Sex Moves

  • 2 Replies
Sex Moves
« on: June 02, 2015, 03:02:09 PM »
So the playbook doesn't say anything about this specifically so I was curious if anyone had come up with some home brewed ideas or hacks for dealing with if a PC has sex with an NPC. Some of them of course would be hard to work with like the Battlebabe's sex moves but something like the Gunlugger's +1 forward do you give them one to them? 



  • 417
Re: Sex Moves
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2015, 04:39:19 PM »
NPCs don't roll dice, so any of those sorts of dice-based mechanical bonus/penalty effects are lost. But if your sex move says you take +1 forward, you take +1 forward; Doesn't matter with whom you're sleeping. Similarly, the Operator is going to be picking up a new obligation gig, etc whether the object of his carnal attentions is a PC or NPC.



  • 415
Re: Sex Moves
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2015, 11:43:23 PM »
+1 Forward and -1 Forward are actually prescriptive in a narrative sense as well. So if you open this up and allow PC NPC move triggers, you can easily use the + or - as what the aftermath of that interaction was for the individual. So like if a gunlugger gives someone a minus one forward after man handling them physically or emotionally, the resulting narrative the NPC takes place in can be cast in a negative light. Things just don't go right, they push where they shouldn't, they don't show up where they should be, or the like. The reverse is true for the opposite. You only need to cast the negative or the positive once, and it probably shouldnt be weaponized. -1 forward doesn't mean the npc will get shot in the head during the next gunfight, just that barring other PCs acting on them, things either turn out a little better or a little worse then they otherwise wouldve.