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Messages - Borogove

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Apocalypse World / Re: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
« on: August 04, 2015, 04:35:57 PM »
I already started playing hacked AW2E in weekly games. It is Great fun. I am interested in seeing how the other changes end up, and of course, will be adding the book into the collection regardless.

I never did have any issue understanding the potential of the base moves though. I'm really not sure which part confused people in AW1E. Looking forward for the new rule-pieces to chop up into other stuff >:D

After John Harper explained seize by force as "when you're more interested in what the other(s) got, instead of what they can do" it clicked. The other moves are great, though I needed to play to understand how play (i.e. fiction) dictates what moves are rolled.

I really love the change-stat-moves, but I think I'd like more moves for at least Cool and Weird, though I realize that awesome campaign-defining moves help roll for those stats were the moves are substituted.

I've been trying to find these John Harper explanations of Seize by Force I keep hearing about and I'm having a hard time, could you give me a link to them?

It's the first google hit for "john harper seize by force" ;) 

Apocalypse World / Re: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
« on: July 31, 2015, 02:35:16 PM »
As someone who's had a couple characters buried and made into complete jokes, I think Hx puts too much power in the hands of people making the statements and I like the direction 2e is going with it.

Oh, wow, I hadn't seen those changes.

2e is definitely *safer* in that regard. Not sure if that's better.

Apocalypse World / Re: Apocalypse World 2nd Edition
« on: July 30, 2015, 08:14:17 PM »
Sounds good! As soon as John "Carpenter" Harper explained when you seize by force it became the best and clearest versitile moves there is.

Ugh, just tracked down that reference and now I'm more confused than ever about SBF. I'm glad the new combat system is shaping up the way it is.

Apocalypse World / Re: Spores and ideas for them
« on: July 30, 2015, 05:28:26 PM »
A couple ideas for a positive effect, both variations of a thing I came up with for Dungeon World:

When you Breathe Spores, enter a hallucinatory, dreamlike state for some hours and roll +Sharp. On 10+, you relive the last several days, fixating on a charged interaction or situation which occurred during that time. Ask 2 of the Read A Sitch or Read A Person questions that apply to the past event, and tell the MC if you want the answer as it was then or as it is now. On 7-9, ask 1. Optional: If you ask the same question you asked at the time, and ask for the answer as it was then, the MC should give a different answer this time, and alter the reality of the story to make it true somehow.

  • "Yesterday when I was in that hut with Fleece, Pellet, and Kettle -- I didn't ask at the time, but who was most vulnerable to me?" "Most vulnerable yesterday in the hut? Kettle, she was scared of you." (Different question, past status)
  • "Yesterday when I was in that hut with Fleece, Pellet, and Kettle -- I asked who was the biggest threat and you said Fleece. Who's the biggest threat now?" "Kettle. She was scared then, but now she's pissed." (Same question, current status)
  • "Yesterday when I was in that hut with Fleece, Pellet, and Kettle -- I asked who was the biggest threat and you said Fleece. Who was the biggest threat then?" "Are you kidding? Fleece was a scared little boy, never a threat to you at all, and you put a bullet in his head. Kettle was always the hardass of those three." (Same question, past status, reality altered)

When you Breathe Spores, enter a hallucinatory, dreamlike state for some hours and roll +Weird. On 10+, you relive the last several days through someone else's perceptions. Take any playbook move you've seen a PC do recently -- but you can only use the move once. Work with the MC to ensure that the move makes sense (Chopper's Pack Alpha probably works, but Hardholder's Wealth and other start-of-session moves probably don't.) On 7-9, same thing but the MC chooses the PC and the move.

"Take a magic book rusalka is picking up, and hit her with it right in the face" sounds like Lash Out Physically; and Ghost's Darkest Self says "you can still affect inanimate objects", so I'd allow that as MC.

Shut Someone Down is, to me, a social move, requiring some kind of communication or face-to-face confrontation.

Note that the player making the Lash Out Physically move chooses the downside on a 7-9, so there's no need for the Ghost to take harm if she doesn't want to; even if she did, it could be interpreted as strain from the effort of making a violent move while incorporeal, or any number of other things.

This looks like a straightforward Lash Out to me.

I really want to make every character shine.

Here's another thing to consider. While DW doesn't have a strict turn-taking system, it's pretty natural to alternate between asking one PC what they're doing, giving them one move, then narrating what's changed in the fictional positioning as a result, then going to another PC. But the GM is also free to play around with the rhythm and put the spotlight wherever he wants. If you feel like the Druid is exploiting Shapeshifter too much, you can simply do this:

"Blah blah orcs appear blah blah charging you. Wildroot, what do you do?"

"I shapeshift into wolf form! That's... 5, plus 3... 8, so I hold two."

"Great! Your body twists and reshapes and flows and you're a snarling grey wolf. The orc nearest you stops in his tracks, amazed at your transformation, and raises his shield defensively. (Addressing the Thief--) Tinyfeets, that guy's completely focused on the wolf and doesn't even see you, what do you do?"

In other words, the Druid has to spend a "beat" (in chess terminology, "lose a tempo") to "charge up" his powerful moves. I wouldn't do this all the time because the next PC to act might undermine the Druid's plans, which if it happens a lot would be frustrating, but it's a simple way to make sure each character gets a chance to shine.

Maybe I misunderstand again. There is no limit to the amount of times a druid may shapeshift so he can easily say "ok i use my holds to become human again" *do thing that needs thumbs "Ok I turn back into a wolf'' roll 2d6 "ok i remove throat". Any roll above a 3 (92% of outcomes) gives at least 2 holds with no consequence so there is little risk in doing this.

As others have noted, nothing says you have to give them an easy no-consequences de-throating every single time they act; maybe you tear out the first orc's throat and then the others are a little more cautious and you have to do a DD or H&S roll to pull it off.

Every roll is a chance, however small, of a miss. Having WIS +3 means having some other stat at +0, maybe the stat you needed your thumbs for. No mistake, shapeshift is *very* powerful, but like every other powerful move in DW, eventually your hero's going to biff the roll.

No mistake, shapeshift is a very powerful move.

Borogove, they can shift into human form and back into a wolf at any time so I don't see a downside to that. Thank you for linking this thread, however; I will read it over.

Not so. "Once you're out of hold, you return to your natural form. At any time, you may spend all your hold and revert to your natural form." Rulebook p.105.

So if you pass the roll and get hold, you're committed to wolf form, and if you get into a situation where you need opposable thumbs, you have a choice to make.

From a post on this very forum, from Sage LaTorra:

A note on shapeshifting in general: taking on a new form is, in a way, saving up successes for particular tasks. The druid makes one roll and, through the clever selection of a form, can turn that into 1 or more successes. The cost of this is the new form: since everything is triggered by the fiction taking on a new form changes what rules engage. That's the fundamental tradeoff of a new form: that form's strengths turn your one roll into more successes, but that form also limits your options.

So you hold 1 or hold 3 wolf moves which are mostly automatic and potentially very powerful, but in the meantime you can't do anything that requires human form.

That whole thread is pretty good and may help you get a better handle on the move.

Apocalypse World / Re: Signature Weapon (Operator)
« on: March 06, 2015, 07:57:46 PM »
"Signature weapon" isn't clearly defined. There's one section that says:

Distinctive weapons
• antique handgun (2-harm close reload loud valuable)
• hidden knives (2-harm hand infinite)
• ornate dagger (2-harm hand valuable)
• ornate sword (3-harm hand valuable)
• scalpels (3-harm intimate hi-tech)
None of these are more effective than their common counterparts,
so they exist solely to give your characters character.
Operators get a “signature weapon.” It might be one of these
distinctive weapons, or it might be some other weapon made
distinctive and personal.

So the rules as written lean toward your MC's interpretation that an operator's signature weapon shouldn't have any special functionality like harpooning someone and dragging them around.

On the other hand, the MC is supposed to be a fan of your character, and a harpoon gun is cool. The tag set (2-harm reload messy drag-your-victim) don't seem severely out of balance with the other options.

To me, it seems like the letter of the law supports your MC, while the spirit of the game supports you. At this point, you're into social contract territory.

If I was your MC, I'd say yes, but I'm not your MC.

Monsterhearts / Re: What movie is the cover from?
« on: February 10, 2015, 10:49:22 PM »
Yup, it's a stock photo, and it comes up on the first page of results if you google image search "stock photo vampire".

AW:Dark Age / Re: Pre-playtest: Season Moves & Inciting Action
« on: February 02, 2015, 10:37:34 PM »
I think that's an awesome and exciting way to start the campaign, but you might want to get buy-in from the players to approve a "fast start" -- not telling them exactly how it's going to start, but offering the choice of "I've got an idea to get things moving pretty fast; do you want to go that route, or would you rather take a couple of sessions to build things up?"

blood & guts / Re: Separate moves with interactive effects
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:47:39 PM »
Yeah, that actually does work better. As an MC, I'll have to keep in mind, whenever anyone is about to undertake a long and involved process, to cut to another character in a nearby situation that might be able to screw it up :)

Dungeon World / Re: Noob Question: Carpet Bombing Moves
« on: January 18, 2015, 09:36:16 PM »
What prevents players from repeatedly "spamming" or "carpet bombing" moves until they work?

A 6- result does not mean "nothing happens". It means "the GM makes a move." See the section starting on page 166 of the rulebook.

On a 6-, you can reveal an unwelcome truth. "I think back about my long talks with my sage mentor.  He mentioned this dungeon a couple of times." "You realize some of the things he told you about this dungeon were way too specific. You think he may have designed it. Which means, given how crafty he was... it's probably full of magical traps."

On a 6-, you can outright deal damage to a character. "There was an adventurer that would frequent my father's tavern.  He would talk about this place." "The guy with one hand? Yeah, that probably happened in this very room. A weighted blade falls from the ceiling, take (rolls) 4 points of damage, less armor."

You can put them in a spot, separate them, make them expend resources, throw monsters at them, just about anything that moves the story forward. Pretty much the only thing you *can't* do on a 6- is say "okay, nothing happens. What do you do?"

blood & guts / Separate moves with interactive effects
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:01:37 PM »
So I'm thinking about a Star Trek flavored AW hack, and I'm watching some original series episodes to identify various moves.

In the episode "Journey To Babel", at the climax of the story, McCoy is doing heart surgery on the Vulcan ambassador while the Enterprise is under attack. Mechanically, that's two separate move sequences: McCoy is doing healing moves while Kirk is doing ship combat moves; both aspects are dramatic enough to call for moves and die rolls.

However, the jostling and power fluctuations on the ship are interfering with the surgery; the outcome of the doctor's moves are dependent on the success of the captain's moves.

I can think of a few ways to model this in the basic AW framework:

* McCoy rolls Healing, hits 7-9, MC says "the ship is getting shaken around pretty badly, and you're going to lose your patient if the raider ship isn't dealt with right quick; Kirk, what do you do?" This is unusual because the normal 7-9 shtick is to make the acting player make a choice, but here MC's shifting the focus and decision to another player -- not necessarily a bad thing.

* McCoy rolls Healing, misses with a 6, MC says "the ship's getting shaken around too badly, and you're going to lose your patient; Kirk, you can help him here by beating the raider ship." MC doesn't want to reduce the starship fight to a single Help roll; instead she improvises a special move that gives the effect of a Help roll if Kirk beats the raider without the ship taking more than 2 harm or something.

* McCoy rolls Healing, hits 10+, MC says "you'll be able to save him", cuts to Kirk, the space battle plays out, with narrative cuts back to sickbay as the ship gets shaken around. Works fine in vanilla AW rules, but the surgery lacks the suspense that the entire episode has been building towards.

In another context, I've considered using a "reverse countdown clock", requiring multiple successes from the players for different subtasks in order to reach a major goal, and I think that mechanic might be a good way to handle this kind of partially-dependent move series.

Anyone else have ideas on how to handle this?

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