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Messages - GilboD

Pages: [1]
The Sprawl / Re: Kickstarter is Live!
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:44:39 PM »
You will be funded shortly. Thank you for this amazing project and making it this far!

The Sprawl / Re: Working on Version 0.3
« on: September 01, 2014, 04:57:32 PM »
I'm considering running a game in v0.3, when do expect it might be released?

brainstorming & development / Re: Exalted Hack
« on: November 19, 2013, 09:31:20 PM »
I too am hacking Exalted, but mostly mixing and matching with Dungeon World, Monster of the week and a few other sources. It also shamelessly takes Moves from one place, adjusts the wording slightly and then fits it into the Exalted framework.

I've finished the first playbook, the Dawn Caste, and will be working on the others and the updated Basic and Special Moves and gear from Dungeon World.

Feedback is always appreciated!

The Sprawl / Re: The Sprawl: Beta version
« on: November 12, 2013, 08:02:15 PM »
I'll try to get a recording of my groups play for review.

The Sprawl / Re: The Sprawl: Beta version
« on: November 03, 2013, 11:44:54 AM »
What's the base damage for hand to hand attacks? 1 Harm or Stun?

Also when rolling to Mix it Up (+Meat), what is meant by terrible Harm? Is that the Harm rating of the thing your using to cause the Harm or some kind of extra bonus on-top of it? Same with suffer little Harm.

I was also wondering if in future editions there could be an example of a hacking run as the system is still a little confusing as to how hackers access different systems and what kinds of moves the MC makes in response. Do they only activate routines on 7-9's and 6's? Where/when does ICE usually come in? Is it always there hunting or is it like a giant barrier over the entire system?

Maybe both, neither or 'it depends' probably but still an example could help.

Wow that's a really novel way of thinking about it that I had not considered.  In the interests of more specific categories of +Stat maybe you should roll when you use your Power for general categories of things, much like Basic Moves.

So if your aim is to use your Power in a agile description, perhaps you should roll +Dex like Defy Danger in Dungeon World? +Str to hurl the car, etc.

If that's the case then making super powers could be rather easy-ish. Just define your 'Power' or 'Powers' in narrative terms, apply some Tags so that there's a narrative balance to it all (my +Water Power cancels out your +Fire Power! etc.) and there you go.

Equate any sort of damage with a starting base and work it into the Basic Move for attacking with possible added bonuses to damage or Moves from Playbooks to add to damage.

This is really simple and brilliant, thanks so much for this suggestion!

I'm currently working on a superhero themed Hack and I'm facing a bit of a quandary of theme and game design, all because of a simple question.

Should you roll to use your super powers, or do they just happen?

There are cases to be made for each side, for example, a laser blast should be rolled like an attack with all the possibilities for success, success but, and a failure, but super strength? Your super strong. You should just get to lift the car, not roll and possibly face consequences for it. These are super heroes after all, they should be awesome.

So I'm theorizing and want advice from other Hack designers out there. Where does the line get draw between you can just do it, and you need to roll in the thematic world of super heroes?

My current thought processes says, if your power conflicts with another Move, Basic or otherwise, it needs to be rolled. So attacks need to be rolled, super charm mind control needs to be rolled, observing particular parts of the environment with super vision needs a roll and you get to answer different questions, but things like super strength, teleportation, flying etc. do not.

Maybe I should make a distinction between Active and Passive powers or Moves? Any thoughts and input you might have are appreciated!

Monster of the Week / Re: Firefly/Serenity Hack
« on: October 09, 2013, 07:47:35 PM »
Well here's the basic rules. The Captain playbook is almost ready, but the others haven't even been started.

Monster of the Week / Re: Firefly/Serenity Hack
« on: August 15, 2013, 07:27:22 PM »
I've almost finished hacking together an unholy love child of mechanics, rules and moves from Monster of the Week, The Sprawl, Dungeon World, Adventures on Dungeon Planet, and roughly sprinkled with the trappings of Serenity/Firefly.

It is super duper rough draft and I've only just finished the first run of The Captain playbook. I'll post it when I'm done all the playbooks and the draft. It makes sense to me though, and will hopefully make sense to my group when I'm finished.

Monster of the Week / Re: Magic proliferation
« on: August 15, 2013, 02:44:50 PM »
It can be a really big deal when someone casts magic.

As a Keeper, I usually ask them how they know the spell or how their casting it even before picking out requirements. Maybe Billy the Mundane read it on the back of a bathroom stall, maybe he's not sure what it does exactly (though his Player does, via the choices of the Use Magic list) and that sets up the fiction for if a miss or a glitch happens. Always play to find out what happens. 

Sometimes when I ask this question the Player stops and thinks, 'Hm, maybe Billy really wouldn't know that' and finds another solution to the problem, otherwise in my games it's on them to find a reason and follow the fiction they establish.

If the same spell effect is sought out multiple times over a few stories or hunts, I usually codify it, writing down its requirements, the most common glitches or misses, and then adding it to a list of Custom Magic Moves, much like how the Hex Playbook codifies Rotes. It shows the Hunters know that spell, can teach it to their fellows and if they have what they need to cast it, can do so with fairly predictable results (glitches or misses as well).

Monster of the Week / Firefly/Serenity Hack
« on: August 13, 2013, 05:01:31 PM »
Hey I'm just trying to get a quick Firefly/Serenity Hack going from Monster of the Week for my usual crew, I've font adjusted the Playbook Template and I'm considering making a few new Custom Moves to fit with the Firefly/Serenity 'Verse.

Playbook wise I'm thinking these will make up the core crew:

1) The Captain

2) Pilot

3) Mechanic

4) Doctor

5) Priest

6) Mercenary

7) Courtesan

8) Experiment

Right now I'm just Hacking in Moves from current Monster of the Week Playbooks to where they fit in theme. I've also removed Weird as a Rating because I don't think it fits in the setting.

Any suggestions or Custom Moves you guys would like to put forth for the Hack? One thing I'm strongly considering is making the DIY First Aid from The Wronged into a Basic Move, because it and the Medic Move were picked up by pretty much everyone in our usual Monster of the Week game.

I'm also not sure how to build up a space ship in this system or what mechanics should be used for space and any suggestions would be helpful!

I'll attach what I've done thus far...

It's just the Template for the Playbooks.

The Sprawl / Re: The Sprawl: Beta version
« on: August 12, 2013, 07:48:48 PM »
And to think I was just about to print off the Alpha.

Excellent timing and amazing work!

The Sprawl / Re: The Sprawl: Alpha Version
« on: August 07, 2013, 10:08:57 PM »
I finished the basic template I'm going to be working off of.

Feel free to review and make formatting suggestions or even show me up with your Word or OpenOffice skills.

Note: It might look wonky when opened in Word, but OpenOffice is free. PDF versions for each of the Playbooks are forthcoming soon.

The Sprawl / Re: The Sprawl: Alpha Version
« on: August 06, 2013, 02:49:33 PM »
I really love all the work and cyberpunk flare that is The Sprawl. If this makes it to print, I would gladly pay for a hard copy.

For now though I'm working on printable Playbooks for The Sprawl because I want to run it for my regular Monster of the Week crew sometime. I'll post them here when I'm done. They're based off the Template for Custom Playbooks from Monster of the Week and are turning out pretty well. I don't know what font though you use for The Sprawl so I'm making approximations.

Monster of the Week / Super Hero Hack
« on: July 15, 2013, 02:55:42 PM »
Has anyone considered doing a Super Hero Hack of Monster of the Week?

I don't think it's to much of a leap from what's already provided in the book and the Playbooks.  Probably the only thing that would need some serious working would be what to do with the Weird Rating, and making Tags and Moves more accessible to fine tune the Players Heroes.

Here's the concept pitch...

Heroes use the same basic rules as Monster of the Week.  There are several new Playbooks based around heroic and comic trope archetypes.  These have one special Move per Playbook and each Hero gets three moves to pick from a Heroic Power Move list.  Things like Flight, or Blast, or Control, Teleport, etc. (if you're familiar with Mutants & Masterminds, you could really just take their categories or something similar).  These Heroic Power Moves have to be customized by Tags, three positive and three negative minimum but the only upper limit is set by the Game Masters discretion.

These Tags follow the +Advantage, -Weakness idea. So you could have +computer hud, -vulnerable: emp, ending up with something like Jarvis from Iron Man, or +stealthy, -worn for Batman's cowl.

Re-work Weird so it has options less to do with interacting with supernatural phenomena and more to do with unique super power use, making it more about power versatility than straight power strength.

Remove the Bleeding Out condition, and put in Bruised at 5 Harm, where it gives -1 Ongoing to all Ratings. Instead of Dead at 8 Harm, Heroes get incapacitated. It takes a concentrated effort on the part of Villains to kill them.

Most of the Monster and Minion moves already work in this theme (especially the Can Always Escape, and Must use Weaknesses) but there are probably a few that need to be changed to fit more with a Super Hero thematic.

So in sum, archetype Playbooks, custom Tags and Moves for powers, Weird re-worked, Harm Track adjusted, but otherwise everything can work as written for Monster of the Week.  Thoughts? Should it be done?

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