A lost tribe - A Traveling Apocalypse World

  • 2 Replies
A lost tribe - A Traveling Apocalypse World
« on: December 08, 2016, 11:22:26 AM »
An idea spawned by this thread and its subsequent comments.

So the premise is this, the PC's are on the road, moreover there community is traveling with them. Give the PC's a bus and have them decided why they are traveling. Are they searching for something, a new home maybe? Are you running from something? What?

Make characters as normal. If someone picks the hardholder make the bus a convoy. If someone picks the Hocus maybe this is a religious thing and so on. The traveling has to stop often to refuel or scavenge for other resources. Maybe there even has to be some backtracking depending on the goal of the traveling. Think of it as Organ Trail in AW. There are still interwoven relationships. I.e. who's chasing you, who's lands are you in now, who's lands are you headed into?

I think this could be a fun idea with lots of potential, even if its more goal oriented interpretation of AW than normal.

Thoughts? Preemptive tips?

Re: A lost tribe - A Traveling Apocalypse World
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2016, 12:02:37 PM »
I already mentioned the drawbacks to this style of play in the other thread. I think you could get around many of those if the "convoy" is large enough to be a veritable community on its own, and have internal factions and threats and so forth.

I'm reminded of "Snowpiercer" and China Mieville's "The Iron Council", for two train-based versions of this type of story.

Re: A lost tribe - A Traveling Apocalypse World
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2016, 12:23:07 PM »
Both of those are great examples. And I agree a convoy is preferred, something that has to be defended and has a sufficient amount of people to make things interesting.