What Dabrainbox said above but also, anyone with a workspace will be looking for regular downtime. They need time to work on a project. 2nd Ed is much more explicit about assuming that time passes between sessions. As you go on, you'll probably be able to get a feel for how to time your sessions to end at a good point for fast forwarding. In other games, I'd often time my session end on a cliffhanger to keep everyone excited for next week. You could do that, too but it would require a little modification. Each session would have to wrap the previous one's cliffhanger, then go to beginning of session moves and "ok, so it's been about a month since you guys put down the raiders. What have you been doing?"
Or you can skip the cliffhanger, try to get things resolved by the end of session then just do steps two and three.
Or you can just go whole hog. "It's been about a month since last session. Everyone did their moves and spent their barter on lifestyle? Good. Dandruff, Style, you're pinned down out in the ash wastes. Who's attacking you and why?" They'll tie it back to the things they wanted to work on for you.