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Topics - higgins

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Dungeon World / The Great List of Common Dangers?
« on: November 29, 2012, 03:56:12 PM »
Has anyone ever compiled a list of The Great List of Common Dangers or something similar?

Something like:
- additional opponent engages you in meleé
- you expose yourself to enemy projectiles
- you cause collateral damage and a lot of noise
- you're being targeted as the greatest threat

But a lot longer? =)

It could be an excellent GM tool, a'la the GM moves list, but with a more specific combat application.

Dungeon World / PC vs PC combat
« on: November 29, 2012, 05:05:20 AM »
How do you handle PC vs PC combat? Let's say there's a huge royal tournament for heaps of gold and two of the PC fighters end up in the finale.

Dungeon World / Improved combat moves
« on: November 28, 2012, 05:29:32 PM »
As I was reading AW/DW, I found that I really dug the 10+, 7-9 and 6- formula. I also dug skipping half the rolls most traditional games have. However, reading the combat moves left me kind of... wanting. All success in AW combat revolved around harm, taking hold of stuff and impressing opponents. And while the Hack and Slash in DW definitely works as a replacement for traditional D&D attack roll resolution, I... simply wanted more.

So, I present you guys... Meleé Brawl, which is intended as a Hack and Slash replacement in DW.


On a 10+ you avoid harm and get to pick one of these:
- deal massive harm (+1d6 extra)
- enter grapple with +1 on all rolls
- disarm and knock down a human opponent
- throw a human opponent (overboard works fine)
- knock down one opponent and deal harm to another
- opponent deals harm to his ally, spreading confusion; your party gets +1 next round
- shift to a major position of advantage (towards the door; on a horse; only one opponent can face you now; etc)
- push your opponent to a major position of disadvantage (away from the door; off the horse; into a swarm of men; etc)

On a 7-9 you either deal harm or enter grapple. The GM will pick one of these:
- opponent deals harm
- opponent enters grapple
- your weapon gets stuck; choose between Defying Danger and leaving it
- you cause collateral damage and a lot of noise
- you get separated or end up further from your objective
- you're being targeted as the greatest threat

On a miss, the GM gets to use 10+ options, but to your disadvantage. All +1 results count as -1.

Since PC's attack will connect first, there's a chance he will knock his opponent out on a regular 7-9. In that case, the opponent's buddy can deal harm back or grapple. If the opponent didn't have any buddies, the GM will probably pick something else.

Grapple sounds like a big deal in here, and it is. "Grapple", "Tangled Meat" or whatever I end up calling it, is supposed to be one of the basic combat moves, but I've yet to write it up.

So, what do you guys think of Meleé Brawl so far? Ideas? Improvements? Additions? Criticisms? I'm looking forward to hearing it all =)

Dungeon World / Disarms, Trips and conditions in general
« on: November 28, 2012, 04:48:09 AM »
Hi all!

I'm completely new to DW and I'm pretty intrigued by some of the mechanics... yet pretty confused as well.

How would the disarms work, for example? Either opponent getting disarmed or the PC. First off they'd have to be fundamentally differently handled, as opponents don't get rolls, but I still have no inkling on how to do this.

One option would be to... declare disarm instead of Hack & Slash 7-9 damage on either party, but that sounds too easy... like... if a player or MC would abuse this option even a bit, everyone in combat would be like major klutzes, always dropping their stuff.

Second option that I prefer, would be to make a separate move a'la Create Combat Advantage, in which you can disarm, trip, push back or do whatever to your opponent. The problem is.. that.. 10+ is you get the advantage, 6- is you get a disadvantage instead (disarmed, tripped, pushed back yourself) ... but I can't seem to come up with any good 7-9 results, as most of the advantages seem pretty binary.

Secondly, let's say the CCA "trip" move works and the opponent is on the ground now. What's the mechanical impact of that? Is it like FATE where you'll get a "prone" condition, which then can be tagged for free ... for +2 bonus or something? Or what does getting back up even entail? I didn't see how to handle this.

Same thing with grapple. What does that condition really change?

Volley move. Shouldn't taking shots from a further distance be harder? Right now it seems it's always the same difficulty. Same thing when meeting a higher skilled opponent. And I do means skill, not just toughness HP wise. If the PC keeps rolling 10+ then it doesn't really matter whether he's fighting Tyrion Lannister or Jamie Lannister.

Sorry for rambling =)

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