Just so everyone is on the same level, I'm using Vincents mechanics outlined here:
http://www.lumpley.com/archive/148.html . In short, pick 1 good thing and 2 bad things, and roll 3d6. 4+, the good thing happens, or the bad thing(s) don't happen. 3-, the good thing doesn't happen, or the bad thing(s) happen.
I'm getting slightly obsessed with this, mainly because I'm
always the DM/MC/whatever. This mechanic is great for moving to an DM-free system. However, I've been messing around with some ideas. It's mostly garbage, but here's what I've got:
- If you're trying to make the good outcome happen in an excessively cautious or cowardly way, remove one bad outcome, 1 die and modify the good outcome
- If you're trying to make the good outcome happen in risky manner, add one bad outcome and 1 die
- If you are willing to risk death to make the good outcome occur, add 1 die and the bad outcome "I die".
- If you are a hard motherfucker what you want to do involves injuring someone, taking something, or otherwise being a douchebag, you can reroll the die placed on the good outcome
- If you are a
really hard motherfucker, you automatically succeed on such rolls. You still need to roll for the bad outcomes though
- If you are a wimp, you automatically roll a 1 on any of your die. Roll the remaining, and hope for the best
Same as above for being smooth in social situations (hot, by any other name), versus being gauche and annoying, etc. etc. The only one that is different is for cool:
- If you are cool under pressure, you can reroll a die placed on a bad outcome
- If you are really cool under pressure, you can either reroll both dice that are on the bad outcomes, or automatically drop a 6 on one of them
- If you are a massive clutz, you automatically suffer a bad outcome
You'll notice that the stats only go from -1 to +2. I think getting to +3 in this system should be either impossible, or have a fictional rather than mechanical benefit.
Thoughts? This is mostly stream of consciousness, and late at night, and hasn't been edited, but whatever.