A few initial thoughts

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A few initial thoughts
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:09:25 AM »
-On the list of things your stronghold's armory can contain, the formatting on the "For 10/For 20/For 60" at the bottom confused me for a minute; I wasn't certain whether it was referring to every possible option in the armory, or if it was a part of the "Horses, lances, kite shields" option above. Similarly, I didn't immediately read the "For 10" as indicating that by default the armory options were sufficient for 10 people; at first glance it looked like this was another option I had to select. Not a gameplay issue, but I think different formatting could make everything clearer at a glance.

-I notice some of the moves in the playbooks are mechanically-identical to but differently-phrased than moves on the rights lists. For instance, the Peasant Beauty gets to be Radiant and Stunning, while everyone else can be Tall and Stunning. Is this a deliberate choice to add flavor to the playbooks, or an artifact of previous drafts/revisions? My only real objection is that it makes it more difficult trying to look up which Rights lists each playbook is tied to, but that's not a huge issue.

-The basic moves Size Someone Up and Win Someone Over feel very similar, and it seems like there's not much one couldn't learn through one of them that the other move wouldn't cover just as effectively. Since Win Someone Over is the only basic move tied to Good, and none of the playbooks use Good as their primary stat, I wonder if this is an intentional bit of flavor about how comparatively little can be achieved through Goodness in the harsh setting. But that's just speculation.



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Re: A few initial thoughts
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2014, 09:28:29 AM »
- Sure. I may move stronghold creation off the map sheet onto a page of its own, where I'll have all the space I want.

- Oops! An artifact, mostly.

- Good is also underrepresented in the rights, currently.



Re: A few initial thoughts
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2014, 04:04:21 AM »
-On the list of things your stronghold's armory can contain, the formatting on the "For 10/For 20/For 60" at the bottom confused me for a minute; I wasn't certain whether it was referring to every possible option in the armory, or if it was a part of the "Horses, lances, kite shields" option above. Similarly, I didn't immediately read the "For 10" as indicating that by default the armory options were sufficient for 10 people; at first glance it looked like this was another option I had to select. Not a gameplay issue, but I think different formatting could make everything clearer at a glance.

NOW I understood that part! Thanks, E_FD!