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Messages - Adams Tower

Pages: 1 [2]
AW:Dark Age / Re: Peasant?
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:13:14 AM »
I think it varies by historian, some use the terms that way and some don't. Or maybe all historians use the terms one way, and it's lay people who conflate them. Either way, I certainly would not expect everyone who reads the rules to understand the difference. I think if that is the difference between rank 6 and rank 7, it should be explained.

AW:Dark Age / Re: Peasant?
« on: March 06, 2014, 10:21:22 PM »
I assume the difference between a rank 6 farmer and a rank 7 farmer is that a rank 6 farmer pays rent or corvee labor (or is squatting), but is free to leave, while a rank 7 farmer is bound to the land, and gets only what the landlord gives him. I've seen the word peasant used for both of those statuses, though, and I probably would leave it out of the description of rank 7. I think serf gets the idea across better.

Holy shit, I just realized that all of the basic moves say, "on a miss <something>, and be prepared for the MC to do worse.", but all of the playbook moves specify what happens on a miss, and do not say "be prepared for the MC to do worse." Does this mean that rolling a miss on a playbook move does not give the MC an opportunity to make as hard a move as he wants, but only to make as hard a move as the playbook move specifies?

If so, that change makes a lot of sense, since with a playbook move you're rolling in a situation another character would not be rolling.

I also like the basic move "on a miss <something>, and be prepared for the MC to do worse." I think it helps overcome one misunderstanding of the AW rules I had when I first came to them, and that I've noticed most of my friends who have tried to MC have had, that on a miss they could do anything, and not just something following from the conflict that the basic move represented. I also like it because it means the MC can't hold back, past a certain point.

AW:Dark Age / Re: What happens when improvements change the story?
« on: March 06, 2014, 05:54:53 PM »
Rank also isn't necessarilly uncontested. A change from 2nd to 1st means that you're crowned king. It doesn't mean that there are no other claimants to the throne. Maybe you crowned yourself.

AW:Dark Age / Re: Proposition with Dragon Herald
« on: March 06, 2014, 02:28:38 PM »
The dragon isn't the prophecy. The dragon is the thing prophesied. It says the MC can bring in a dragon if he wants, late in the game, even if there isn't a Dragon Herald. I don't really see how the term "Dragon" is any more setting specific than "The Empire of Eagles"?

AW:Dark Age / Re: Harm and Going into Battle
« on: March 06, 2014, 02:16:40 PM »
I'll take a shot at how I would handle these. This is, of course, based on my own rules interpretation, so may be wrong. In all cases, I'm going to assume that Rossyl does not have any weapon but the bow.

a) He is pulling his bow at some men-at-arms (with only melee weapons) charging at him from 50 yards, across the bridge. They are but seconds away. How many arrows will land true before they arrive?

Hold Steady to do anything when being charged at by men-at-arms. (a miss doesn't mean you run, it just means you flinch, and the MC can have that mean something worse). After that, Go Into Battle, Rossyl does 4-harm, men-at-arms do 0. If they make it to Rossyl, another Go Into Battle, Rossyl does maybe 1 harm for his fists, men-at-arms do 4 with their swords.

b) He is pulling his bow at some men-at-arms trying to kill him, but they are crossing a ford from the other side, that will probably take a few minutes from them to cross to this side.
Go Into Battle, Rossyl does 4-harm, men-at-arms do 0. If they make it to Rossyl, another Go Into Battle, Rossyl 1, men-at-arms 4.

c) He is pulling his bow at a some men-at-arms coming to arrest him, but our hero can shoot safely from a tall tower window, which iron locked door is not readily accessible  to his foes. They have a choice to try to force the entrance, which can take a long time, or run to the forest cover, which is half a mile away. It was a trap!

I would just have him do his harm. In AW, I might have him Go Aggro. Vincent says this is Go Into Battle, so probably Go Into Battle, Rossyll 4, men-at-arms 0.

If the men-at-arms were unaware of Rosyll, I would definitely have him just do harm. Murder isn't battle.

d) he is pulling his bow against a few men-at-arms which are already engaging him in melee. Our friend's Rossyll´s Fate isn't looking all that bright. I hope he still have more to do before he dies. 

In my game, he wouldn't be able to use a bow like that, so Go Into Battle, Rossyl 1, Men-at-Arms 4 . In a game inspired by Legolas in the Lord of the Rings movies, Rossyl 4, Men-at-Arms 4.

In all of these, subtract armor from harm.

AW:Dark Age / Re: Gender roles in AW:DA
« on: March 06, 2014, 01:39:57 PM »
Sure. I understand that any design problem is going to be harder than it looks from the outside. I hope my thoughts help, but I know it's pretty unlikely they'll actually solve the problem.

I'd just really like this to be a game that can handle issues of gender, as it relates to social hierarchy. Apocalypse World's solution isn't really good for that, I don't think, because any social hierarchy in Apocalypse World is ad hoc, made up by the characters. Gender being a look implies that it is not a social hierarchy issue. The Laws imply that it is.

Sagas of the Icelanders has a solution that relates gender to social roles, but it's very different because there is only one set of social rules, and it's more or less anarchic. In the Dark Age, there are three, and all three are all about who's better than who, and who should have authority over who.

@niamh, I agree. I'd like to see playbooks for the gender that's out of power in their particular law, in addition to playbooks for the gender that's in power in their law. I like the three laws because it means you can do that without being specific to which gender is which.

AW:Dark Age / Re: Gender roles in AW:DA
« on: March 06, 2014, 01:14:02 PM »
Man, I totally read the description of the three laws as straight up, "Gender definitely matters. Make sure your game addresses gender, if it's at all interesting to you."

I agree that I'd like more focus on gender, though. What I'd particularly is a playbook or two for someone of the second sex, male for the Old Law, or female for the Law of Eagles or the New Law. I'm hoping the Summer-Crowned fits that.

I think that gender being a Look would not work in this game. In AW, what it means that gender is a Look, is that by default it's about presentation, and by default doesn't matter in the post apocalypse world. In this game, it definitely does matter. It's important for all three of the Laws. Gender is about social role, not look, and about conflicting social roles.

To back-seat game design, what I would do is make it a choice, on each playbook, as part of Rank, right next to choosing your genealogy.

AW:Dark Age / Re: Harm and Going into Battle
« on: March 06, 2014, 01:03:15 PM »
I don't fully understand  how to use the long bow "tag" at range, and which move applies to dealing damage - I can see some instances where you are holding steady to launch that arrow, other situations seem more a special case of going into battle. Other cases I really don't know. Maybe this should need to be addressed down the road.

My take on it, in all AW games, is that moves don't do harm. Weapons do harm, when they're used on someone. If, when you shoot someone, you're holding steady, you roll to hold steady. If, when you shoot someone, you're going into battle, you roll to go into battle. If you're doing both, you roll for both, hold steady first. If you're doing neither, you just do the harm. What ranged does is establish situations where you can do harm to someone, and they can't do harm to you. I remember really being confused by these ideas when I first came to AW and thought that to do harm you had to make one and only one move. Is that what your confusion's about, or am I really misinterpreting you?

AW:Dark Age / Re: Sex and Stats
« on: March 05, 2014, 11:32:38 AM »
But without sex moves, how can this game properly reflect shows like The Sexy Dark Ages? ;)

AW:Dark Age / Re: Playbook for the Princess?
« on: March 05, 2014, 10:31:28 AM »
I like that idea a lot, too. It feels like it's missing to me, especially since, given the genealogy rules, a "Princess" playbook would be gender neutral, since it could represent either a princess of the Blood of Eagles or of Noble Blood, or a Prince of the Old Blood.

Cross-post: really glad it's underway

AW:Dark Age / Re: An idea for a move for a priest.
« on: March 04, 2014, 03:55:52 PM »
Watched the thing. Yeah, that's exactly the kind of scene I'm thinking of.

AW:Dark Age / An idea for a move for a priest.
« on: March 04, 2014, 02:26:34 PM »
If there's a priest playbook, from a religion with the social right of inviolability for priests, (maybe Bloodless Xristos?) they could have a move like: "Inviolable When you Claim your Right to not be harmed, roll+weird, instead of +hard.".

In AW I've wanted a move to handle the situation, where there's someone who faces down a swordsman with a look and an empty hand. There's a scene in Tezuka's Buddha like that, where Siddartha throws away his sword at the beginning of a duel, and a similar scene in 20th Century Boys, where the hero, a rock-and-roll guru returned to post-apocalyptic Japan, tells an oppressed rebel "You can't be shot while you're singing", giving him the courage to stand up to his oppressors. It's only afterwards that the rock-and-roll guru explains that he didn't mean it as literal magic, and the rebel could certainly have been shot. The Solace almost has a move for that, but I think Claim your Right might handle it better.

Just an idea.

AW:Dark Age / Re: Making Additional Characters and Politics
« on: March 04, 2014, 12:41:30 PM »
I recently played in an Apocalypse World game with an MC+two players. About halfway through the series, we both made new PCs. They ended up being on more or less opposite sides from the original PCs. The game ended up with a giant showdown between my "good" PC and my fellow player's "evil" PC, and between my fellow player's "crazy vengeful" PC and my "evil" PC. It was great. So I guess what I'm saying is that your new PC doesn't have to support your old PC.

My AW groups have had a rule that when you make a second PC they can't interact directly with your first PC, or have Hx or other explicit relationships with your first PC. I'm not sure if we got that from the text, or made it up ourselves. It seems like that could make it work in this game?

AW:Dark Age / Re: Hold Steady
« on: March 04, 2014, 09:36:51 AM »
Hold Steady/Act under Fire is also the move that's closest to being imposed on a PC from outside. When there's "fire", or "pain, danger, urgency, impatience, or emotion", and you do anything in spite of that "fire", you've got to roll it. If you're doing also Claiming your Right, or Going into Battle, or making any other move, you've got to roll Hold Steady first. Hold Steady/Act under Fire is basically an extra chance to roll a miss, because conditions are worse. It actually seems fairer to me that the 7-9 outcome is "carry on", rather than "carry on, but...". That's my take on it anyway.

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