however, wanting to avoid a confrontation, Rhythm and Phoenix rode out to give them a mobile concert and draw them away. Unable to outpace the bikes, Phoenix thought fast and led them back to the rest of the group to talk it out. The players agreed to leave peacefully, and rode off into the sunset.
Finally arriving at the power station they set out to find, they got pinned down by a sniper on a gantry. Spector used the tank of gas he had taken earlier as a very makeshift mortar, taking some serious damage from the explosion when he knocked the cap off the canister but managing to scare away the sniper. We finished there and then.
That was an incredibly fun session. I'm slightly worried that it seems to be playing like a traditional, party-based adventure, but the players are having fun and I'm having fun, so I'm not that bothered. I'm loving the relationships the players are forming between each other, I can't wait to mess with them using PC-NPC-PC triangles when they're not constantly running away from all the NPCs they meet.
The new players are definitely getting the hang of the syste - the small changes in wordings and rulings for the most common moves make it much easier to teach than I was expecting, especially Seize by Force. The 2nd edition "Road War" moves are a godsend, so thank you very much Vincent; I suggest you always keep them in mind when playing with vehicles in your games. It's hilarious and brilliant how much awesome gameplay has come out of a power station I made up due to an Augury roll and a gang and holding I made up because of a failed Read a Sitch; play to find out is an important agenda for a reason. Oh, and with regards to the levelling: the rate seems about right for now, though Stomp and Vega got a hell of a boost from that +5-Hx with Phoenix when he ran them over.
See you next week!