Paris Playstest : Questions before playing

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Paris Playstest : Questions before playing
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:23:58 AM »
Hi Vincent,

Before starting some playtest session i have few question for you, to help me clarify some rules.

01. Are the bounty from the season move used for something else exept one or two Right who demand sacrifice ? Without the "Fortune" roll some of the season move doesn't seems very usefull. I know that my players will ask me why they should take the season move over another. Same problem with all the special move who give the righ to harvest, gain tribut etc...
02. The same player will be asking some explanation about the following Right. And i'm not sure what i should answer. Because english is not my mother tongue, i may have not understand all the subtility of your wording.
- "You have the right to keep yourself and those in your charge safe in hostile or ennemy territory. When you need to do so, roll Wary"
So what happen when you doesn't have this right ? It seem pretty natural for anyone leading his people to use the "Wary" move to prevent some trouble in ennemy territory. So why a PC should take this Right, over another one ?
- Same kind of question for "Reward someone for their service". If you have the ressources, but not the right, it meens that you cannot reward a vassal ?
- "Slay Whom you must for the protection of all". So if you have not taken the right, you cannot Slain anyone ? Some of the fighting oriented archetype will don't care to have the right or not to do it. Or if a Troll attack your people i'm not sure that anyone will complain that your character will slain him, even if you haven't taken the right. Do i miss something ?
- "Abandon your relationships ans endeavors here in this land and depart for you own" like the elves at the end of Lord Of The Rings :)  ? Seriously i'm not sure to see the interest in this move.
- Same for "Seek the Truth in any troubling situation". All the PC will do that with or without this move. So why taking it ?
- "The right to victory in every righteous battle" Ok the only interest of taking this move for me, seems to be  the oppotunity to play the "denied you right" move, because all the foe you can found will denied you " the right" to victory.
- About the "denied right" move, it seems a little bit cosmetic for me . I'd like the idea to have a "denied right" mecanics, and the more and more i read your rules i feel that this move is central in all the interaction  between players. But i'm not sure to understand all the possible consequences of this declaration. If i denied the right of one of my player during a session, this guy will want to know exactly what are the consequence for one declaration over an other. And exept for the third one, i'm not sure to see how i can explain to my player the interest of each declaration. It's one things to declare that your god are outraged, but how make this meaningful in an gameplay way ?
- About the "Special". Are they normal right that you can take from a Rights list, after marking 3 xp ? No rules (exept the max +3) forbidden a player to take only Special when his character "level up" ?

That all for the moment.


Re: Paris Playstest : Questions before playing
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2014, 05:11:09 AM »
I cannot help, but I point you the this discussion, if you didn't read it already

There the system of the rights is being discussed