Modern Day Dungeon crawl - Project Long Stairs using The Regiment

  • 3 Replies
Modern Day Dungeon crawl - Project Long Stairs using The Regiment
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:34:42 AM »
Long title well I'm basically trying to run this
modern day soldiers during old school DnD style dungeon crawls.
It can work pretty much exactly like colonial marines with a lot more monsters than Xenomorphs. But I've run into a few problems.

Magic, items, Melee weapons, Traps and going native.

first of traps this what I'm thinking

Traps. The Asses move can be used to asses a room. on a hit you get to know something. 10+ the gm answers truthfully to the best of his ability and a few follow up questions.
like "is there a trap in this room?" "yes, there is actually 2" "will I be able to disarm them?" "how dangerous are they?" and so on.
7-9 you get a straightforward answer.
6- Gm will tell you something true but incomplete. If there is a trap the gm can not tell you but will tell you something else.

When you asses a room you can also ask about the architecture and things like that to gain intel (which could help you when using Petition) or get an idea of where the good stuff is hidden. (which could help you when Scrounge)

A new move called Disarm Trap is needed
on 10+ choose 2 on a 7-9 on 6- you fail, the trap can do whatever it is supposed to.

- You disarm the trap
- you learn something about the workings of the trap
- you do it quickly
- you do it quietly

next items

Re: Modern Day Dungeon crawl - Project Long Stairs using The Regiment
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2014, 11:58:48 AM »
When you scrounge in the Dungeon you can find cool, magical or weird items.
To find out what they can do and how to use them you need to identify them.

This I'm thinking can only be done between session. With identify move or research move.

Research. roll +Tactics or +Lucky
10+ chose 2 7-9 chose 1 6- something bad happens
- find out what the item is/can do
- find out how to use it
- The brass is interested, gain 3-6 gear or smokes
- Learn something, mark xp.

Is that way to powerful a move?

using magic should be like using weapons but if a magic weapon malfunction or jams it is way worse than a normal weapon malfunction.

Re: Modern Day Dungeon crawl - Project Long Stairs using The Regiment
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2014, 12:51:19 PM »
As someone hacking the Regiment into a fantasy version, this thread was not what I was expecting. This is a hilarious and awesome idea.  I love the idea of B company taking on the Tomb of Horrors.

I don't think Identify is too powerful at all, especially since they have to use downtime to pull it off.  That will lead to them carting all sorts of stuff out of the dungeon to find out what it is later.

Does covering fire with a wand use up gear? :P

Re: Modern Day Dungeon crawl - Project Long Stairs using The Regiment
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2014, 01:25:39 PM »
The magic and magic item part is what I'm having the hardest part. can all players take moves from the "Mage" playbook or should I restrict to some players and how?

I'm also trying to do a Scientist playbook and giving them the Research move.
could also be cool to have military chaplain basically make him a trooper with a couple of moves that boosts the other soldiers or harms monters