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Messages - thudthwacker

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Monster of the Week / Fantastic sale
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:11:23 PM »
At the moment, if you use the "#freeship" coupon at, shipping is free.  I believe this coupon is good until the end of the month.  Even better, you can use the "#decktheshelf" coupon to get 30% off your order, and the coupons stack.  I think the 30% off one is only good until the end of the weekend (12/08), so if you don't have a hardcopy of Monster of the Week and would like one, you can currently get it for $14 shipped.  (I did this m'self just yesterday; I bought the PDF a few months ago, but I still prefer printed books and it was simply too good a deal to pass up.)

Monster of the Week / The Crusader
« on: August 27, 2013, 01:32:50 PM »
I was re-reading one of the Dresden books (mining it for MotW ideas), and I was thinking that "The Crusader" would be a good playbook, so you could put together a character like Michael (or one of the other Knights of the Cross).  Then, upon consideration, I realized that you could pretty easily build a Knight of the Cross using The Divine playbook.

I love this game.

Monster of the Week / Re: Magic proliferation
« on: August 27, 2013, 01:29:40 PM »
It's intended to be easy, but very dangerous, to use magic.

What's the quote from the "Song of Ice and Fire" books?  "Magic is a sword without a hilt -- there's no safe way to wield it."

Monster of the Week / Re: Anybody want to playtest some mysteries?
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:41:33 PM »
It looks likely that I'm going to be running a one-shot or two for some friends, and I think I could talk them into Monster of the Week.  So if you're still looking for folks to run your new mystery (particularly if you want to see if it'll work for a first-time MotW GM), I'd love to see it.

Monster of the Week / Re: Anybody want to playtest some mysteries?
« on: August 21, 2013, 07:51:26 PM »
That sounds entirely awesome!  Is the intent for them to be a connected series of mysteries, a collection of one-shot adventures, or some combination?  I'd love to playtest them, but while I'm currently *playing* in a campaign, I don't have a group I can run stuff for.  Which is too bad, because I'd love to see both the inaugural adventure and the Meddling Kid playbook.

Monster of the Week / Re: MotW Dice
« on: August 19, 2013, 10:06:36 PM »
They've made a fan for life of me, that's for sure.  I was up-front about the fact that I was getting a very small batch made, and was floored by how much time they spent with me just the same.  The guy I was working with even went to the trouble of producing a sample die, so I could see an image of what I would actually be getting if I placed an order.  Truly staggering.

Monster of the Week / MotW Dice
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:45:38 PM »
I found out recently that Chessex will do custom, laser-engraved dice, in fairly small batches are for a lot less than I'd think.  (As few as 10 dice, and at that volume, it's $1 per custom face.)

Taking inspiration from the image on the Monster of the Week IndieGoGo campaign and bolstering my largely-nonexistent artistic skills with bits from, I put together a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image, worked with the *amazingly* helpful folks at Chessex, and just today received 13 pairs of dice for our recently-started Monster of the Week campaign:

(Original SVG available public-doman, CC0, unfettered, have a party, at

The guy I worked with at Chessex, by the way, was incredible -- attentive, professional, and helpful, and didn't care in the least that I was only going to order a very small batch of dice.  Delivered, my order came to a grand total of $29.50.

That's a *really* neat twist.  I immediately begin wondering if the reality of monsters is genuinely new, or if it's something that goes in cycles.  So, yeah, *some* of those old books will have accurate information -- and some will be flat-out superstition.  Hope you picked the right ones, bud, because that door isn't going to hold the ghouls back for much longer.

I look forward with great interest to game reports and more setting information.

Monster of the Week / Re: Harm in general
« on: July 31, 2013, 07:46:55 PM »
Excellent, thanks again.

Monster of the Week / Re: Harm in general
« on: July 31, 2013, 06:57:22 PM »
The Daredevil Move doesn't say anything at all about taking harm on a success, except in the option that says "You don't suffer harm in return."  Which implies that you *do* take harm in return if you don't choose that option.  In the absence of the don't-take-harm-in-return option in the Signature Move, I wasn't sure if return harm was or wasn't assumed.  True, if I hadn't read the Daredevil Move, I wouldn't have wondered if return harm might be implied in the Signature Move.

Regardless: no automatic return-harm in the Signature Move, but there *is* harm in return unless you take the option that negates it in the Daredevil Move; harm will elsewhere be explicit.  Many thanks!

Monster of the Week / Harm in general
« on: July 30, 2013, 09:25:30 PM »
While looking over the Luchador moves, I noted that the Signature Move write-up doesn't mention the hunter suffering harm except in the event of a failure.  For the Daredevil Move, though, one of the options you can pick is not suffering harm in return.  So, for the Daredevil Move, it appears to be assumed that even on success you take harm (unless you pick the option that negates it).  Is that also the case for the Signature Move -- the Luchador suffers harm even on a success?

More generally, is this *always* the assumption?  That, if you're doing hand-to-hand damage to the monster, the monster *is* going to hurt you.  As these are sort of a variety of Kicking Ass, suffering harm (as happens when Kicking Ass) makes sense.  I just want to make sure I understand the rules.

Monster of the Week / Re: Playbook fonts
« on: July 23, 2013, 06:32:19 PM »
on a related topic, is a large version of the image of the toothy monster that's on the MotW dice available anywhere? I'd love to have one to decorate my GM screen with.

It is not, but I'll email you a link to it if you like.

(1) There are Monster of the Week dice?  I don't suppose any more are available, are there?
(2) You wouldn't be willing to share the link to the image more widely, would you?

(Humorously, I stumbled across a site that will do laser-engraved custom dice in small batches, and I was considering having a bunch made up for my game group if the price wasn't too astronomical.  However, there was nothing I could find as an iconic image for Monster of the Week except for the toothy monster image, so I was thinking about that.  And then I come back to this thread to find that, behold, dice with that symbol on them isn't such an original idea.)

EDIT: Just went to look at the Indiegogo page, and see that the dice were of extremely limited edition, so it's unlikely that any are around.  Also, I was thinking it was the larger image with just the eyes and teeth.  That would look great printed in white on the face of a black die.

Monster of the Week / Re: Playbook fonts
« on: July 22, 2013, 09:00:26 PM »
Yep, that did it.  Many thanks, again.

Monster of the Week / Re: Playbook fonts
« on: July 22, 2013, 08:38:04 PM »
Many thanks, good sir.  I'll go fetch them and see if they make Inkscape any happier.

Monster of the Week / Playbook fonts
« on: July 22, 2013, 07:48:34 PM »
Something of an odd question, but what fonts are used in the playbooks?  I've got fairly limited options for PDF editors (I'm running Ubuntu -- if someone happens to know of a really great PDF editor, let me know), and the one that's worked best so far is Inkscape.  The problem is that it insists on pulling the text in as text, and when it doesn't have the named font available, it just picks one.  Which, of course, renders the text incorrectly.  I think that, possibly, if I install the fonts used (assuming they're available for free), Inkscape will render the playbook properly.

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